My Stepmom’s Boyfriend – Forbidden Fun Read Online Cassandra Dee

Categories Genre: Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 28
Estimated words: 27227 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 136(@200wpm)___ 109(@250wpm)___ 91(@300wpm)

I realize that I must look like a homeless person. My clothes are from the local discount store’s sale bin. My hair’s a mess, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are smudges of dirt on my cheeks. Fortunately, Buster doesn’t mind and he nudges against my leg. I pet the dog while speaking tentatively.

“I’m fine. Sorry for intruding.”

The man’s gaze sharpens, and his eyes are a piercing blue. He frowns again.

“You’re not intruding, sweetheart, because this is a public street. I’m Travis, and this nosey dog is Buster. Come on, boy.”

“Hi Buster,” I say to the sweet mongrel. His tongue flops out of his mouth and I swear he smiles at me.

“I’m Caitlin,” I add in a tentative voice. The man nods.

“Well Caitlin, it’s nice to meet you. I haven’t seen you around before. Are you new to the neighborhood?”

I bite my lip. “Um. No, sort of. I actually lived on Newberry Street.”

Travis’s forehead crinkles. “Newberry Street? I’ve lived in Medina a while, but I’m sorry to say I’ve never heard of Newberry. Whereabouts is it?”

My face goes fire-red. At first I sputter, but then I force myself to get the words out.

“It’s not in this neighborhood. I’m, um, from the other side of the tracks.”

Realization dawns on his handsome face.


I swallow hard, looking at the ground. I don’t have zip code envy, but never have I felt like so out of place, like I’m a dark smudge on this picturesque neighborhood.

“So where are you headed?” he asks kindly. “Can I help you find your way?”

I swallow hard, cheeks flaming. “Um, actually, I’m just taking a walk,” I say weakly. “Checking out the real estate. There are some nice digs in this part of town.” I can tell he doesn’t believe one word I’m saying, but he’s too polite to remark. “Um, so would you recommend the neighborhood?” I continue in a weak tone.

His black brows shoot up almost to his hairline.

“I would,” he replies. “Why, what kind of home are you looking for?”

Oh shit, oh shit.

“Maybe a two-story house?” I ask in a squeak. “With a yard? That’d be nice.”

He throws his head back and laughs.

“Honey, all the houses in this area are two stories, if not three, four or five. And they sit on lots at least an acre in size. It sounds like you’re a bit out of your depth, but if you’re intent on looking at the real estate in this area, can I invite you to my home? I live not far from here, and I could show you around.”

Travis must know I’m lying, and he must suspect that something’s seriously off. Yet, he’s too polite to comment on it, and instead is going along with my ruse. At first, I’m tempted to say no because I’m already caught in a web of my own creation. But what are my options, really? To go back to Fiona’s? Instead, I smile and nod.

“That would be great,” I say in a rush. “Your house might be a little bit beyond my price point, but I appreciate the personal tour.”

His blue eyes gleam, but there’s a friendly smile on his handsome face.

“Sure. I’m just over this way. Come on, Buster. Let’s go and show this pretty lady where we live.”

Buster turns to look at me, tail wagging, and I swear he’s waving his head as if to say, “Over here.”

“Okay, okay,” I laugh, my anxiety dissipating a bit. “I’m coming.”

We walk a few blocks, Buster weaving between us, until we turn a corner, revealing high hedges. Then there’s a gate covered in ivy, which Travis unlocks before gesturing me to step inside. I have no idea what to expect. Maybe I’m being led into a dungeon.

But instead, a gorgeous castle stands before me. There are literally several turrets, as well as a sparkling expanse of emerald green lawn before it. I half expect to see knights in armor riding up to the gate, but instead, there’s a sports car parked casually to the side.

“You live here?” I gasp.

Travis chuckles and nods.

“Me and Buster both,” he says lightly. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

We make our way up to the huge wooden door, which Travis opens easily with a touch of his fingers. Inside the foyer, I let out another amazed gasp. There’s a huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling, sparkling with glimmering crystal pieces, and straight ahead is a spiral staircase leading to the second floor, perfect for fancy ladies to make an entrance.

“Wow. Just wow,” I breathe.

Travis chuckles. “I know what you mean. That’s what I thought when I first saw it too. Too bad I don’t have any use for eight bedrooms.”

“Eight bedrooms?” I squeak.

He grins. “Yep, four for me, and four for Buster.”

The dog trots away, maybe towards one of the bedrooms he’s claimed as his own.


