Over and Above (Mount Hope #4) Read Online Annabeth Albert

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Mount Hope Series by Annabeth Albert

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 80555 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 403(@200wpm)___ 322(@250wpm)___ 269(@300wpm)

“Oh.” Maren’s mouth made a perfect circle.

“You’re letting Jonas play matchmaker?” John scowled, the thundercloud of a mood that had accompanied him downstairs worsening.

“Statistically, most people widowed young do date eventually,” Wren mused.

“I knew it.” Rowan released a triumphant crow before waving a hand. “Go on.”

“There’s more?” John rocked back against the sofa as if he were seconds from bolting upstairs.

“I’m going to date Magnus.” Again, I chose my words carefully. “And yes, I know it’s a little unexpected⁠—”

“Just a bit.” John wasn’t done dripping sarcasm.

“Does he know?” Wren swiveled in Magnus’s direction. “Were you aware of this plan?”

“Yes, he knows.” I resisted the urge to chuckle as laughter wouldn’t help the situation any. “Our friendship has been…evolving for a while.”

“Is that right?” Rowan cackled.

“Behave.” Maren shot Rowan a sharp stare.

“I win.” Ignoring her, Rowan nudged Diesel. “Guess you’re dyeing your hair black this weekend.”

“I can’t believe you two were right.” Diesel groaned, but he didn’t appear nearly as shocked as I’d expected.

“You and Rowan had a bet as to whether Magnus and I were dating?”

“Rowan bet you two were hooking up.” Diesel gestured vaguely even as Magnus made a strangled noise over in his chair. “Maren bet you at least had feelings, but she supposed neither of you had figured it out yet. I bet you were just really good friends and roommates.”

“And they were roommates.” Rowan gave a triumphant grin.

“You’re having entirely too much fun with this.” Maren shook her head at her brother.

“Yeah.” John bumped Rowan’s shoulder with his own. “This isn’t some practical joke.” He narrowed his eyes at me. “Wait. Is it a joke?”

“It’s not.” Magnus spoke up for the first time. “I care about your dad a lot.”

“This changes things.” Wren stared down at their hands.

“I’ll say.” Diesel whistled low.

“I know it will take some getting used to.” I tried to meet Wren’s gaze, but they seemed intent on tracing a stray thread on the couch cushion. “It’s not either of our intents to disrupt the household, but I can’t deny that I also have feelings. And hiding isn’t fair to anyone.”

John snorted. I wasn’t surprised that he was the one taking the longest to warm up to the news. He had always been my most routine-driven and change-adverse kid.

“John?” I prompted, trying to make space for his emotions in the midst of all the other reactions.

“I want you to be happy. I do.” Leaning forward, elbows on knees, he exhaled hard. “But you two dating is going to bring yet more gossip.”

“Probably.” I nodded slowly. I hadn’t thought of that angle, but John wasn’t wrong. Mount Hope was a small town, and our family already stuck out more than some. “I want to think our friends will be happy for us, but you’re right. People may talk. But they’d do that regardless.”

“Are you sure you can’t stay friends?” Diesel gestured back and forth between me and Magnus. “It’s going to be so awkward if you break up before our wedding.”

“I don’t think that’s happening,” Maren said slowly.

“The wedding?” Diesel went as white as his T-shirt.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Maren shifted the baby to her other arm so she could reach for Diesel’s hand. “I doubt they’ll break up. When Dad falls, he falls hard.” Her tone was remarkably pragmatic when I’d expected her to join John in the actively hostile camp. “We’re alike in that regard.”

“Thank you.” I held her gaze for a moment, trying to convey how much her support meant to me.

“I’m still worried.” Diesel continued to hold Maren’s hand. “My dad doesn’t exactly have a stellar track record with dating.”

“I don’t.” Magnus’s chiseled features drew together. I walked over to stand behind his chair, trying to be quietly supportive as he continued, “But I want this to work. I’m going to do everything in my power to make it work. This isn’t a fling for me.”

“I wouldn’t have called the meeting if we weren’t both serious,” I added.

Rah. Rah. The baby made a fussy noise in Maren’s arms, and she released Diesel’s hand to pat the baby.

“The baby does complicate things. And the wedding. I think we can all admit that.” Magnus’s tone was rather pained, so I set a hand on his shoulder.

“It could be a disaster.” Wren’s face wrinkled like they were doing intense math. “But like Magnus said yesterday, maybe it’s better to have hope that things will work out than to worry about the worst-case scenario.”

“We’re not planning a party to celebrate,” John huffed, turning some of his ire toward Wren.

“I can’t lie and say this doesn’t change anything.” I moved to crouch in front of John on the couch. “It does change things for all of us. But what doesn’t change is that I love you, and I’m always going to try to put you first.”

“Yeah.” John’s voice was thick. He gestured at Diesel, Maren, and Rowan. “But apparently, I was the last to know. As usual. The three of you had your betting pool⁠—”


