Only Love Read Online Melanie Harlow (One and Only #3)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: One and Only Series by Melanie Harlow

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 89265 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 446(@200wpm)___ 357(@250wpm)___ 298(@300wpm)

And Stella would forgive me, wouldn’t she? Maybe she would even come back to my house for dessert. I still had some apple pie left, and suddenly I could think of nothing better than licking the filling off her naked body.

Oh, shit.

I stopped on my back porch to adjust myself in my pants.

I’d probably be doing that all night.



As I’d suspected, Grams was thrilled about Ryan’s dinner invitation. Immediately she started in about what I should wear and how I should do my hair, and what shoes would be right for the evening, but I assured her I could get ready on my own.

I did put in a quick call to Emme, though.

“He asked me out to dinner,” I told her breathlessly, standing in front of the closet in my bra and underwear.

She gasped. “He did? When?”

“This afternoon. He came over and basically said ‘sorry I was a dick last night’ and asked me to have dinner with him.”

“Did he say why he’d been a dick last night?”

“Not really. He sort of said that’s just what he does when he’s in a situation he doesn’t like.”

“That’s kinda shitty.”

“It’s a defense mechanism.” I looked through the few tops I’d brought, disliking them all and wishing I’d packed something more flirty and sexy. That I owned something more flirty and sexy. “He’s actually not a dick at all, but I think he sometimes acts like one to avoid something he doesn’t want to feel. It’s like a mask he wears.”

“Oh, Jesus. Please don’t say that to him. At least not if you want to get lucky.”

“I’m not going to say that to him,” I said, rolling my eyes. “But I can’t help being curious about what makes him that way. His military service? His divorce? His childhood?”

“Just remember this is a date, not a session. Don’t ask him a bunch of questions that are going to kill the chemistry, okay?”

“Actually, it’s not a date. He was specific about that.”

“So what is it?”

“Dinner with a friend.”

Silence. “You know, I thought I had pretty bad luck in the romance department, but you might be edging me out with this one.”

“Just help me decide what to wear, okay?” I was getting impatient. I only had another twenty minutes before he’d be here.

“What are the options?”

I ran down the list of things I’d packed.

“Hm. That’s it?”

“Yes, Grams. Sorry I forgot to pack my corset and hoop skirt, but I didn’t anticipate meeting a guy up here.”

Emme sighed. “Okay, okay. Go with the white blouse, but leave a few buttons undone for once. Got any necklaces?”

“Two gold ones.”

“Wear them both and put your hair up in a loose bun. Shoes?”

I wrinkled my nose. “Nikes, loafers, or pink flats.”

“Flats. What’s the underwear situation, by the way?”

“Uh, it’s pretty basic.”

An even heavier sigh. “Next time you travel, I am packing your bag for you. And remind me to take you shopping.”

“Deal. I better go.”

“Have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“Which is what, exactly?” I couldn’t resist.

“Ha ha. Call me tomorrow. Mwah.”

We hung up, and I finished getting ready with a huge smile on my face. Maybe it wasn’t a “date,” maybe it wouldn’t lead anywhere, maybe after tonight I’d never see Ryan Woods again, but for the rest of the evening, I was his.

It was good enough.

A few minutes before seven, I heard a knock on the front door. I gave my reflection one last look in the mirror over the bathroom sink, stuck a couple more pins in my loose bun and wiped off most of my lipstick. Better.

Shoving my feet into my flats, I grabbed my phone and bag from my room, and started down the stairs.

When I saw him standing just inside the door talking to Grams, my heart stopped and I nearly missed a step. He looked gorgeous. Hair groomed. A closer shave. Dark jeans, brown leather dress boots and belt, light blue button-down beautifully ironed and fitted. Perfection.

I reached for the banister and caught myself before tumbling to the bottom of the staircase. He looked up, and when our eyes met, my whole body tingled—something that had never happened with Walter. Ever. I liked it.

“Hey,” I said, smiling at him. “You look nice.”

“You too.”

I turned to Grams, whose hands were clasped beneath her chin as her eyes went back and forth between us. She looked absolutely delighted. “You kids have fun,” she said, “and don’t worry about when you get back. I’ll leave the front door unlocked, Stella.”

“Okay, Grams. Thanks.”

“I’m just so tickled this worked out.” She beamed at us. “Enjoy yourselves!”

We said goodbye and went out on the porch, where Ryan put a hand on my lower back as we descended the steps. “So we have two options. We can take my truck, or we can take the bike. Which do you prefer?”


