On Loverose Lane (Return to Dublin Street #1) Read Online Samantha Young

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Return to Dublin Street Series by Samantha Young

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 119005 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 595(@200wpm)___ 476(@250wpm)___ 397(@300wpm)

A sore spot in the last two weeks was her dad moving our meeting again, much to Beth’s frustration. I was also disgruntled but didn’t let her see. There was no way I’d let business come between me and her. Or her parents. Not again. She reckoned he moved the meeting because he wanted to meet me as her father first and not in a business situation. I think I understood, even though it pushed back our plans by weeks.

Another annoyance was Beth taking a video call with Erstwhile. I knew she wanted the bloke as a client, but I’d seen the way he was with her that night at the limo, and I knew when a guy wanted to fuck someone. This guy needed to know that wasn’t on the table with my woman.

Jealousy was something I was still getting a handle on. Especially because Beth was having none of it.

I had to trust her.

And I did.

I didn’t trust Erstwhile and his fucking limo lifestyle.

For the sake of not acting like a possessive wanker, I kept my mouth shut and kept the peace.

“What are you doing?” I asked Beth as we settled into my Defender. Today she was coming to her first Caley United game. That didn’t explain her fiddling about with the computer in my car.

“Connecting my phone. Between you and work, I haven’t had a chance to listen to Lily’s podcast. And I’d like you to hear it.” She shrugged, giving me a smile that shot right between my legs.

I was fucked. Because I had a premonition I would be unable to say no to this woman, from what we listened to in the car, to where we lived, to where we spent our holidays. She only had to smile at me, for fuck’s sake, and I was ready to give her anything. Still, I needed to at least pretend not to be wrapped around her finger. “I don’t know if I’ll like that kind of thing.”

“It’s the podcast I created. It’s got a shit ton of followers. I told you my wee cousin Lily took it over.” She flicked through her phone, her long hair falling across her face. “Just listen to it. For me.”

I absentmindedly reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear and she smiled, and this time, it hit me square in the chest. “Fuck,” I muttered under my breath, before pulling out of my parking space.

“What is it?”

“Nothing. So, Lily’s your cousin?”

“Well, pseudo-cousin. I told you my parents have this really close-knit friendship group and all of us kids grew up calling our parents’ friends aunt and uncle and each other cousins.”

It sounded nice. A big family like that. Maybe also a pain in the arse. How did you keep up with everyone? I asked the latter out loud.

“With great difficulty lately,” Beth answered. “Maia, who we met at the nightclub?”

“The really bonny lassie Baird fell in love with?”

Beth snorted. “Aye. That’s Maia. She’s my uncle Logan’s daughter. He actually didn’t find out she even existed until she was fifteen. She showed up on his doorstep one day.”

“Fucking hell.”

“Aye, exactly. But Logan started seeing his neighbor,” Beth said, chuckling, “something we know a little about. She’s now my aunt Grace. Anyway, Grace was there for them both and kind of helped bring them together. Maia had a shitty home life with her mum, so she moved in with Uncle Logan and Aunt Grace. They have a wee boy too. My cousin Lachlan. He’s twelve now, which is hard to wrap my head around. Anyway, Maia is technically the oldest of us all, but since she came to us a bit later, I still feel like the eldest. Like I should be the one constantly checking in with everyone to make sure they’re doing okay. And I’m failing miserably.”

I hated her hang-up over this failure nonsense. But I knew it wasn’t nonsense to her, so I could only do so much to remind her she wasn’t failing anyone. “Princess, you’re not responsible for all your cousins. I mean, how many do you have?”

“Cousins? Thirteen. I mean, biologically, only two. But in actuality, thirteen.”

“You can’t keep track of them all, run a successful business, and have fantastic sex every night.”

“I could if I cut out the sex.”

“I’d like to see you try. Of the two of us, who wakes the other up the most during the night for another go?”

The woman had woken me up multiple times with her hands and mouth, and I wasn’t complaining. I’d sleep when I was dead.

Beth harrumphed at that, and I tried to soften the smugness from my grin and failed.

We hit traffic and suddenly, Beth’s old podcast blared through my speakers.

“Welcome to Seek and You Shall Find. I’m Lily and both Sierra and Madison are joining me because we have a special episode today. After weeks of our podcast being used as fodder in the Potterrow Blokes’ attempt to profit off our success, I called them out last week and dared them to come on the show. While it turns out they’re too cowardly to come into the studio, one of them has agreed to chat to us via Zoom. And for the folks listening at home, we’re not staring at one of the Potterrow Blokes’ faces right now. We’re staring at a screensaver of the Hulk taking Thor up the arse. If the expression on the Asgardian’s face is anything to go by … he’s actually really into it.”


