One Steamy Pucking Meet Cute (Frosty Harbor #3) Read Online Penelope Bloom

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Frosty Harbor Series by Penelope Bloom

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 80562 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 403(@200wpm)___ 322(@250wpm)___ 269(@300wpm)

I don’t want to get super deep into the details because I know I’ve shared most of this at various points. But, to summarize, I’ve been dealing with some health issues this past year. It’s nothing life-threatening, so don’t worry about that! But I’ve felt really creatively strained by it all. Thankfully, as long as I don’t have any more health surprises on the horizon, I do feel like I’m recovering from the stuff I can recover from and learning to live with the things I can’t.

But I bring it all up because I’ve been feeling like I may need a bit of a mental reset after this book. I had the pre-order deadlines kind of looming over me until now, so I was looking at finishing this story as the point where I could catch my breath and decide what to do next. Right now, I’m thinking that may just mean taking a couple months to kind of gather up and take a big deep breath before launching into my next story.

Taking a break is scary as a self-published author, though. There are thousands of super talented authors out there all fighting for every scrap of your attention. But I’ve probably been overdue for some kind of break for a few years now and neglecting myself by not taking it.

So, yeah. I know what my next book will be and already have a rough idea of the plot sketched out in my mind. I just don’t know exactly when I’m planning to start working on it. Maybe I’ll take a week off and feel completely recharged, or maybe I’ll need two or three months. I’m just not quite sure yet, but I did want to put a little note here for anybody who keeps up with me close enough to notice if my next book takes extra long.

I’m not planning to quit writing, or anything like that! I just ask that you guys don’t forget me if it ends up being like six months before you see another Penelope Bloom book!

Anyway, thanks so much for reading my Frosty Harbor series. I had so much fun writing it and felt like I got really close to the characters by the time it was all done. I’m a little sad to leave the series, but I don’t currently have any plans to pick up storylines of characters form the stories and keep them going. At least not as hockey themed books!

Keep scrolling to read a sneak peak of One Frosty Pucking Meet Cute!!





My wedding veil is on the passenger seat, my poofy ass dress is trying to suffocate me in the tiny little car, and I’m officially on the lam.

That’s me. Bride on the lam. Nuptial Nomad. Hitched Houdini. Or for thriller fans, I could go with Gown Gone Girl.

I smile, aware I must look like a complete lunatic. I’ve cried through my makeup, my bare feet are filthy from my unplanned escape, and I’m pretty sure I got some forest debris in my hair.

It’s fine, though. Totally fine. Between the twigs in my hair and the ruined wedding dress, I probably look like a forest nymph. A beautiful, crazy, confused forest nymph.

Right now, I imagine my family is calling everyone I know to track me down. The police might even be involved. Am I in a high speed police chase?

I check my rearview mirror and sigh with relief. It’s just me and the open mountain road winding up toward the sleepy little town of Frosty Harbor. I’ve got the chilly winter air, the towering Vermont mountains, and the only slightly smelly interior of my old car to myself.

It’s moments like this when a girl realizes she could have made a few practical decisions during her bridal bailout. Putting on underwear, for example. Swinging by the apartment for toiletries and a few changes of clothes? Yep. Those would’ve been good ideas, but today is apparently not a day for forward thinking and good ideas.

I’m driving to Frosty Harbor because it’s where my brother was planning to spend the holidays. One of their star players is injured and lives in a cabin there, so all the starters were going to set up a home base in the small town to keep him company and cheer him up.

Is my overprotective big brother going to be happy that I’m about to show up and finally meet all his hockey friends for the first time? Nope. But where else am I supposed to go? Running away from your life sounds all fine and dandy until you realize you have to run to somewhere.

I know I should call my brother and let him know I’m not dead. He’s probably combing the forests of New York at this very moment, searching for my cold, lifeless corpse.


