Pepper the Biker & the Vanishing Body Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 97032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

“But here’s the final twist—just as you can read others, others are reading you. Every glance, every shift in posture, every smile you offer tells your story too. The question is, what story do you want to tell?

“So, as you walk away today, I encourage you to slow down, observe more, and listen to the unspoken dialogue happening all around you. Every person you meet is a novel with no back cover summary. But if you pay attention, you’ll find the clues are already there—waiting for a sharp reader like you. Thank you for being part of this journey. Now, go read some people—and maybe, let them read you, too.”

A round of applause sounded, and people started rushing to talk with Professor Swatcher.

“I enjoyed that more than I thought I would,” my dad admitted, and my mom smiled.

“I thought it was fascinating,” Kate said, smiling. “And I think it will be very helpful when dealing with customers.”

“I doubt you will be able to read me,” Josh offered.

Kate’s smile turned into light laughter. “You are an open book, Josh.”

“Then read me,” Josh challenged.

“Do you really want me to do that in front of your parents?” Kate asked.

My dad started laughing and my mom elbowed him in the side.

Ian didn’t stop me from laughing, he joined in as did Amy and Beau.

“You left yourself open for that one, pal,” Beau said, containing his laughter as best he could.

I was surprised my brother smiled, and also his response.

“You’re right, Beau, I did.”

We started to file out of the aisle, and I gave a quick glance at Professor Swatcher. He had a line of people waiting to talk with him, but he looked anxious to leave, repeatedly glancing to the back of the room. I followed his glance and saw he was looking at Professor Anderson who obviously was impatiently waiting for him since he tapped at his watch as if time was running out.

Once we stepped outside, women began to hurry toward Ian and Beau, some even had paperback books in their hands, both gracing the covers.

Ian turned to me, and I smiled. “I’ll wait while you accommodate your fans.”

Ian kissed my cheek. “You are the best, Pep.”

I turned to join Amy, but she was busy talking with one of her old professors and I didn’t want to disturb her. Josh and Kate had already taken off, having late dinner plans and my mom and dad were talking with a couple they had known for years.

I didn’t mind some alone time, so I strolled toward the fountain, the scene of the infamous cannonball trio and was surprised to see Professor Anderson standing there. I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity to speak with him.

“Professor Anderson, can I have a moment of your time?” I asked, introducing myself when I reached him and was surprised when I was able to spot that his smile was not sincere though it changed after I introduced myself. “I’m Pepper Madison.”

“Pepper the prepper,” he said with a genuine smile. “And Sally’s talented daughter at solving mysteries.”

“Guilty to both,” I said with a laugh and wasted no time in getting to the point. “And you, Professor, authored the book on Willow Lake and you are also a treasure hunter.”

“He’s a treasure hunter?”

The professor and I turned to see Stone striding toward us with a confident swagger and a hint of annoyance in his eyes.

“Don’t think you’re getting my family’s treasure,” Stone warned.

“There is no proof you are related to the Willow family,” I countered.

The professor tried to offer some insight. “The Willows had no heirs when they died at an old age. Ignatius Willow left the house to the married couple who oversaw the running of it along with his vast wealth and investments, his wife having preceded him in death. It remained with their family through the years until it was lost to taxes and then purchased by the Willow Lake Historical Society who would be the rightful owner of any found treasure Relative or not, you would have no rights to any treasure found.”

“My family, my treasure,” Stone insisted, like a hungry dog with a bone ready to attack anyone who tried to take it away from him.

I spotted the menace in his expression, which made me realize it was time to alert my dad to a potential problem. Unwisely, I thought by mentioning it to Stone that it might have him leaving on his own.

“I’ll get my dad, the sheriff, in case you forgot, and you can speak to him about this.”

“You don’t need to do that, gorgeous. I don’t mean the professor any harm, just giving him a friendly warning that he can’t have what’s mine.”

“Friendly warning. Now there’s an oxymoron,” Professor Anderson said and with a laugh.

“Are you calling me a moron?” Stone sneered.


