My Second Chance – Secret Baby Read Online Natasha L. Black

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 60219 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 301(@200wpm)___ 241(@250wpm)___ 201(@300wpm)

When the big day approached, I spent most of the daytime at home, playing with Owen and reminding him every so often that neither Graham nor I would be home to tuck him in that night. His grandmother was coming over, and they would be spending the evening breaking all the rules he normally lived by, including late-night movies and ice cream.

He didn’t seem too upset.

Mom got there around three, and I disappeared upstairs to finish getting dressed. Mom was incredibly indulgent of her grandson when she got the rare sleepover evening with him, and this was no different. She arrived with a Happy Meal and a board game for them to play while I got ready. When I came out, hours later, I noticed someone else had arrived.

Graham was on the couch, Owen cuddled up under his arm. They each had action figures in their hands, deep in the fantasy play of some sort of game. I watched them for a while, not wanting to interrupt before Graham noticed that I was standing at the top of the stairs. He smiled and stood, kissing Owen’s head as he got up. Owen looked up as well, and when he saw me, his eyes went wide.

“Mama, you look beautiful,” he said.

My heart clenched as I came down the stairs and Graham held his hand out for me to take. He was in a sleek black and gray suit, his jacket lying across the chair of the dining room table. He grinned as I got to the bottom of the steps.

“He’s right,” he said. “You look amazing.”

He leaned in to press a kiss to my cheeks, and I turned to Owen, who was now running up to me. He wrapped his little arms around my legs.

“Goodnight, Mama. Goodnight, Daddy. I love you. Bye.”

It melted me and made me laugh at the same time. We had been dismissed. His Grandma time had begun. Already, he was heading to the kitchen where she was making a frozen pizza and there were promises of root beer.

“Shall we?” Graham asked.

We arrived at the ball a little early, so we were there before the students came filing in. Many of the other teachers and parents who volunteered were put on various duties, but the second Principal Runnels saw us together, I think it clicked. He knew something was going on and that the students’ virtuousness while they danced wasn’t the top priority for either of us.

For our parts, we tried to keep an eye on them as we joined them on the floor and broke up a few of the more intensely inappropriate dancers. But the longer we were there, the less we paid attention to anyone but each other. We both knew we needed to leave early but didn’t know how exactly we would accomplish it.

We had waited long enough. It was time.

Tonight was our night.

“It’s getting late,” Principal Runnels said as he passed us around midnight. “I think we have things covered if you two want to skip out.”

“Are you sure?” Graham asked. “We can stay.”

“No,” he said, smiling. “You have helped us out tremendously on short notice. Please, enjoy the rest of your night. Both of you.”

“Thank you, Dustin,” I said, using his first name for the first time in years. “I appreciate it. We appreciate it.”

“Go on, get out of here,” he said as Graham took my hand.

I giggled as we escaped into the cold night air and broke for his car. A few other students were out there, either heading to their own cars or trying to find a place to make out themselves. We got to the car, and he opened the door for me before jumping himself and revving the engine.

Graham booked it for his place, and before we even opened the door, our lips were crashing into each other’s. As the door slammed shut behind him, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and our tongues slid inside to tangle with the others. His hands reached behind me and began unbuttoning my dress, and I kicked off my heels.

“Bedroom,” he grumbled in a horse whisper, and I laughed as I ran down his hall toward it.

I threw the door open and went to the bed, sitting down and letting the dress fall from my shoulders. As it slid to my elbows, Graham showed up in the doorway. His tie was off. His shirt was unbuttoned all the way down and his T-shirt untucked. He was undoing the buttons on his sleeves and staring at my chest as it was slowly revealed by the falling dress.

He crashed into me a moment later, yanking down on the dress until it was off, leaving me only in silk panties. I fumbled with his pants, unzipping and yanking them down off his hips. His massive cock sprang out at me as I got him naked, and I moaned in excitement as I lay back on the bed and scooted toward the pillows, guiding him by his staff. It was as glorious as I remembered and I had no doubt would give me the intense pleasure I’ve desired for so long.


