No Time to Lie (Masters and Mercenaries – Reloaded #4) Read Online Lexi Blake

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Masters and Mercenaries - Reloaded Series by Lexi Blake

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 145091 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 725(@200wpm)___ 580(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

But then the door slammed open, and Drake was walking through. He looked like he’d run from wherever he’d been. He was in sweatpants and a T-shirt and athletic shoes, with a set of earbuds dangling around his neck.

He strode in, and his eyes went straight to her.

“Hey,” she began and then stopped because the look in his eyes made her freeze in place.

Longing. Want. Need. He ignored everyone else in the room and walked right up to her. He got into her space and his hands went to her neck, sliding around and sinking into her hair. “I’m going to kiss you now, Taylor.”

The Dom was in the house. He wouldn’t ask, but he would accept a refusal. She could tell him no or back away.

She didn’t want to. Not even her pride was speaking up now because she didn’t think he could fake that look.

Desire and something more. He was happy to see her. He’d felt every moment they’d been apart.

She went on her toes and then his mouth was on hers and her hands found his waist. The kiss wasn’t sweet. It wasn’t a hello that promised more later because they were in front of others.

That kiss told her he would back her up against the wall and take her right then and there, and he didn’t care who was watching because she was his and he was hers and they were together again. The long days of nothing but talk had left him hungry to be close.

As hungry as she was.

He kissed her for what felt like forever and still not long enough.

Not a voice in her head spoke up and told her to step back. There was no voice, just the warmest feeling of belonging.

He finally broke off the kiss but let his forehead rest on hers. “They didn’t tell me when you were coming in. I saw Jax and Tucker and I got here as soon as I could. I missed you, Taylor. I fucking missed you, and I’m not going to pretend that I didn’t.”

If he was playing her, she was going to get her heart ripped out.

And she would pick it up, dust it off, and move forward with her life. Grief had done funny things to her, but the cloud had started to lift, and life suddenly wasn’t as dark as it had been before. “I missed you, too, Sir. Drake. I missed you, Drake.”

He pulled her close and hugged her before shifting to the side and looking around until he found Damon. “Mr. Knight, I know Brad is technically her handler, but you should understand that I have control of this mission and she gets to decide what she wants to do, what she thinks is the best course of action, and if she wants to go through with it at all.”

Nick pointed his way. “This one, I like.” He frowned at Brad. “You, I am watching.”

Damon smiled. “Yes, I like him more now that I know his attitude comes from being horny. The good news is we’re going to play tonight. Let’s get you settled into your rooms.”

“Room,” Drake said stubbornly. “Taylor’s staying with me.”

She didn’t even roll her eyes. “Taylor is choosing to stay with you.”

“Isn’t that what he said?” Owen asked, holding a hand out to his wife.


“I will never understand places like this.” Brad stood and looked her way. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

For the first time in over a year and a half, she didn’t. She had no fucking idea what she was doing, and that felt pretty good. She found her arm winding around Drake’s waist.

“Now, young man, we should have a drink.” Nick had an assessing look in his eyes as he took in Drake. “I would like to know more about how you and Taylor got to know one another. I was not aware Taylor was in a relationship.”

To be honest with herself, she hadn’t been totally aware of it either, but she was overwhelmed by how he’d greeted her. She could take it one of two ways. She could be wary and attribute his enthusiasm to the fact that they were close to the op now and he would want a firm hold on her.

Or she could accept that he wanted her and she wanted him. She could accept the risk that came with embracing life and everything it had to offer.

“We met a long time ago,” she said. “But we only took it to a romantic level recently.”

“She’s simplifying things.” Drake’s arm tightened around her as though he was afraid she might break away from him. “We were involved a while back, and I hurt her. She’s giving me a second chance, and I’m not going to waste it. I’m more than happy to talk to you, but I’m going to settle her in first.”


