Part of Me (The Seaside Chronicles #2) Read Online Kelly Elliott

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Seaside Chronicles Series by Kelly Elliott

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 75408 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 377(@200wpm)___ 302(@250wpm)___ 251(@300wpm)

“Jobs, plural,” I said with a wink.

She stuck her tongue out at me.

Addie shrugged. “I just thought you might be. Sounds like he’d pay well, and you seemed to hit it off with Charlie when you met him. Plus, then you wouldn’t have to keep doing all your other jobs.”

“I like my other jobs.”

Addie blinked a few times at our younger sister. “You like picking up dog poop, Palmer?”

“That’s not all I do, Addie.”

I cut in before an argument could start. “I think you’d make a wonderful nanny, Palmer. And maybe you could keep a few of your other jobs as well.”

Staring at me with a befuddled expression, Palmer slowly shook her head. “You honestly see me as a nanny?”

Addie and I both nodded and said together, “Yes.”

She didn’t respond, though it was clear the idea was tumbling around in Palmer’s head.

“Just think about it,” Addie said. “I gave him your cell phone number but told him I’d ask you about it first. I think you should at least talk to him about it.”

“A nanny?” Palmer repeated.

“You could even take Charlie with you to walk the dogs each day,” I suggested.

“Is he in school?” Palmer asked.

Addie nodded. “Yes, he’s in kindergarten. Dr. Mason said it was a bit tough on him, since he started the school year in Portland and then had to move a month later.”

“Poor little guy,” I said.

“Who’s a poor little guy?” a male voice called out.

I looked up and felt my stomach dip at the sight of Brody. I slipped out of the booth and reached up on my toes to kiss him. “Fancy seeing you here!”

His crooked, dimpled smile made my insides pulse with desire as he looked around the table. “How’s it going, Palmer, Addie?”

“Good,” Addie replied.

“It’s going,” Palmer said, still clearly distracted.

“Want to join us?” I asked.

Brody gave me a pout, and it was the cutest thing I’d ever seen. “I wish I could, but I have to get back. I only took a short break from work to grab some food on the run.”

“That’s a bummer. Will you be home late tonight?”

“Trying not to be.”

“I’ll keep dinner simple, just in case you are.”

He smiled, then leaned in and kissed me again. “Sounds good, sweetheart. I’m going to go order. I’ll stop back and say goodbye before I leave.”

I beamed up at him. “Okay.”

Watching him walk away, I felt that warm, tingly feeling in my chest I always got when he was nearby.

“It looks like things are going well with you two,” Addie said, bumping my arm once I’d sat back down.

“They are,” I said, my cheeks heating. “I never knew I could be this happy.”

Palmer made a goofy face and placed her hands over her heart. “That’s so sweet. You certainly never looked this happy with Jackass.”

Addie chuckled, then sobered up. “Speaking of which, I saw him in the grocery store the other day. Took everything I had not to walk up and punch him.”

“I saw him too,” Palmer said. “I was out walking a few dogs and took them down to the pier. He was there, and he approached me. I never was a fan of his—as you know, Sutton—but something seems really off with him lately.”

It felt like someone dropped a brick in my stomach. “What do you mean?”

Palmer moved around uneasily in her seat. “I didn’t want to say anything because I thought maybe I was just imagining things, but…”

“What happened?” Addie asked while fear suddenly engulfed my entire body.

“He said something that I dismissed at first. But the more I think about it, the more I’m bothered by it.”

“What did he say?” Addie urged.

Palmer looked at me as she spoke. “He said he thought it was cute how Brody thinks he won.”

“Who said that?”

Brody’s presence instantly put me at ease, and I found my voice. “Palmer ran into Jack on the pier. He said that to her.”

“When did this happen?” he asked.

“A couple of days ago,” Palmer answered. “At the time I just blew it off, but now I’m starting to think it was some kind of warning.”

Addie looked up at Brody. “You don’t think he would try to hurt you, do you?”

Her words caused my stomach to lurch, and I stared up at Brody in alarm.

Brody shook his head. “No, I think he’s all talk. But just to be safe, I think we need to let the lawyer know about it.”

“Did the sale of the shop happen yet?” Palmer asked.

I put my napkin down on my plate, my appetite gone. “We’re supposed to close on it next week.”

Palmer sighed. “Thank God. Then he’ll totally be out of your life.”

“I think I’m going to head back to the store,” I said. “I’m not hungry anymore.”

Palmer reached her hand across the table for mine. “I’m sorry, Sutton. I hope I didn’t upset you. But when the topic of Jack came up, I remembered that conversation.”


