One Bossy Date – Bossy Seattle Suits Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 156
Estimated words: 158829 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 794(@200wpm)___ 635(@250wpm)___ 529(@300wpm)

“We need to be on our guard. My gut says Finch may hit us there, or at least use it as a practice run. He’s been working diligently with these negative reviews, but that’s not enough. If he wants to knock us out, it’ll have to be something bigger.” I frown, anger burning up my throat.

“I hope not. Why don’t we just focus on creating our own awesome buzz and cross our fingers?” she whispers, stroking my brow.

Her touch makes me feel like the unsettled beast I am, savoring her touch and fighting the urge to throw her down on my desk and tear her panties off.

“Finch is the sort of greedy little fucknugget who won’t give up—especially if he sees us starting to counter his bullshit,” I say.

“We’ll get through it, Brock. And if we can’t do it the nice way, well, you’ll just have to take him down,” she purrs.

“I like the sound of that.” I chuckle, lifting a fist. “Someone’s determined today.”

“I told you, I’m in this fight because you stepped up for mine.”

We share a magnetic look with so many unsaid words flying back and forth before my grip around her tightens.

“You know I’m not here for a quid pro quo, right?” I ask, searching her eyes.

“I know. But I’m here for a kiss.” Her soft hand moves down my neck.

Who the hell am I to argue with that logic?

I melt into her lips and kiss her long and sweet. The growl that thunders out of me reminds me how intoxicating she is.

This shit is dangerous, and I’m addicted.

I’m still twirling her hair in my fist when she pulls away with a gasp. “God, I... I should go now. Jenn needs an update.”

Before I wind up on my knees in the middle of your office, she means.

My cock throbs.

“Go, Sunshine. One condition,” I grind out, waving an annoyed hand.


“Tonight, you’re all fucking mine.”

I’m expecting that sweet, awkward smile perched between two rosy cheeks. Instead, she lights up with confidence, her smile fading into a breathless O.

“I’d better be,” she whispers.

“As you know, I always keep my word,” I rumble, pulling hard on my belt. I don’t try to hide the thick outline of my cock bulging out. “Get moving. You have three seconds before I change my mind and everyone in the office knows you’re under the boss.”

With a startled laugh, she grabs her tablet off my desk and runs for the door.

My eyes stay glued to that ass I’m dying to shake until she disappears.

Then my gaze drifts to the old wooden clock in the corner, another remnant of Gramps’ time, ticking forward at a crawl.


Tonight can’t come fast enough.

Back at my place, Piper collapses on the couch in the front sitting room as soon as we make it through the door.

“You okay, Sunshine?” I hold out a hand, grasping her fingers.

“Just overwhelmed.”

“With work or your dad?”

“Dad,” she says tightly. “The doctor called this evening and he sounds so hopeful.”

“Isn’t that good news?” I bring her hand to my lips.

“It scares me, getting my hopes up. All these years, we just braced for the worst, fighting a losing battle. But if this therapy really works, and he’s more like his old self... God. It’s weird to even think about. I do love the idea that Maisy might have the senior year I never did—”

“What do you mean?” I cut in.

She turns away from me, pushing a pillow under her head.

“I bought a secondhand prom dress with my babysitting money that year, but Dad got really sick and Maisy was only eleven. He’d just retired from fishing and they didn’t quite know what was wrong with him yet.” She pauses, breathing sharply. “I couldn’t just leave them home alone, so I missed out. And that was just the first big event that year I missed. We made it to my graduation, but he almost passed out so we left early. I didn’t go to the after-party. I wouldn’t have even if he felt okay when I knew anything could happen. Jenn was basically my only friend left by then.”

“Why?” I’m snarling, hating that doing the right thing cost her so much happiness.

She shrugs. “When you’re a kid and you start canceling plans, they get the wrong idea. My old friends just thought I was blowing them off. Jenn would come over and hang out at my house. Then I got kicked off the cheer squad for missing too many practices—”

“You were a cheerleader?” I hate my cock for what it might do with that information.

“Gooo greyhounds!” she belts out, sitting up. “I was pretty good at it, too.”

She bounces off the couch and does a high kick before I grab her again.

“Why am I not surprised?” I say gruffly.

“I promised myself Maisy would never miss out like I did. Until I took this job, I managed it.” Her smile deflates.


