Pepper the Biker & the Vanishing Body Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 97032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

“You did the right thing, Sally. You spoke the truth,” my dad said, entering the hospital waiting room.

My mom hurried to her feet. “How is the mayor?”

“It was a heart attack waiting to happen from what the doctors are saying. He’s stable and he’s going to be transported to Northwood General where they will determine whether stents will work or if he needs open heart surgery. His wife⁠—”

“Ellen,” my mom called out and went to the slim woman who entered the waiting room.

“Sally,” Ellen said and the two hugged. “Warren told me that you were here and what happened and knowing you for years, I knew you’d blame yourself for Jim’s heart attack. It was his own fault. His heart doctor has been telling him for years to lose weight and slow down, but does he listen?” She shook her head. “Not for a minute. I’ve been waiting for something like this to happen for months now. Now he has no choice but to do what he’s told if he wants to live. Oh, and congrats, Mayor Madison, on winning the mayor’s race since I have it on good authority that Jim will be dropping out.”

I couldn’t help but smile hearing my dad groan at the news, but I was thrilled for my mom. She’d make a great mayor.

“I have to get back to Jim, but I’ll let you know how things go,” Ellen said and walked away.

My mom turned to us looking pale.

“That’s it. I’m having a doctor check you out while we’re here,” my dad ordered.

“Nonsense, I’ve been checked out enough. I’m just shocked by the news and a bit skeptical. Ellen may want that, but Jim can be stubborn. I cannot see him stepping down from the race that easily.”

“Like someone I know,” my dad said. “No excuses. You’re seeing a doctor.”

“Go, Mom, I’ll wait here,” I said, “and we can grab something to eat when you’re done.”

“That’s a good idea,” my dad said with a grateful nod to me. “She may be a while.”

“I’ll go grab a tea at the cafeteria.”

My parents went one way, and I went the other. On my way to the cafeteria, I got an idea. I knew many nurses and doctors due to my penchant for mishaps and I was hoping one was on duty on the floor where the vanishing guy was located. I remembered my dad telling me he was on the third floor, so I headed that way.

When I stepped out of the elevator I got a surprise. Stone was at the nurse’s station, his back to me, looking as if he was sweet-talking one of the nurses I knew, Jackie.

I ducked behind a tall cart stacked with sheets and blankets so neither of them could spot me and risk Jackie alerting Stone to my arrival. I wondered what it was he was trying to get out of her and if it had anything to do with the vanishing guy.

Jackie smiled and shook her head at Stone who looked as if he was playfully begging her. He was wasting his time. Jackie was a stickler for the rules. I wouldn’t be surprised if my dad had requested that the vanishing guy be assigned to her floor.

Stone had no choice but to give up when I saw Jackie stretch her arm out and point directly to the end of the hall where a lit sign over the door read… EXIT.

I heard Stone say, “You’re one strong woman, Jackie.”

Jackie was quick to tell him, “You got that right.”

I expected Stone to turn and take the elevator, but he didn’t. He headed to the door at the end of the hall. I stepped from behind the cart when Stone disappeared beyond the door, and I pressed my finger to my lips when Jackie spotted me. I hurried down the hall, counted to ten at the door, then eased it open so as not to make a sound. I remained at the top of the stairs listening for footsteps but instead I heard voices, the stairwell conducive to carrying sound at a distance. I slowly, so as not to be detected, crept down the stairs until I was in good earshot of hearing clearly but not being seen.

“Need to get rid of him.”

I recognized Stone’s voice.

“Working on it.”

“Work harder. I need this done yesterday.”

“Got it, and you better watch out for the prepper broad or she’s going to ruin everything.”

I heard laughter.

“When have I not been able to handle a broad?”

I didn’t need to recognize the voice to know it was Stone who said that. I didn’t like the other guy’s response.

“Yeah, but she’s a sly one. You know what you have to do if she proves to be too much.”

A door opened from somewhere below and the two men turned quiet until footsteps faded beneath them.


