Pepper the Biker & the Vanishing Body Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 97032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

“Oh, right,” Amy said, slipping the file into her satchel purse.

“Very funny, like you didn’t know I wanted access to those files.”

“I wasn’t the only helpful one. Your mom helped pave the way for us, and honestly, I think I would really enjoy being a member. But I wouldn’t get too excited about finding the files you want on the computer. A brief look at the folder tells me that they are way behind in getting documents scanned and onto the computer.”

“Why don’t we go back to my place, and we can have a quick look, if you’re free.”

“I have time, but first…” Amy grinned.

I shook my head, knowing what she wanted to do. “You want to look around.”

Amy smiled and nodded and set off for the dining room.

We avoided the tour group, and I followed along with Amy as she oohed and ahhed over every room.

“It’s like stepping back in time. I can almost see the servants busy with their chores and Verbena racing through the house when she was young. Can you imagine the entertaining they must have done here? We should find out if anyone of importance visited or slept here. That would attract more people to visit.”

I listened as Amy talked, knowing with all the historical romances she read, being here for her was like stepping right into one of her romance books.

Once again, I couldn’t get over how symmetrical the house was shaped. It was a squared U-shape with some rooms having the exact dimensions like the two suites, baths, and closets upstairs and the other bedrooms. It must have taken quite a bit of time to build with such exact precision.

“You haven’t paid attention to a word I said,” Amy accused once outside.

“I did,” I argued. “And I think you and Beau dressing as Ignatius and Claire Willow for the Christmas gala would be a huge hit.”

Amy turned to give the mansion one last glance. “I don’t know why I haven’t come here before now. This place is remarkable.”

I stared at it myself and couldn’t shake the thought that there was something off about the place. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but it was something that nagged at me and I was going to have to figure it out before it drove me crazy.

My cell rang and I saw that it was my mom. I never got to say a word. My mom’s voice was frantic as she delivered the news. “He’s gone. He’s gone.”

My stomach took a dive. “Mo?”

“Yes. I lost him, Pepper. I lost Mo.”

“Calm down and tell me what happened,” I said, Mo not one to wander off. There had to be more to it.

I heard. “You’re too upset to talk, Sally, give me the phone.”

The next thing I knew I was talking to Dan, and I was glad he kept it short and to the point.

“Your mom is fine. She stopped at the cemetery to talk with me. Some guy jumped at her and stole her purse. Mo went after him, but he didn’t respond to our shouts, and he disappeared into the woods, and we can’t find him.”

“I’ll be right there,” I said and hung up. I explained to Amy who got right in her car to follow me, then I called my dad. I tried Ian but I couldn’t reach him, so I left him a text.

Then I took off to find my Mo.


“Iam so sorry I lost Mo, Pepper,” my mom said, her cheeks wet from crying when I arrived at the cemetery after my dad.

“Mo doesn’t get lost, Sally,” my dad said, holding her close.

“Dad’s right, Mom,” I assured her. “Mo knows how to find his way home. But tell me, did you command him to retrieve your purse?”

“No, I would never command him to go after anyone. I’d be too afraid of him getting hurt. He took off after the man on his own. Isn’t that something you taught him?”

“Only if I command him to do so. Otherwise, he knows to remain at my side.”

“I saw it all, but I was too far away to reach Sally fast enough,” Dan said, looking upset. “But Mo didn’t waste a minute. He was off sniffing around while Sally and I talked. Then I went to my truck to get some drawings I did for the beautification project and that’s when I heard Sally yell. I turned to see the guy grab her purse and give her a shove hard enough to knock her to the ground.”

My dad’s face flared with anger hearing that, and his arm tightened around her.

“I ran toward Sally, and Mo made a beeline for the guy. He had speed to him, but Mo kept on his tail. We followed them after I helped Sally to her feet and saw them reach here, the oldest section of the cemetery, then they disappeared into the woods that border this area.” He pointed to the spot. “Sally shouted out to Mo, but he didn’t respond.”


