One Bossy Date – Bossy Seattle Suits Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 156
Estimated words: 158829 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 794(@200wpm)___ 635(@250wpm)___ 529(@300wpm)

“You’re impossible,” I snarl.

“And you’re Satan. Hell is just another Winthrope property with legitimately sucky food and no air conditioning. One of these days, I know I’m going to feel the horns poking out,” she spits.

I chuckle. “That would require touching me again. Though if your little hands wind up on my head while I teach that goddamned mouth some long overdue respect, I’d be the last to complain. Especially if I make you ride my face.”

She falls back with a startled gasp.

She’s so flushed now, her chest rising in shallow breaths that highlight her cleavage.

I’m so hard I think my brain is operating on dregs, all the blood lost below my beltline.

Minx. I wonder if this night on the town might be suicide after all.

How the hell will I survive a few hours with her alone without making good on every reckless, awful urge that grips me every time I’m in her presence?

“You could try to keep this professional,” she whispers, her breath falling against my throat.

“What makes you think I don’t just enjoy riling you up?” I reach for a loose lock of that spun-gold blond hair.

The way it threads through my fingers like silk feels obscene. So does the way her eyes flutter shut as she inhales deeply.

“I think you’re just trying to hedge your bets by dancing around what 'dinner' means,” she tells me.

“I don’t need to hedge a damn thing. If I asked you out, I’d make sure you couldn’t say no.”

“Why? Because I work for you?” She opens her eyes and glares at me.

It’s like a bucket of ice water. “No. Way to ruin the moment, by the way.”

“Then why?”

I bend so we’re eye to eye now. “Because, Piper Renee. If we were dating, you’d be hoarse from moaning my name and then skipping off into the sunset planning our wedding.”

She makes a strangled sound, then throws her head back and laughs wildly. “You’re so conceited! Oh my God.”

“I thought I was your Lucifer?”

“You’re proving my point.”

I don’t have a snappy comeback as my eyes slide down the curves I’m aching to trace with my tongue.

I just know when a beautiful woman implies you’re the king of all evil, you want to act the part and show her how atrocious you can truly be.

“Brock?” Her voice is featherlight.

“Yes, my green-eyed angel?” I rasp, brushing my lips over hers.

“I hate you,” she whispers. Her body betrays her true feelings no matter how sincere she sounds.


“You called me yours.”


“You said 'your Lucifer.' And 'my green-eyed angel.'”


“Slip of the tongue,” I say, tearing myself away from another white-hot kiss.

“Keep telling yourself that.”

“I’ll never hear the end of it now, will I?”

“No, but—” Her voice trails off.


“You’re totally wrong. I’m no angel.” Then she lurches up on her toes, leans in, and smothers her lips against mine.

Instant heaven.

She thinks she’s caught me off guard, and she has.

Of course, I’m not about to let her win.

I flick my tongue against her lips, pulling her open, looting what’s mine in slow, fevered gasps that rattle out of her.

Give me strength.

If I was a weaker man, I’d throw her against the wall and fuck her right here. Or hell, maybe I’d drag her out on that balcony and strip her naked for all of Chicago to see.

She’s got me this mad.

This crazy.

This desperate.

“Piper, fuck,” I rasp, snarling against her tongue.

“Oh! Oh, Brock,” she whimpers through parted lips.

I see the opportunity to attack her again, running my tongue along the length of hers.

She moves one hand up to cup my face.

I gather her closer, holding her belly against my raging hard-on, making her feel what she does to me as our tongues play like wild dogs.

When I’m fully breathless and barely tearing myself away from her, she stares up at me, her lungs working overtime.

“Now who’s evil?” I whisper darkly.

“Still you. A thousand percent.” She stumbles back with a smile, though, wiping at her bottom lip where my teeth tug into her flesh. “So, it’s all a game? Is that it?”

“You started it,” I say with a shrug.

With one more heavy look, she whirls around and starts for the door.

I’m done.

I reach out, grab her waist, and yank her closer to me again. “For the record, Miss Sunshine, I wouldn’t have kissed you like a maniac if I was just playing. I promise you, I don’t have time for childish games.”

She leans back in my arms with a longing glance.

Yeah. She isn’t making this hellish urge to shred that black dress any easier.

“I should go anyway,” she says softly. “If I stay—”

“You should,” I admit, releasing her like it’s the hardest thing in the world.

She glances over her shoulder. “Brock?”


“You’re a fun boss to hate.”

“And you, Sunshine, are fucking merciless. That’s why you’ll get no mercy from me.”

She giggles. “Big praise, coming from the Prince of Hotel Darkness.”


