On Loverose Lane (Return to Dublin Street #1) Read Online Samantha Young

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Return to Dublin Street Series by Samantha Young

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 119005 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 595(@200wpm)___ 476(@250wpm)___ 397(@300wpm)

“Aye. He pulled himself together long enough to get through it. I cannae imagine that, man.” Baird looked pained thinking on the idea of losing his mum.

Unfortunately, I didn’t need to imagine it. “It’s fucking brutal.”

My friend clapped me on the shoulder in sympathy. “He knows you get it. Think it helps.”

“It’s the one club I wish we weren’t both a member of.” I grabbed my toiletries out of my locker. “Let’s hit the Orchard tomorrow. We’ll get some peace there.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

We had to convince John to come out with us the next evening, but it didn’t take long with some beer and pub grub in his belly for his mood to lift a bit. We’d taken my four-by-four and left it parked at my flat, because the bar-restaurant was only a ten-minute walk from my place.

I pretended not to notice Beth’s car in the car park when we left. Could have sworn she said she had a date with some computer prick tonight.

The bar sat in the middle of the floor plan, with tables and chairs skirting the edges of the room on one side and more tables and chairs up a wee set of stairs at the front so diners could sit at the windows and watch the world pass by. We took three stools at the bar.

When we’d first sat down and ordered food, I’d turned to John and told him we could talk about it if he wanted. He said he was grateful, but he didn’t want to. Not today. We’d sat on a corner of the bar to make an L-shape so conversation was easier. A few folks had recognized us, including the bartender (who offered to keep a free-drinks tab open for us), and had come over to congratulate us for yesterday’s game. But otherwise, we were left alone to chat among ourselves. About the game. About a girl John had gone on an unheard-of fourth date with. About the castle Baird and I wanted to buy but couldn’t because Braden Carmichael still wouldn’t meet us.

We were so lost in conversation that I hadn’t seen her come into the bar.

The flash of long blond hair and the certain way she walked drew my attention as she approached the lower end of the bar. The bartender grinned flirtatiously at Beth Carmichael as she ordered. I watched her glance over her shoulder, following her gaze to a bloke who sat at a nearby table, his eyes glued to her.


She was on her date.


She tucked her hair behind her ear as she turned back to wait for the drinks. Who sent a woman to the bar to buy the drinks? Call me old-fashioned, but … no. I didn’t even properly date and I wouldn’t dream of making her pay.

“Earth to Keen.” John waved a hand in front of my face and I blinked rapidly, as Beth looked up the bar and locked eyes with me.

Her lips parted in surprise and then she scowled, looking away.

“What are you staring at …” Baird turned to follow my gaze. His face lit up. “Beth!”

Oh fuck.

Just like that, her expression transformed as she beamed that gorgeous smile Baird’s way. “Long time, no see, stranger!”

Baird hopped off his stool, abandoning his food, a rarity in itself. “Come give me a hug, friend.” His voice boomed around the bar.

Beth laughed but pushed off the bar to walk into his arms like they were in fact old friends.

My pulse hammered as I watched them talk, this time their voices too quiet to be heard.

John nudged me. “You ever going to tell us how you know her?”

Unable to drag my eyes off Beth, I shrugged. “I know her from another life.”

“And you hate the beautiful, funny blond?” He seemed dubious.

“Not hate. Just don’t care either way.”

“Is that why you can’t take your eyes off her and look like you want to stab Baird with a butter knife?”

Forcing myself to look away, I met John’s stare. “She’s not what you think.”

John studied me and then nodded, letting it drop.

A few seconds later, Baird returned to his stool, grinning like an idiot. Beth had grabbed her drinks and returned to her date, who was now shooting glances our way. I decided he definitely looked like a prick.

“She had to return to her date.” Baird shrugged like a big puppy, happy to have gotten some attention at least. “He looks like a prick. She can do well better than that.”

My annoyance at my mate ebbed a bit.

“You might want to stop staring at them like a psycho,” John advised.


I looked at Baird. “Gonna stop trying to be friends with her?”

“Nope.” Baird grinned. “She’s my long-lost sister from another mister. We’ve decided.”

I supposed I should be relieved he didn’t want to sleep with her.

“I gave her my number. We’re going to hang out.”


