Myths and Shifts (Blue Ridge Magic #6) Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Blue Ridge Magic Series by M.A. Innes

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 76943 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 385(@200wpm)___ 308(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

Daddy was good at playing pretend, and portal stuff, and planning everything.

I was good at finding the best mate ever.

The bestest.

“You like playing pretend and kissing and cuddling and laughing first. You can’t do that with closet time or everyone hears.” Daddy didn’t like answering questions. “You don’t rush. You take good care of me.”

His smile peeked out but it was a naughty smile not a happy one.

“I do. I like taking care of you.” Daddy kissed my nose, still looking like a spanking villain in one of Kenzie’s books. “But sometimes that means helping to correct your behavior.”

Correcting meant spanking.


But I pouted good and sighed.

Daddy liked sighs.

“Oh, Daddy…I want to be a good boy.” Cheek kisses. Wide eyes. “I’ll be good for my spanking.”

I’d even try not to have tingles right away.

I was the best boy ever.

Chapter 27


He was a naughty cutie…and the most adorable little manipulator I’d ever met.

“I’m glad you want to be my good boy.” I was still fairly certain we were operating under different definitions for that, but it seemed like it was going to work in my favor this time. “I’m going to help you remember why you want to be good.”

There were some holes in that logic, but they were only car sized, so it was all right for the time being.

He was doing his best to look sad as he nodded. “Thank you, Daddy.”

It would’ve come across as much more genuine if he wasn’t humping me and trying to make me even harder. “You’re welcome.”

Still, it was a good try, so I gave him another peck on the cheek and ran my hand down his back like he’d instructed me to. “To start with, you’re going to stretch out over my lap. Can you be a good boy for that part?”

The little shiver that raced through him didn’t help his sad act either. “I…Yes, Daddy. I can be good.”

We were going to have to put together a working definition for that word at the very least.

“Can you be a good boy when I bare your bottom?” I was the one trying to look sorry that time. “Spankings go on bare bottoms.”

That did not help his ability to look sad and worried. “I…I understand, Daddy.”

And he was looking forward to it judging by how hard he was.

His cock was tenting the front of his jammies and doing its best to beg for attention. But since the game required I ignore it, I was doing my best to pretend it wasn’t sexy as fuck. “Thank you.”

More sweet kisses seemed appropriate, but they just made the scene sexier somehow. The wonderfully fake innocence was even more wicked when I thought about what was coming next.

His spanking.

And an orgasm…in some way.

He hadn’t teased about what he wanted after his spankings, but depending on his headspace, there were a variety of fun options. No matter what, though, I knew we’d thoroughly enjoy any option his naughty little body desired…or that his wicked mind came up with.

Because I wasn’t the only one who liked playing pretend.

My adorable mate loved playing all kinds of games, but the spanking one was new. Still, we’d talked about limits in a variety of ways, so I knew what he’d like. It probably hadn’t been the most conventional date conversation, but I wasn’t the type to talk about the weather.

Giving him one last sweet kiss on the nose, I ran my hand low enough on his back to pat his bottom. “Let’s get you into position. Don’t forget. You were going to be a good boy for your spanking.”

An excited shiver raced through him again, but he nodded and still tried to look worried about the consequences of his actions. “Yes, Daddy. I’ll be good.”

“I hope so.” I shrugged as he sat up on his knees, hard cock bulging as he wiggled into position on all fours as I stroked my hand over his bottom again. “I want to be able to reward a good boy after his spanking.”

That got me another wonderful full-body reaction and he whimpered as his hips rocked forward. “I…I like rewards, Daddy.”

That was a perfect understatement.

“I’m glad.” Not giving him anything more, I kept caressing lower on him as he stretched out over my lap.

He’d positioned his dick perfectly between my legs to give him friction from every angle, so I carefully eased my legs apart just enough to take away some of his fun. His huff was so cute I chuckled but my favorite part was when he buried his face into the bedding. “I’ll be good, Daddy. Honest.”

“I know.” Sounding confused, I wrapped one hand around his chest and used my other to ease down his pajamas and the briefs he’d put on earlier. The smooth skin in front of me was a beautiful blank canvas that was going to look incredible when I was finished playing with him. “Did I say you were going to be naughty?”


