Myths and Shifts (Blue Ridge Magic #6) Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Blue Ridge Magic Series by M.A. Innes

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 76943 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 385(@200wpm)___ 308(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

Oh, we got a new one.

That was kind of sweet actually.

“I don’t know whether to appreciate their creativity or not, then.” It was Pierce’s turn to let out a deep breath. “But I haven’t spent much time in my room, so I didn’t open anything until last night when I was going to give a bottle of water to my mate.”

Turning to nod toward me, Daddy started to make introductions but the deputy interrupted him. “I heard about that. Congratulations on your mating. Everyone is very excited but please use safewords to keep them from planning your wedding or mating ceremony or your reception.”

It was getting harder and harder not to laugh.

“They had fun planning the last one.” Sounding exasperated again, the deputy put his hand out for me to shake. “I’m sorry. I was distracted. You’re…fuzzy? I’m Deputy Winslow.”

“It’s a spell designed to make people…not notice us. I can try to tone it down or release the spell if you’d like.” Oh. “And I’m Merritt. I was sent by the West Virginia council.”

Because no one else wanted to do it.

I was starting to see why.

“It’s fine. I can ignore it for the most part and it’s saving us from more cupcakes.” After a moment, the deputy frowned and studied me curiously. “I was pretty sure they told our local council where to shove it.”

Yep. That was my relatives.

“I volunteered.” Somehow, that made him look even more skeptical. “I needed an escape from an incredibly nosy family and I knew I was supposed to be somewhere else.”

That had him nodding, which probably meant he thought I’d been coerced in some way.

“Here.” I pointed toward Pierce. “I was supposed to be here.”

“I will never get used to that, but it does come in handy.” Handling everything remarkably well for a human, the deputy glanced between us. “I will also never get used to the new and interesting ways they try to get themselves arrested.”

That was Daddy’s cue to keep going with his story.

“As I opened the bottle of water, Merritt let me know there was a problem and that the water was spelled.” Daddy looked like he wanted to roll his eyes, but he kept his drama in check. “He was able to make it safe to consume, but we thought you’d want to know.”

Deputy Winslow looked like he’d rather be talking about anything else. “Yeah, I need to know.”


It was my turn to help with the explanation. “There were a variety of spells, some stronger than others, but they were all focused on making the person who consumed them relaxed, happy, and…well, susceptible.”

To just about anything, unfortunately.

The deputy went still before taking a deep breath. “I know what a human would be doing with that combination, but around here it could be anything. We had something similar happen a few months ago when there was a fight about lawn decorations. A local mage took offense at the gnomes in a dragon’s front yard and that was how he decided to get them taken down.”

Oh, interesting.

“He thought it was the least confrontational way to handle the situation.” The deputy nodded when Daddy made a hmm, that’s curious sound. “At the time I was just glad he hadn’t burned anything down.”

“Do you think he’s part of this?” Daddy sounded appropriately skeptical but didn’t specifically point that out. “It was a group of women who came to welcome me to town.”

Deputy Winslow took another deep breath, which didn’t give Daddy a good answer but it was enough to have Daddy commiserating with the law enforcement officer. “I would love to give you a confident answer on that, but I’m just going to have to investigate and probably lecture people.”

Daddy went full Pierce and frowned, looking a bit like an angry statue, but after a moment he nodded. “That’s the best I can hope for probably.”

Neither of them liked it, but they seemed to be realists because the deputy sighed. “I’m guessing that whatever they thought they were doing was manipulative but not intended in the way I’m assuming. But if I’m wrong, I’ll get Lorne to eat ‘em. He’s a rabid little thing.”

They were all so weird.

I loved it.

“I’ll take it.” Looking slightly happier, Daddy glanced around the room. “You might want to talk to anyone else who possibly got welcome gifts?”

Oh, Deputy Winslow didn’t like that. “For fuck’s sake.”

He had the best job.

But it seemed like the whole situation was enough to give him a push to take charge, so he metaphorically grabbed the hot potato they’d been tossing around with both hands and stood straighter as he glared at everyone. “Alright. We’re getting started. If you brought cupcakes to one-up Kenzie, you have to leave. He gets to stay because he was just being nice and he’s got a place on the council for this situation.”


