One Night Valentine – Tangled in Temptation Read Online Hope Ford

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Novella, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 38
Estimated words: 36185 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 181(@200wpm)___ 145(@250wpm)___ 121(@300wpm)

I let my hand trail down her arm and then clasp our hands together again. “I’m sorry.”

Her voice is barely a whisper. “What are you sorry for?”

My eyes lock on hers in the mirror. “I shouldn’t react to you like I am, but I can’t help it.”

She turns in my arms and leans into me, pressing her belly into my hard manhood. I grunt. She knows exactly what she does to me, but she doesn’t act as if it bothers her. “You know where I stand, Cruz. I haven’t hidden anything from you… I told you what I want.”

I cup her cheek. “It doesn’t bother you that I’m a has-been?”

She doesn’t even blink. “I wish you’d quit saying that. There’s nothing about you that is a has-been, Cruz Payne. As a matter of fact, I’d bet money that your best is yet to come.”

I search her face and see the sincerity shining back at me.

Her phone starts to ring, and she blinks regretfully at me. “I should get that. I’m sure it’s my mom wondering where I’m at.”

Since I don’t want to release her, I hold her hand and then walk with her to the bedroom and pick up her phone that is lying on the nightstand. I hold it up, and she nods, reaching for it. “Yeah, that’s my mom.”

It’s the anxiety on her face that has me hitting the answer button and putting it to my ear. “Hey, Mrs. Brooks. This is Cruz. Tara and I are on our way.”

With a sugar sweet voice, she says. “Oh, sure, honey. Thank you. We were starting to get worried.”

“Sure, no problem. We’re on our way. See you soon.”

I hang up and then hand the phone to Tara. Her eyes are wide as she puts it in her purse. “Wow!”

We walk hand in hand out the door and toward the elevators. “Wow, what?”

She shakes her head in disbelief. “I’m impressed. She didn’t argue with you, scream at you, berate you for being irresponsible or tell you soon isn’t fast enough. Nothing.”

I wait until we’re in the elevator and push the button for the lobby before I answer her. “And no one is going to talk to you like that either.”

She opens her mouth and then closes it before leaning into me. I put an arm around her shoulder. “You okay?”

She nods without looking at me. “Yeah, it’s just nice having someone on my side.”

Right here and now, I want to profess my love for her. It’s a crazy feeling, one that I’m not accustomed to or ready to even deal with, but the need to protect and love this woman is something I want to do.

The idea that I’m going to keep my distance from her is not possible. Not anymore.



Cruz and I laugh as we walk through the lobby, but as soon as we walk into the room where the rehearsal and wedding is going to take place, I tense up.

All eyes turn toward us, and I automatically feel like curling into myself. I hate this feeling, and I hate that Cruz is going to see me through these people’s eyes.

Even my mom and dad are disappointed in me on a daily basis.

“Tara, you’re late.”

I nod my head but keep my mouth shut. Normally, I would tell her that it’s still ten minutes before I was supposed to be here, but I know there is no winning with my mother, so I’ve given up trying.

“Mrs. Brooks, if we’re late, it’s my fault. I thought we were supposed to be here at six, and it’s ten till.”

My mom’s face morphs in front of my eyes. I expect her to double down, but instead she smiles and comes toward Cruz. “Oh no, of course. You’re a busy man, we understand. We thought it was Tara running behind with her head in the clouds.”

Cruz stiffens beside me. “Tara is one of the most responsible people I know. Plus, she wouldn’t miss this for anything. She’s a good sister.”

There’s a silence in the air, and I don’t know who is more stunned: my mom because someone has stood up to her, my sister for the slight with the sister remark, my dad that someone finally stood up to my mom, or me because someone has stood up for me.

My mom recovers quickly, but her smile isn’t as bright as before. “Right, of course. Well, let’s get started so we can get to dinner.”

She turns to my sister. “Brynn and Grant, you ready?”

The rehearsal starts, and Cruz reluctantly lets go of me and sits in a seat. I go toward the back to stand with my mom, sister, maid of honor, and other bridesmaids.

“Oh my goodness, Tara, he is hot.”

“I can’t believe you’re dating Cruz Payne.”

“My husband is going to die when he finds out that Cruz is here. He refused to come to the wedding, so he’s going to be mad he missed seeing him.”


