On the Mountain Read Online Riley Hart

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 84533 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 423(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 282(@300wpm)

It was only a few months after my parents passed away that I met Chosen. I was nineteen, naive to the world, lonely. I didn’t have many friends. He was handsome and charismatic. All the women wanted to be with him, and all the men wanted to be him. He just had that electric kind of personality. When he spoke, people listened, they believed, they wanted to be a part of whatever he was.

I was no different in that respect, except for some reason I couldn’t understand, Chosen wanted me, picked me, made me feel loved for the first time. I had never known anything like that before.

I see now that he picked me because he knew he could manipulate me, that I was so needy for love, he could take advantage of that, and I also had the funds to help him accomplish his goals.

He got into my head, made me believe all the things he preached, that we were doing important work for God and would save humanity. We would be the ones who survived because we were Enlightened. We were what God wanted.

I can’t stress that enough. I thought we were doing the right thing, but we weren’t.

As our numbers grew, we needed more space. There was too much sin in the outside world. It would cloud our Enlightenment. So we moved to the mountain.

When I got pregnant with you, I was the happiest I had ever been. My dream was coming true, and I would spend my life making sure you knew you were the most loved little boy in the world…and making sure you were Enlightened.

That wasn’t what happened. Chosen would get jealous of you, jealous if I spent too much time with you. He would announce that God had spoken to him, and then new rules would be in place. You didn’t sleep with us anymore. Other women had to help take care of you. I was there to serve him.

I’m not proud of the fact that I believed him, that I went along with it. I thought he was right, and by the time I didn’t, my self-esteem was so low, I didn’t think I could do anything about it. I didn’t believe I could escape, and if I did, that I would only be hurting you.

I would sneak away to spend time with you, though, and then I would get punished for putting you above the Lord and Chosen.

Years went by, and there were more rules, more punishments, more ways to keep us apart. He started sleeping with other women, but I didn’t care. I got depressed because I missed my son, my Crow, and that just made him even more disappointed in me. I was broken. I wasn’t worthy of him. I wasn’t worthy of you. He hammered that into my head over and over until I believed him.

The older you got, the more you idolized him. I know how easy it is to let him into your head, and you were just a child. I feared you were going to hate me if I took you away, but eventually, I realized that getting you out was what mattered most.

You deserved better than the life we were giving you.

That’s when I started my plan of escape, but I think I knew even then that it was too late for me. But I swear to you, Crow, it’s not too late for you! It is never too late for you.

I’ve been working with an attorney who is going to help me escape. Over the years, Chosen had gained quite the nest egg himself, people giving him their savings so they could become Enlightened. I have to find a way for us to disappear, or he’ll never stop trying to find you.

My only hope is a better life for you. I want you to experience the outside world. I don’t want you to be hurt, to have your mind twisted in that way he can do. I want you to find love and friends. Those are my greatest desires for you, Crow. Even if you stay here, even if you stay on this mountain that you love, you can have a life, a real life, free of Chosen and his twisted form of reality.

I’m so sorry for not being a better mom to you, but I can’t be sorry I met Chosen. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have you. I’m sorry I didn’t save you sooner.

I love you. I hope you know that. You will always be the greatest joy of my life.

Fly free, sweet boy.

Fly free, Crow.

With love,

Your mom, Annalise

Tears poured down my face, cries caught in my throat. I sucked in breath but struggled to get any in my lungs around the knot lodged in my throat.

My heart broke for her, for this woman who’d been so beat down by life, so hurt, much like me, and like my own mother. While mine had turned to drugs, Annalise had turned to Chosen, and both those things had killed them, but never ever killed how much they loved us.


