One Night Valentine – Tangled in Temptation Read Online Hope Ford

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Novella, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 38
Estimated words: 36185 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 181(@200wpm)___ 145(@250wpm)___ 121(@300wpm)

He shrugs, and his voice holds no emotion. “What if I don’t know who that is?”

My mouth drops. This man is an idol to so many people. Yeah, instead of going to bed last night when I got home, I searched for him on the Internet and learned everything I could about him. I put my hands on his waist. “Well, you're lucky you’re with me because I know exactly who you are.”

He rolls his eyes. “Right. Before this week, you’d said two—maybe three words to me.”

I shrug. “I learn fast. You’re the best big brother. You’ve sacrificed for your sister and provided for her and been both mom and dad to her these last eight years. You’re like in the one percent of people that make it to the big leagues. So many people look up to you and not just because you know how to play football but because of how you are with your teammates and the community. You give generously—heck, look at what you’re about to do now. You’re helping me with my… stuff. You’re a good person, Cruz Payne. That’s who you are.”

He covers my hands at his waist and then threads our fingers together. “Do you know how bad I wish you weren’t my little sister’s best friend right now?”

He must see the look of shock on my face because he continues. There’s no one else in the halls, but he leans in and whispers, “Because the things I want to do to you are not appropriate at all.”

I swear his lips touch my ear, and it’s like a jolt to my system. I am about to respond when a door opens, and I hear my sister calling my name. “Tara! Come on, the kids are waiting.”

I lick my lips and stare at Cruz. “We should probably go in.”

He releases one of my hands but holds on to the other, and we walk to where Brynn is waiting for us. Cruz has a smile on his face, but it’s his all business one. It’s not the one he gives me. “We’re ready.”

Brynn stops in front of me. “You can wait out here if you want.”

Cruz chuckles and holds my hand tighter. “She’s coming in.”

He walks into the classroom, and there are a few squeals and gasps. Cruz walks straight to the teacher’s desk and pulls out a chair. “Hey, everyone. How you doing this morning?”

The response is deafening, and Cruz and I both laugh. These kids are excited, and I can’t say I blame them. He holds his hand up. “Okay, okay! Wow, it’s good to be here. Before we get started, I wanted to introduce my girlfriend, Tara Brooks.”

A collective “ooohhh” and some kissing noises come from the kids. Cruz guides me to the pulled-out teacher’s chair and helps me sit down before turning to the class and gesturing to Brynn. “As Ms. Brooks probably told you, I’m Cruz Payne, defensive end for the Jasper Eagles…”

He goes on to tell them how he got started playing football in high school and with hard work and dedication he has made it to where he is today. He talks about what it’s like playing professional football, and he gives them the good and the bad. I look around the room and see that everyone is focused on him. I can’t blame them. He’s amazing to listen to. How did I not know this about him?

I don’t know anything about football, but he is making me feel like I can go out and conquer the world. He gives autographs and takes pictures, and by the time we walk out of that classroom, my cheeks are hurting from smiling so much.

He has my hand in his again, and as we step out of the school, I tell him, “I have it figured out.”

“What?” he asks. “What do you have figured out?”

“You should be a motivational speaker.”

His cheeks turn ruddy. “Whatever…”

I stop and look up at him. “No, seriously. I have never and will never play football, but you have me feeling like I can do anything right now. That thirty-minute talk had me believing in myself like I never have before. You spent thirty minutes talking to those kids, and did you see their little faces? They were filled with hope and inspiration. You have a gift, Cruz Payne.”

He opens the car door, and I get in. He doesn’t say anything as he closes it, and when he gets into the driver's side, he’s quiet.

When I start to feel like I’ve said the wrong thing, he looks almost embarrassed. “Don’t laugh.”

Wide-eyed, I shake my head.

He clears his throat. “I’ve always wanted to be a speaker. When I was younger and it was career day, one of my friend’s dads came in and talked about everything he’d overcome and went on to be. He made everyone in the class feel special. I wanted to do that. I wanted to be the one that talked to people and made them feel that way. Is that weird?”


