No Romeo – Dayton Read Online L.P. Lovell, Stevie J. Cole

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 90564 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 453(@200wpm)___ 362(@250wpm)___ 302(@300wpm)

The thought had a lump settling in my throat. He shouldn’t care, not after everything.

“Look,” Chad said, “I haven’t been living here that long, but even I know Hunt’s really bad news.”

My attention snapped from the window to the driver’s side of the truck, the glow of the dashboard highlighting the frown on Chad’s face.

“You should stay away from him, Lola.”

I fought a smile at the idea of Chad Lancaster warning me away from the big bad, Hendrix Hunt. I wasn’t about to explain our deep and twisted bond, though. “I appreciate your concern, but I can handle Hendrix.”

His lips pressed together like he wanted to say more, but he didn’t. He just kept driving past overgrown yards and derelict houses until he came to a stop outside Kyle’s house a few minutes later.

“Thanks for the ride,” I said again, climbing out of the car.

“You’re still coming to dinner tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah.” Smiling, I closed the door and then watched him back out of the drive. I was still dreading the whole Barrington dinner thing, but I was excited to see Gracie again.

I used the spare key Kyle had given me to let myself inside, then dropped my backpack to the floor. The annoying music from the PlayStation resonated through the house, and when I rounded the living room doorway, I froze.

My gaze drifted from Kyle to Hendrix on the sofa beside him, game controller in hand. Given that he’d obviously been looking for me, I shouldn’t have been surprised.

“I’m going to bed,” Kyle paused the game, then shoved to his feet, his awkward turtle ass about as subtle as a brick.

He scampered down the hall, leaving me alone with Hendrix. And alone, Hendrix’s scrutiny was even more intense. I felt like an exposed nerve that he had a unique ability to home in on.

“I’m fine, Hendrix.” I didn’t have the energy to swim the turbulent waters of our screwed up…whatever this was. A shower and sleep were the only things I needed right now. “Thanks for checking, though.” We both knew it was a dismissal.

Sucking in a hard breath, he placed the controller on the coffee table and got up.

I felt like a complete dick, but it was necessary. This couldn’t happen. We couldn’t happen.

I was almost to the bathroom before the front door opened and closed. I wanted to chase him down and ask him why he still cared. For him to tell me that he still cared. This whole situation was far harder and more painful than I ever anticipated. And I never thought it would be easy.

I locked the bathroom door, turned on the shower, then stripped out of my work clothes. I’d just pulled the shower curtain closed when the lock to the door clicked. Someone had picked it. And I only knew one person that good at picking a lock…

“You don’t live with your mom,” Hendrix said, his voice barely audible over the sound of water hitting tile. “Why the fuck would you let me walk you home?”

His silhouette passed by the curtain, and I cut the shower. I was not having this conversation with him naked.

I shoved my hand past the curtain, and he handed me a towel. “I don’t have a home, Hendrix.” Frustration bubbled within me as I wrapped the towel around my body, then yanked the curtain back.

Hendrix stood in front of the sink, his tattooed arms folded over his chest, blue stare aimed right at me. It felt like he could see all my worst weaknesses, and for the first time in my life, I didn’t want him to. Defensiveness rose within me as I stared him down.

“Is that what you want to hear? That my choices are my bitch of a mother or Kyle’s couch.”

“Why didn’t you just tell me you don’t live there?”

“I didn’t want you to know.”

He straightened, pushing away from the vanity. “Why do you care?”

“Why do you care?”

His calloused fingers gripped my chin, forcing me to look at him. “I need to know you’re okay.”

I reveled in his concern and the gentleness of his touch, but I shouldn’t have. I had to release him from whatever obligation had brought him here tonight.

Tightening my hold on the towel, I placed my free hand on his chest. “You don’t have to look out for me anymore, Hendrix.”

“I promised you, when I was eight years old, I’d never let anyone hurt you again…” He had, right after my mom had given me a black eye. Warm breath touched my cheek as he leaned in. Close and safe, the familiar smell of his skin a soothing balm. “And I don’t break promises.”

He gave the slightest tug to my chin, and like a planet being pulled to a black hole, hurtling toward its ultimate demise, I moved closer. His mouth pressed over mine, soft and reverent. That kiss was night and day compared to yesterday.


