One Sweet Lie – Billionaire Seeking Nanny Read Online Whitney G

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 60131 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 301(@200wpm)___ 241(@250wpm)___ 200(@300wpm)

“No, I was having an orgasm while your fingers were sliding under my dress.”

“They were buried deep in your pussy and you were moaning my name.”

“So, you do remember?”

“No.” He stood and moved closer, tilting my chin up with his fingertips. “I’m glad you came in here and brought this up, because I’ve been thinking about it, too.”

“You have?”

“Yes.” His eyes locked on mine. “I wanted to apologize for my terrible, temporary lapse in judgement.”


“I can assure you, Miss Hawthorne,” he said, his voice firm, “that something like that will never happen between us again.”

“That’s all it was to you? A lapse?”

“You know I’m not a fan of repeating myself.”

“You wanted to fuck me,” I said. “You wanted me to come with you and ride your cock like I rode your hand. I know that’s what you were thinking.”

“Should I tell the hiring agency to add ‘psychic’ to your list of qualifications?” he asked. “Your next family might appreciate that.”

I hate you...

“I’ll take your silence as a yes, so I’ll remember that,” he said. “Nonetheless, you’re just a nanny to me, Miss Hawthorne. That’s it.”

I shook my head, stunned at his coldness.

“Anything else?” he asked. “I was getting ready for bed when you came in here unannounced.”

“Yes, I do have something else.” I crossed my arms. “When do you plan to spend some extensive quality time with your children?”

“When I’m not working.”

“And when will that be?”

“I’ll let you know.”

“For what it’s worth,” I said, wanting to sting him like he’d stung me, “your children are currently on track to hate you even more than I do. Unlike me, you won’t be able to pay them to stick around.”

He arched his brow. “You’re only here because you’re getting paid?”

“Forget one of my paychecks and see.”


“I think it’s time for you to leave, Miss Hawthorne.”

“I agree, Mr. Dawson.” I stepped back. “Thanks for making our boundaries so much clearer.”

“You’re welcome.”

I walked away, feeling an ache in my chest, but it’s what I deserved.

He didn’t want me as I’d thought, and it was all in my head.

If he saw me as a “lapse of judgement,” as a nanny and nothing more, I was determined to fulfill the rest of my term by avoiding him at all costs.

By becoming the best fucking ‘just a nanny’ ever.




Step away from Miss Hawthorne’s bedroom door.

Are you stalking me?

I need to apologize to her.

At three a.m.?

She thinks I don’t want her.

Good. Step the fuck away.



Five-hundred sixty-seven diaper changes later



The twins hit a new milestone this week: crawling.

With a sense of purpose.

William loved leading the way to trouble, and Charlotte was thrilled to join him on ‘Adventure: Open Cabinets and Touch Everything and Adventure: Follow Nanny Around the Kitchen.’

Their infectious giggles made my heart swell, and I couldn’t deny liking them. Okay, I loved them, even though they were Satan’s spawn.

“Good morning, William and Charlotte.” Mr. Dawson stooped low and pressed kisses against their cheeks. “Hope you both have a good day today.”

Babbling and smiling, they looked at him like he hung the stars in the sky.

I forgave them for not knowing any better.

He stood and looked at me. “Miss Hawthorne.”

“Mr. Dawson.”

I waited for him to turn around and complete the next step in our ‘boundaries’ routine. We spoke only when necessary, and even then, we kept it to two sentences or less.

Hurry up and leave so I can be alone with the children.

“Something has recently come to my attention via your coworkers,” he said. “Is now a good time to address it?”

“You’re an employer who believes he owns all my time, Mr. Dawson, you tell me.” My new boundaries didn’t allow for pleasant conversation, only bare cordialness.

“You need to wear a shirt under your aprons, please,” he said, glancing at today’s pink ‘Sweet Nanny’ one. “No one else in this house is allowed to walk around with their bras or undergarments showing.”

“I prefer not to wear a shirt until after lunch, because it gets messy.”

“I wasn’t making a request, Miss Hawthorne.”

“Then why did it sound like one?”

“Allow me to state it again, then.” He clenched his jaw. “As of today, you will wear a shirt under your aprons, because your lack of modesty is bothering your coworkers.”

“Which ones?” I asked. “All I’ve heard are compliments.”

He placed his hands on the counters behind me, caging me against his chest.

“It’s not appropriate for my son to see your extensive bra collection or get glimpses of your hardened nipples.”

“I doubt he knows what he’s looking at.”

“He also doesn’t appreciate you prancing around his house in tight-ass-shorts without panties.”

“These tight-ass-shorts are my panties.”

“I’m paying you enough to invest in pants.”

“Then it sounds like I need a raise.”

He let out a growl, and I kept my face stoic even though it turned me on.

“Look,” he said. “I’ve been letting you get away with certain antics because you’re my longest lasting nanny—” He pressed his forehead against mine, and I resisted the urge to inhale his scent. “—but you need to revisit my guidelines on proper attire, or we’re going to have a huge problem.”


