One Cold Night (Prince Brothers #1) Read Online Aliyah Burke

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Prince Brothers Series by Aliyah Burke

Total pages in book: 60
Estimated words: 56782 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 284(@200wpm)___ 227(@250wpm)___ 189(@300wpm)

Ten minutes later, exhausted but clean, he exited the warm, steamy room. Limbs shaky but getting stronger, he nearly returned to the bedroom but instead headed up the hallway. It opened into a wide space that was definitely made for dogs. Thick beds lay about the floor, instead of many rugs. Otherwise, it was hardwood floors with some area rugs.

The furniture had coverings on it and one couch had a dog on it, the one who’d been with him in his room. Large windows allowed the light to stream in and although it was a weaker winter sun, the interior remained warm, and more than comfortable. Nice given how much snow was on the ground outside.

With its open floor plan, it gave off the impression of being much larger than it truly was. To his left, he could see directly into the kitchen. And there his gaze stuck.

Leena faced away from him, bent across the countertop, doing something. All he could see was her ass that he wanted to grip. When her laughter filtered to him, his cock twitched in his borrowed pants.

She turned her head a bit and he discovered she was on the phone. Unreasonable jealousy swarmed him when she mentioned Richard with such affection.

Something is wrong with me. I have no right to be like this to her. Toward anyone. He didn’t know a damn thing about this woman. Nothing more than she’d saved his ass.

And speaking of asses…

He stared at hers again until she cleared her throat, drawing his gaze up to find her watching him over her shoulder.

“Okay, let me go, there’s some things I have to take care of here. Chat later, Richard. Thanks.” She pushed a button—one he assumed ended the call—and placed the receiver on the countertop she’d just had her curves bent over. “You look marginally better. Sorry I don’t have anything else for you wear. I can get you some more later today when I go to get some groceries.” Her gaze moved over him once more. “I have your size.”

“And won’t it raise suspicions for you to go pick up men’s clothing?”

Her laughter shot fire to his cock and he fought the urge to readjust. “I do enough that raises them, anyway, buying men’s clothing will be nothing.” With a smile, she pushed up on her toes to reach up in a cupboard.

Holy hell. He riveted his gaze to the intricate ink swirling up around her hip. While he couldn’t make it out, yet he wanted to know. Desperately.

She grabbed two cups and placed them down. “Hungry?”

“More than you know.” And it wasn’t for food.

Her eyes darkened a few shades before her gaze dropped then moved leisurely up his form. “We should get you fed then. Are you feeling okay?”

“Getting better every second.” And it was true. He could feel his strength coming back and thankfully there were no ill side effects from his trip in the icy water. At least, not other than the fever. If all memories would come back, everything would be better. Until the men after him showed up.

Anger pushed up through his body at the thought of those men touching her. Hurting her. The young male dog paused and looked at him, intelligent eyes assessing if he was going to be a potential threat.

“Pax has taken a liking to you.”

He moved his focus from the canine to the woman in the kitchen. “Pax?”

“That’s his call name. He’s eighteen months old.” She beckoned to the dog and he hurried to her side where she scratched his head.

Don’t blame you, pup, I’d be happy to come if she crooked her fingers at me as well.

Chapter 3

“All his life he tried to be a good person. Many times, however, he failed. For after all, he was only human. He wasn't a dog.”

― Charles M. Schulz

* * *

Leena sent Argo over the final jump of the agility course, smiling when he soared over it with ease and finishing.

“Good boy,” she praised, checking her watch and mentally noting the time in which he completed it. Knocked off five seconds from his previous time. He gazed at her and the love pouring from his eyes brought tears to her own. He nudged her pocket, and she couldn’t help but laugh.

“And here I was getting all misty eyed and you wanted your damn ball.” She dug for it and threw it. Argo bounded after it, his easy stride covering large chunks of ground of her training facility. As he ran, she headed to the far corner where her office was and slipped behind her desk.

Powering up the computer, she turned on her music. It was always busy when she got in new dogs. She scanned her office, smiling at the numerous images on the wall. Past clients and their dogs, winning ribbons and even some competing.


