My Favorite Boss Read Online Melanie Moreland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 93387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 467(@200wpm)___ 374(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

Terry blanched, stepped back, and shook his head. “Never able to take a joke, were you, brother?”

The two men glared at each other, their animosity evident. I stood. “Alex, can we go?”

He was at my side immediately. “Of course.”

We turned to walk away when Terry called out. “I’ll tell Mother we ran into each other.”

“Shame you didn’t run over him instead,” I observed.

Alex looked down at me and started to laugh. He tucked me tight to his side. “Ah, Magnolia. Thank you for that.”

I snuggled closer. I loved making him laugh.

I slept in the next morning, waking up when the mattress dipped and Alex pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Morning, sleepyhead.”

I blinked in the bright morning light. I grinned at Alex, his ever-present hump on his shoulder. “My boys behaving themselves?”

Alex chuckled. “I made coffee. It was shit. I need one of yours.” He reached up, tickling Hedgy. “And the kitten is coming to visit your dad with us. I called the facility, and they said he was allowed. You told me once your dad liked animals.”


He bent and kissed me. “Same rules apply. If it’s not a good day, I’ll leave.”


I was nervous when we arrived. Dad was sitting in his room, looking out the window. He smiled when we walked in, a rare real smile. “Hey, Maggie Mae.”

I threw my arms around him, hugging him, and felt him return my embrace. “Hi, Dad.”

I pulled back, trying to tamp down my emotions. I wiped at my eyes. “Dad, this is my, ah…” I faltered, but Alex stepped beside me.

“Hello, sir. I’m Alex, Magnolia’s boyfriend.”

“Alex,” Dad greeted him, far more distracted by the ball of fluff in his hand. “Who is that?”


Dad frowned. “Odd name, but it suits him.”

Alex sat beside him, letting Dad stroke Hedgy, who was content in Alex’s hands. “That’s what I said. Magnolia here isn’t impressed.”

Dad looked at him. “Takes a lot to impress her.”

Alex nodded sagely. “I’m trying. Maybe you can give me a few hints.”

My dad laughed. “Son, you need to figure that out on your own.” Dad looked between us. “But I think you’re doing okay.”

Alex met my eyes with a wink. “I hope so, sir.”

Dad chuckled. “Enough of the sir. You can call me Dan.” He paused, scratching the kitten under the chin. “How did you meet?”

Alex cleared his throat. “At the office.” He hesitated. “I’m her boss.”

Dad looked between us. “You think so, do you? I always thought I was the boss too. Maggie Mae allowed me to think so.”

Alex looked nonplussed.

Dad chuckled. “You’ll figure it out. Eventually.”

“I brought you muffins, Dad,” I said, trying not to cry at the sight of the three of them. By now, Hedgy had crawled onto Dad’s lap and up to his chest. Dad was holding him with one hand, stroking him with the other, and Alex was watching them carefully, ready to grab either one if needed.

“Tea?” he asked hopefully.

“I’ll go make us some.” I stopped in the doorway, looking back at them.

“Now tell me, Alex. What do you do in your office where you’re the boss?”

“Landscape architect.”

“Impressive. You serious about my daughter?”

Alex glanced my way. “I am.”


I left them to their chat.

We had Chinese for dinner. I was quiet as we ate, and Alex reached across the table, taking my hand. “Are you okay, Magnolia?”

“I’m good. Always a little sad to leave him when he is doing well.”

He nodded in understanding. “He loves you a lot.”

“You were very good with him.”

“He’s very intelligent and easy to talk to. I’m glad I got to meet him.” He paused. “He’s older than I expected.”

“He was forty when they had me.”

“Ah, a late baby.”

“I was a bit of a surprise.” I grinned at him. “And he loved Hedgy.”

Alex laughed. “Hedgy loved the treats Dan kept feeding him. Little traitor can be bought with food.”

“What were the two of you talking about so seriously when I took the tray back?”

He grinned. “Private.”

I rolled my eyes. “Better than the encounter last night.”

He frowned. “I’m sorry about that. Terry is rude and has no manners.”

“You dislike him intensely.”

“I dislike what he represents. Lies, injustice, and a superior attitude that he is better than everyone.” His face darkened. “And I disliked what came out of his mouth.”

“I didn’t care.”

“I did. He’s vulgar and crude. He thinks money gives you class. He’s wrong. You have more class in your pinkie finger than he’ll ever hope to have.” He paused. “Not that I’m saying⁠—”

I laughed. “It’s fine, Alex. I’m not wealthy. I am well aware of that. I never have been, but I’m happy.” I pushed away my plate. “I don’t think your wealth has made you very happy.”

“No, it hasn’t. I saw what it did to my mother. No matter how much she has, she wants more. The same with Terry. Unlike them, I don’t judge people on what they possess. I work hard for my money and enjoy the benefits, but it doesn’t run my life.”


