Myths and Shifts (Blue Ridge Magic #6) Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Blue Ridge Magic Series by M.A. Innes

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 76943 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 385(@200wpm)___ 308(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

He had a point.

“I really don’t like thinking of them as innocent.” I huffed as Merritt laughed quietly. “It would explain a lot, though.”

“They’re not innocent. They’re naughty everywhere they go.” Merritt made another good point.

“Thank you for pointing that out.” In worrying about the diner, I’d overlooked the obvious. “I feel much better now that I can still find them annoying.”

Merritt made another happy sound, but he pulled back enough to give me a soft peck before snuggling back into me. “You’re welcome.”


“Daddy is still an appropriate title when you’re not little, you know. Unless you want to call me Pierce?” That got a silly giggle from him even though I knew he was still big. “I thought so. Daddy it is.”

“You’re kinda bossy…Daddy.” There was enough laughter in his voice that I knew he was playing with me.

“Only when I’m right.” I was flexible otherwise. “And I was right about kisses coming before food.”

I waited for a few seconds, wondering if I’d need to be a little less subtle.


He pulled back, doing his best to look frustrated with me. “I’m right about you being bossy.”

Yes, but I got more kisses, so as his mouth came back to mine, I decided being bossy was working for me.

Chapter 6


“I just think an audience would’ve added spice that we don’t need in our lives.” Pierce said it with a completely straight face as he shrugged, but I’d have never been able to pull it off. “I think one of those dirty old men is into voyeurism.”

He was insane…but he might’ve been right.

“I didn’t ask about spice or kinks.” He made me say the most ridiculous things in conversations. “I asked what you thought about how safe eating there was.”

I wasn’t sure what someone had done but there was no way everyone was naturally that into oversharing.

“That’s what I answered.” Still looking serious and like he was slightly confused, Pierce frowned. “Spice can be dangerous for your health.”

“I’m not mainlining ghost peppers. I want someone else to make me pancakes and cake.” Duh.

He finally cracked and the barest grin peeked out. “So you’re going to the naughty men to be naughty too?”

How did he make every conversation dirty?

Well, every conversation as an adult.

“They have fruit on them.” As long as I asked for them that way. “And I have protein too.”

Because they had the best bacon and I was not going to question why it was so good. I might have to add more time to my workouts, though.

“I’m not going to make the fruity joke. It’s too easy.” Again, his straight face was going to make me throw something at him.

“How are you this ridiculous?” Glaring at him only made him smile wider, which was really the only reason I did it. “Aren’t lawyers supposed to be boring?”

The ones I’d met in the past had been boring or crooked…Pierce was neither.

He shrugged, not offended at all as he went back to giving me his boring face. “I’ll be boring when you drag me back to the diner to get your naughty fix.”

I was not an exhibitionist.

At least, I didn’t think I was.


“You’re going to feel really bad if in a year or two we figure out I really was looking for a kink fix.” A sexy knky fix. I was finishing up my naughty dessert fix at the moment and had no regrets about the mile-high chocolate cake. “Then I’ll expect you to grovel very nicely.”

A laugh boomed out of him which made my heart beat faster…he was just that sexy when he was happy. “No. You’ll expect me to find a club for you to visit at that point.”


“I’m from a small town and I visit other small towns on a regular basis. I’m pretty sure the Walmart parking lot has more businesses than my entire town back home.” Not that I really minded that, but it hadn’t left me a lot of time to explore.

Thank the dragons above for the internet.

His smirk said he wasn’t worried about my past or what I might want to explore in the future. “You’ll keep me on my toes, I’m sure.”

He was remarkably unfazed about finding his mate.

“You’re very accepting of all of this.” It was nice but admittedly weird. “I kind of expected more drama from this kind of meeting.”

Instead of answering me, he took us off on a slight tangent. “So you’re the type that had to go over every meeting possibility too?”

We were so well matched it was kind of scary.

“And if I was?” Playing coy just got another smile from him. “What was your favorite way to imagine finding your mate?”

That had his head cocking and him looking thoughtful and adorable. “Well, in my teenage years and high school in general, I kept thinking he’d walk past me in the hallway and we’d have some kind of teen rom-com moment.”


