Our Final Tale Read Online Bella Jewel (Iron Fury MC #6)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Iron Fury MC Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 76396 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 306(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

We’re a fuck of a lot more than family. At least, I wish we were.

“Exactly,” I murmur.

Then I follow Lincoln as he walks out. He gave me a look when he came into the room, a look that said he wanted to talk with me. Now we’re out in the hall, he turns to me. “Gotta talk, you won’t like it.”

My chest clenches.

“Dad’s bills have come in, you were right, we can’t swing it. But, I’ve found a way...”


I don’t like how that sounds, not at all.

“What do you mean you’ve found a way?” I question.

“Got a few jobs to do, will pay the bills, get us ahead. Lettin’ you know, because...I might not be here, and need you not to worry.”



“What sort of jobs, Lincoln? Fuck me, are you selling?”

His eyes flash around, checking to make sure we can’t be overheard, then he meets my gaze again. “It’s basic work, it’ll pay the bills.”

“It’s never basic fuckin’ work,” I growl. “You get into that shit, you don’t get out.”

“It’s a small job,” he hisses, “And I’ve told them I’ll only be doing it once.”

“Bullshit, until the next bill comes in, and then you’ll do it again. Selling hooks people, Lincoln, they make big money and they don’t want to stop.”

“What other fuckin’ option do we have?” he whisper hisses. “You fuckin’ give me one, Slater, because I don’t have one.”

“We get dad out, and do round the clock care until he’s clean. Don’t let him out of our sight. Lock him in a room if we have to. Some fuckin’ thing.”

“That’ll never work and you know it. We’ve tried it, but we have to work, both of us, to keep this house afloat. So dad gets left alone, and it’s too much for Damon and Finn to handle.”

“Then we fuckin’ sell this damned house!”

“Fuck you, Slater. This house is all we have left of mom.”

“Yeah,” I bellow, losing my shit. “And I’m sure this is what she would want for you. I’m fairly certain she’d prefer you to give up the fuckin’ house before you-”

Lincoln grabs my shirt and slams me against the wall, so hard I lose my breath. Rage flares through my veins and I shove back at him. Swinging, I hit him in mouth so hard his jaw cracks and blood spurts forth. He bellows in a rage and throws his fist, hitting me right back. My head swings to the side and blood fills my mouth. I spit it and spin, raising my fist, but Ellie’s voice breaks through the tension.

“If you hit him again, Slater Knight, I’m going to hit you! Now stop it!”

I glance over at her, panting, fist in the air, and she’s standing at the door, arms crossed, looking terrified, yet she’s trying not to show it. Finn and Damon are behind her, both staring at us, both bitterly disappointed. We’re supposed to be their role models, and this is how we’re behaving. Fuck. I drop my fist and stare at Lincoln, who is panting, his eyes meet mine, and fury passes between us, but we don’t say anymore.

We’ll agree to disagree.

For now.

But I won’t let this go easily.

“I need space,” I mutter, walking out of the room.

I need to figure this out.

I have to fix this.

Otherwise my family is going to sink.

And I won’t let that happen.



I should have told Erin I was coming here. Instead I told her I was meeting Amalie for a coffee and not to wait up. She’ll wait up. Hell, she’ll call soon just to check on me. I should have been honest, but I know she’d tell me I was crazy for coming here. Hell, I probably am crazy for coming here, but curiosity got the better of me, and I needed to know...I needed to see what Finn spoke of.

I arrive at the garage after sun down, when it’s closed. Finn is waiting out front. He might be the younger of the brothers, but he’s big, and he’s manly, and he’s extremely attractive. Any woman would do a double take. Tonight he’s wearing a tight fitting black tee and black jeans. His hair is tied and braided down his back. I don’t know why he keeps it long, but it suits him. His olive skin glistens under the street light, and his blue eyes lock onto mine the moment I stop in front of him.

It’s probably not safe for me to be out here.

But I trust Finn, and I know he’ll make sure nothing happens to me.

“Hey,” he murmurs. “You ready?”

I nod, rubbing my upper arms.

“Come on.”

He turns and walks through the garage, locking it behind us, and then out the back and down a small alley. We reach a building, red brick, abandoned, basically connecting to the garage. It looks unused, but I’m guessing they want it to look that way. I don’t actually think it’s part of it, but it looks as though it is. The garage kind of outshines it, making it seem unimportant, again, what I think the goal is.


