No Time to Lie (Masters and Mercenaries – Reloaded #4) Read Online Lexi Blake

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Masters and Mercenaries - Reloaded Series by Lexi Blake

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 145091 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 725(@200wpm)___ 580(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

Yep. That horny inner voice was precisely why she had to remember he wasn’t above suspicion.

“I need you to understand that identifying Julia Ennis isn’t my primary mission.” Taylor felt like she needed to make that plain. “Getting a good feel for the organization of the group is.”

Drake sat up taller, his brows coming together in obvious consternation. “How long do you intend to be on the inside?”

She shrugged. “As long as it takes.”

Drake closed the folder. “Do you understand how dangerous this is? I know that your face is not well known at the Agency, but people have seen you.”

“I’m willing to take that risk. Drake, you need to understand that if you try to kick me out, I’ll run the op on my own. I get that you’re the big man at the Agency and you have contacts I can’t dream of, but I have some of my own. If I have to I’ll send Nick all my data and let McKay-Taggart and Knight decide how and when the Agency gets it.”

Drake’s jaw went tight. “And I need you to understand that I won’t…”

Big Tag stood abruptly. “Say another word. You won’t say anything else that might upset this op.” He turned to Taylor. “Could I have a moment to talk to my nephew and Drake? I think I might be able to clear some things up. I have every confidence that this op has been set up with care and competency, and I’m going to allow Tucker and Jax to participate and the London office to give you all the support you need.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, sir. And, of course. I’ve got some work I need to do on the logistics side.”

“If it’s all right I’d like to see some of your physical skills,” Taggart announced. “I know your father trained you, but I want to make sure…”

She had zero problem proving she could handle herself. “Of course. Sandra has a gym in her home, and I’ll take any weapons test you would like.”

Taggart nodded. “Excellent. Then you should know that dinner is at eight tonight and then I’ve been told the dungeon will open at ten. Sandra is offering club rights to everyone, though I’ll be in the bar. My wife is home with seven kids. Probably more because Kala’s friend Lou spends as much time at our house now as she does her own. Boomer tricked me into that one.”

She kind of wanted to see the club when it was open, but she likely would spend that time in her room. “Thanks.”

“Hey, we should talk later.” Drake had stood beside her.

Not if she could avoid it. She simply turned and walked away.

She knew when to retreat.

* * * *

The minute the door closed, Drake rounded on Ian. “What the hell was that about? Are you trying to make me look like I can’t handle myself?”

“I think he’s pointing out the fact that you’re fucking up when it comes to her.” Tucker leaned back as though getting comfortable. “I missed this part. Everyone’s stoic in my hometown. There’s not a ton of drama.”

“You should come to Bliss,” Jax added. “Kim and Beck and I hang out in town square and let the kids play in the park and wait for the explosion. There’s always an explosion. And when Ian’s in town, there’re many. You should see he and Marie go at it.”

“That old woman has it in for me.” But Tag’s lips had curled up. “I like her. And you have to like any town where they regularly shoot tranq darts into people.”

“Only Max Harper and Mel.” Jax waved that off. “Mel gets weird about alien things, and I swear, Max appreciates the nap. He goads Doc into tranqing him from time to time. At first he would let Max sleep it off in his waiting room, but Max pissed him off so the last time he parked Max’s drugged body on a park bench and left a couple of sharpies lying next to him. It did not go well for Max.”

Drake was never going to that weird town. He needed to get everyone back on the subject at hand. “I’m pulling her from the op. She’s not a deep-cover agent. She has no training in this. She’s always been support.”

“For one of the best undercover operatives in the world,” Tag countered.

“I don’t think she’s going to let you get rid of her.” Brad looked honestly confused. “Also, the op doesn’t work without her.”

“I can make it work.” He could find someone else to take over. Someone who he wouldn’t worry about every second of the day. “You can’t tell me there isn’t another operative out there who could handle this.”

“You would need at least two,” Tucker mused. “Because I don’t know a lot of operatives who have her technical skills. That’s the perfect thing about her. This is an extremely technical job. She can think on her feet. She doesn’t need a voice in her ear telling her what to do.”


