One Night Valentine – Tangled in Temptation Read Online Hope Ford

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Novella, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 38
Estimated words: 36185 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 181(@200wpm)___ 145(@250wpm)___ 121(@300wpm)

I blurt out a laugh. “Why? Does your brother have a fetish for saving women in despair? Trust me, you’re going to mention this and he’s going to run for the hills.”

She’s all smiles as headlights pull into the parking lot. “Well, it’s a good thing I know my brother better than you.”

She goes to get out, and I grab her hand, stopping her. “Promise me that whatever his answer is, you’ll accept it. We’re not begging him or trying to make him feel guilty. None of that. Got it?”

She gives me the look, the one that makes me laugh when I’m on her side and scares me when I’m not. “Sure, whatever you say, Tara. Come on, let’s eat. I’m starving.”

She gets out of the car, and I try to calm my nerves as I get out too. Cruz is standing next to his car, and I try not to stare. His hair is still slick from the shower. He changed into a tight black T-shirt and khaki pants. The longer I look at him, the more I know this fake date is a bad idea.



“Seriously. How are you feeling?”

My sister is looking at me worriedly, and I’m not faking the smile on my face. “Good. Free. Excited.”

She tilts her head to the side and looks at me like she’s trying to see if I’m telling her the truth or not. Our parents passed eight years ago, and since then, it’s just been Lexi and me. I know she wants me to be happy, and I’m sure that retiring from football is a step in the right direction. Don’t get me wrong. I love the sport. I love my team and teammates too. But it’s time for me to find something else I’m passionate about because I’m getting older, and I’m starting to feel it more than ever. I reach across the table and wrap my hand around my sister’s. “You need to quit worrying about me. I promise, I’m good.”

She sucks in a breath and nods. “I know you are, but I worry about you, and I just… I want you happy, Cruz. You deserve it more than anyone.”

“I am,” I assure her.

The waiters come at the perfect time. They start setting down numerous plates, and I gesture to my dinner guests. “I hope it’s okay. Since I asked them to stay open, I told them to just serve whatever they wanted.” I look at Tara, even though I’ve tried hard not to since we sat down here. Why does my sister’s best friend have to be so pretty? And the more I get to know her, the more I realize she has no idea how beautiful she really is. “Tara, I apologize. I didn’t know if you had any preferences or any allergies. I should have asked you before now. Is there anything you want to eat? Or any food you should avoid?”

Her mouth drops open like she’s surprised by my request. I smile at her patiently. “You can tell me if so. I can ask them to fix you something different if you’d like.”

She shakes her head and then must realize her mouth is hanging open because she slams it shut and swallows before answering. “No, this is perfect.” She looks around at all the dishes. “Filet, shrimp cocktail, coconut shrimp, chicken, twice-baked potatoes, green beans, bread…” She trails off and then waves her hand across the table. “I mean, I think I can find something to eat.”

She’s smirking at me, and the playful look on her face has me captivated.

We’re staring at each other, and the only reason I look away is because my sister clears her throat. “I’m starving.”

I lean back and watch as they both fill their plates, and only when they’re done do I start putting food on mine. We eat in silence for a few minutes, and Lexi is the first to talk. “So… when are you making the announcement?”

“Next week,” I answer simply and then roll my eyes at my sister. She worries way too much. “It’s going to be fine. The owners, managers, and coaches already know. They’re letting me talk to the team on Wednesday, and then I’m going straight into a press conference to make the announcement.”

Lexi moves to the edge of her seat. “Do you want me there with you?”

I point my fork at her. “No, I’m pretty sure you have class. Isn’t that the day of your chemistry test? I’ll be fine, sis, quit worrying.”

She looks down at her plate and forks a green bean. “I just hate for you to be alone.” She holds a hand up. “And I know your team will be there, but it’s not the same. You need family with you.”

I force a smile to my face. Yeah, if I had my way, I would have family with me. Mom and Dad would still be alive, Lexi would be there, and I would have people that I know are there unconditionally, but I don’t have that option, and there’s no reason to dwell on it.


