Myths and Shifts (Blue Ridge Magic #6) Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Blue Ridge Magic Series by M.A. Innes

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 76943 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 385(@200wpm)___ 308(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

His grin just got wider. “Yes, Daddy.”

More supervision was definitely required.

“Thank you.” I wasn’t going to add a good boy on there because I was very certain the amount of junk he’d eaten behind my back made that title questionable. “Alright, have we thought of anything else I need to grab?”

The motel was just far enough that we couldn’t easily walk to the meeting but not far enough away for the trip to take very long.

“No. Just Daddy stuff.” Shrugging, Merritt didn’t look worried. “I have food and toys and snuggly stuff and coloring books and cartoons and cookies.”

My sigh made a few giggles sneak out. “And carrots, Daddy. I have carrots.”

Shaking my head as I parked the car, I pretended to frown at him. “One cupcake earlier means cookies after dinner. Do you get cookies after dinner?”

I wasn’t surprised when I got an adorably overdramatic pout. “No. I get carrots after dinner.”

Thought so.

“Thank you for being honest.” Leaning over, I kissed his cheek. “Good boy.”

Merritt’s face scrunched up like he was debating how he felt about that good boy, but I didn’t make him voice that dilemma out loud. “Do you want to come in with me?”

I wouldn’t make it an order, but I was glad when he nodded. “I think that’s a good idea. You might get eaten by a dinosaur walking by.”

The perfect distraction got giggles and his debate about earning a good boy was gone. “A big one. Grrr.”

Chuckling, I tried to look confused. “I think that’s a bear sound.”

As he flopped back dramatically and looked adorably shocked, I turned off the car and walked around to the other side. He was still doing his Best Overactor in a Drama impression, shaking his head as I unbuckled him. “I was a good dinosaur, Daddy.”

“Were you?” Being skeptical was still getting a wonderful reaction, so I shrugged as I helped him out of the car. “We’ll have to keep practicing and see if I can hear it next time.”

I’d meant when we got privacy but Merritt’s time in the interesting town had changed him already.



Much better.

Chapter 12



“Oh, are we playing dinos?”


“Daddy didn’t think I was a dinosaur.” He was wrong. “I’m a good dinosaur.”

Bouncing, Wren nodded by his door. “You’re a great dinosaur. I liked that part of the meeting. Do you think we can color tomorrow? I like their ideas but until we get done playing imagination, I think we should be able to color.”

I liked to color.

“I think we’re supposed to stay big even when they’re telling stories, but Daddy wouldn’t mind.” I shrugged as Daddy groaned. “Once we get to real ideas and science then we probably have to stop?”

Wren nodded. “Story time means we get to play too. As long as we’re quiet.”

“Kenzie probably has fun stuff to color.” He’d be easy to talk into coloring. “His Daddy likes giving him what he wants.”

Me and Wren both looked over at Daddy but he just glared at us.

Wren knew it was funny too because he giggled. “You’ve got a frowny Daddy.”

Did he have a frowny Daddy?

“I’m not frowny.” Daddy glared at both of us, getting more giggles from us. “And if I don’t get praise right now, I’m going to start asking questions.”

Wren made his eyes go big but he wanted to laugh. “You’re a good Daddy for Merritt. I already told everyone. Bye.”

Naughty Wren.

Daddy groaned. “He cheats.”


I liked Wren.

“And if he’s not careful, I’m going to call his mother and tell her that he’s been flirting with someone.” Daddy raised his voice to tease Wren back. “She’s not going to be happy with her baby moving away.”

It was Wren’s turn to groan.

They both cheated.

But I was a good boy…and a sneaky boy.

“Clothes, Daddy.” Tugging on his hand, I kissed his cheek. “I need mac and cheese. I’m big hungry.”

I was two box hungry.

Three box hungry.

Three boxes and hot dogs hungry.

“Food. Yes.” Daddy forgot all about Wren being naughty and kissed my forehead. “We got distracted by a naughty boy.”

A naughty, giggly boy.

“Are you hungry, Daddy?” I could hear his tummy rumbling, so I knew he’d nod. “Do you want mac and cheese?”

I was a good distracter person.

“I’m starving.” Daddy held my hand as he opened the door. “What else should we have with it?”


“I…I have green beans, Daddy.” That made him smile as he closed the door behind us. “I have hot dogs. I have a cucumber. I have chicken too. And chicken nuggets.”

Daddy chuckled as he sat me on the bed. “So chicken and chicken nuggets are two different things?”

“Yes.” Everyone knew that. But it was okay that I had to tell Daddy. “And chicken strips are different too. And dino nuggets.”

Nodding, Daddy picked out another fancy suit and started moving around the room. He was fast but he liked his fancy clothes and he kept frowning about what to bring. “I can understand your logic but I might have more questions.”


