Nobody Does It Better Read Online Lexi Blake (Masters and Mercenaries #15)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Romance, Suspense, Tear Jerker Tags Authors: Series: Masters and Mercenaries Series by Lexi Blake

Total pages in book: 160
Estimated words: 149137 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 746(@200wpm)___ 597(@250wpm)___ 497(@300wpm)

“Well, I have amazing company,” Hector practically crooned back at her. “I hope you’re enjoying yourself.”

“I am. It’s been a truly fascinating party. The only thing that could make it better would be masks. A masked ball would be entertaining. You would never know exactly who you’re dancing with,” Kayla replied. “It’s fun to pretend to be someone you’re not. Isn’t that right, Josh?”

This evening couldn’t get over fast enough. “I don’t know. I do it for a living so it’s kind of nice to just be me.”

He was more him with her than he’d ever been in his life. Was he really going to be able to stand there as she got on a plane?

“I suspect your boyfriend needs time off,” Hector replied. “I’m sure pretending can get tedious.”

“Not when the role is right,” she said. “Not when it’s a role you’ve been waiting to play your whole life. I mean, I’m sure that’s how it is. Josh was telling me about how different it is to take a role for cash and one because you know it’s right.”

He’d talked about it with her one morning over breakfast. He’d been contemplating whether he should take a small role for scale that he loved or the multimillion-dollar offer to play a superhero. She’d passionately advocated for the small role. It was funny because now there was something odd about her. She was saying all the right things, but there was something aloof in her tone, something that made him wonder if she wasn’t making fun of him. Not in the sweetly teasing way she normally did.

Perhaps she finally realized they were over and she didn’t have to be sweet anymore.

“When the role is right, it fits like a glove. It’s kind of like you’re not even acting,” he explained.

“Well, I’ll have to leave it at that.” Hector reached for his phone and frowned. “I’m afraid business calls. You two have a lovely time. I’ll see you for breakfast in the morning. And Joshua, I think you’ll like the checks my friends will be writing to the foundation tonight. We shall have to do this again and soon. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

Josh watched as he stepped away. “I wonder what part of his business he has to take care of in the middle of a party.”

Kay smiled up at him. “Probably torturing young ladies. He looks like the type.”

Or murdering his competitors. But it didn’t matter because she was here now and she was safe. He couldn’t help it. He dragged her into his arms. “I was worried about you.”

She chuckled and looked up at him. “I was only spending a little time in the ladies’ room. Nothing to get worked up about.”

He frowned, confused. “Did you get it done?”

She laughed and managed to look a bit taken aback. “Seriously, Josh? I don’t think a lady talks about that kind of thing. I’m good. I wanted to clean up my makeup a bit. Now I’m ready to dance the night away.” She went up on her toes. “Unless you would rather take this back to the bedroom. I know how insatiable you are.”

She was merely being careful. It was a good thing and he needed to let it go. They still had eyes on them. She wouldn’t be relaxed if she hadn’t finished the job. If something had gone awry, she would be pushing him to leave, not offering to dance or teasing him about sex.

Of course, he’d also expected her to be a bit more grim. She’d had an air of grief around her all day, as though some part of her had already let him go and was moving on to mourning him.

Because she loved him. Because she’d meant what she’d said.

But now she was so…content. Perhaps it was because the job was done. She had to be relieved she hadn’t gotten caught.

“Let’s dance a while.” The faster they went to bed, the sooner the morning would come and with it all his decisions. Hard decisions.

She took his hand and let him lead her to the dance floor.

For a while at least there was nothing to worry about.

* * * *

Kayla came to, sputtering to breathe. She struggled but couldn’t do more than manage to make her body squirm. Water. When had she gone underwater? And when had the world gotten so damn cold? She’d been warm and in bed with Josh just minutes ago. He’d held her and cuddled her and tickled her because he thought it was funny to make her snort laugh. He would do it until she couldn’t breathe and threatened dire retribution.

Cold water sluiced down her skin and she realized that had been a mere dream, a memory of something lovely, and this was reality. Her arms were over her head and she was dangling, held by some kind of hard point in the ceiling. But this wasn’t fun bondage. This was meant to hurt, to break down, to damage. Already she could feel her shoulders going numb.


