Only Christmas Read Online Lucy Darling

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 40
Estimated words: 37259 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 186(@200wpm)___ 149(@250wpm)___ 124(@300wpm)

“I believe you.” He walks over to one of the chairs by the fireplace, taking a seat. His eyes never leave me. “Why are you sleeping here?” he asks again. I worry my bottom lip between my teeth, wondering how much I should divulge. I’m already on thin ice, I’m sure. “Lying will only piss me off, and I promise I’ll get the truth in the end. I’d rather it be from you than someone on my team digging it up for me.” I drop my gaze, hating the shame that I feel. “Eyes, Aspen. I want them on me.”

Crap. I raise my head again, doing as he tells me. He’s such a hard man to read. Normally I’m somewhat good at reading people. Their intentions at least. It’s a skillset you have to develop when you grow up like I did. My mother has had a lot of shady boyfriends through the years. Yet as hard as this man is to read, I'm not scared of him.

“I don’t want to take up one of the beds at the shelter. It’s cold out, and they’re really full right now.” His jaw ticks, finally giving me something. He’s pissed. I’m just not sure if it’s at me or not.

“Are you hungry?” I nod. “We’ll eat then.” He stands.

“Like we’re going to share a meal? Together?” I ask, confused as to why he’s doing all of this.

“Yes, and I wasn’t asking.” He pulls out his phone again and starts clicking away.

“Why are you being so nice?” I ask. This is so far from what I thought was going to go down.

“Because I want something from you.” His eyes roam over me.

Again, that tingle of heat rolls through my body, settling between my thighs. It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him I’m not going to sleep with him, but I’ll likely end up putting my foot in my mouth. He could sleep with anyone he chooses.

I hold the words back, knowing he’ll respond that he has a girlfriend or something. Instead I nod, keeping my mouth shut, trying to understand the jealousy I feel at him having a girlfriend.



A shelter. How in the world has this beautiful girl been living at a shelter? Everything about her is soft and sweet. How has the world not eaten her alive by now? Even her damn name is delicate. I listen to her as she spills more of her secrets to me. It really doesn’t take much to get things out of her. I only have to glare at her, and she tells me everything.

I don’t like it. Someone will prey on that. She’s damn lucky I’ve gotten to her first. I might not be a sweet, warm man, but I’m not cruel either. And I don’t take advantage of people. Well, maybe I do in business, but that’s a given. Not only that, protectiveness I’ve never felt in my life is rising up inside of me when it comes to this girl. I want her. More than I’ve ever wanted anything in my entire life.

I could even take care of her. Better than she is taking care of herself. What if it had been someone else to have walked into this suite today? Found her all but naked in their bed. They could have done anything they wanted to her. God knows I wanted to.

“I mean it’s not really stealing. I only work Megan’s shift, and we split the money. The company isn’t losing anything,” she explains.

“She only gives you half the money and you’re working way more than you should be. It’s no wonder you passed out on the bed.”

I try to keep the anger out of my voice. I notice when it starts to rise she pushes back into herself. That’s the last thing I want her to do when she’s around me. I’m trying to draw her out, not send her running.

“Oh!” She suddenly jumps up and starts to take off. My hand snaps out, snagging her by the wrist before she can get anywhere.

I give a tug, and she falls right into my lap. I hadn’t meant to do that—or maybe I had. I wanted to make sure she didn’t get away from me, but when her little ass lands in my lap, that desire I’ve been trying to fight back explodes inside of me again. There’s no mistaking the hard-on I’m sporting either. I’m sure she feels it against her.

“Where do you think you’re trying to go?” I grit out. Since when have I ever been so uncontrolled with my emotions? So many are pushing to the surface with her. Or maybe she’s yanking them out of me.

Her eyes widen, her lips parting in a small gasp. I’m not sure if it’s over my anger or the fact that she has to feel my cock pressing into her ass.


