My Dirty Professor Read online Cassandra Dee, Kendall Blake

Categories Genre: Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 43653 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 218(@200wpm)___ 175(@250wpm)___ 146(@300wpm)

And Stone goes for it, taking my lips authoritatively. His mouth is firm and commanding, licking at the seam between my lips before breaking contact and coming up for air, his chest heaving and his nostrils flaring.

“Fuck, baby. I can’t believe you do this to me,” he growls, hauling me closer. “Do you feel that? Do you feel how hard my dick is after just one kiss?”

I giggle because his rod is so huge and stiff pressing against my ass. It’s like a steel bar against my curvy flesh. And I have every intention of helping him relieve that pressure, vent some of the steam, but first, I want an answer.

“Stone,” I whisper gently, looking up into his eyes, “what about you? Why weren’t you afraid for yourself?”

“Because I had nothing to be afraid of,” he growls, pulling me close again. “Honey, have you ever heard of Phillips Packaging? You know, the Fortune 500 company?”

I nod slowly. “Sure, but what does that have to do with us? I mean … are you related to them?” I ask, jumping back all of a sudden.

He nods slowly, his face serious.

“I’m not just related; I’m the heir apparent,” he admits wryly. “You’re looking at the CEO of Phillips.”

My jaw drops. Suddenly, the incredible luxury surrounding us makes sense. There is no way he could afford this on a teacher’s income, even if he had years of salary saved.

“That’s where you got all of this, isn’t it?” I ask, my chin trembling as I gesture to the house, the pool, and the car parked out front. “You’re a rich man. Even that apartment in NYC,” I realize slowly. “The company was paying for it, weren’t they?”

Stone taps me on the nose with his index finger, his eyes dancing.

“No, not exactly. The company didn’t pay for the apartment, nor do they pay for this house,” he says, his eyes sweeping across the luxurious surroundings. “My trust fund bought these things, and it was time I began contributing to the family business after living off of its largesse for so long.”

But still, there’s something missing.

“But what about being a teacher?” I ask slowly, shaking my head. “I thought you loved your chosen profession. Plus, you really knew your stuff. Stone, you were great in front of a classroom. Truly talented.”

He leans in to give me a swift kiss before straightening again, his eyes gleaming. “Thanks, baby, I appreciate that. Yeah, teaching is something that I’ve always wanted to do,” he reflects contemplatively. “Educate kids, work with my brain. And I had a good run, but I’d been thinking of leaving the profession for a couple of years, believe it or not,” he admits wryly. “My grandfather’s sick and can’t man the helm for much longer, plus a bunch of my relatives are nitwits who can’t possibly sail this ship. So it’s me,” he states with a shrug. “My dad’s going to be the chairman, and I’ll be the CEO. We’ll work in tandem until my dad retires, and then it’ll be all me.”

I gape a little.

“You-you’re going to be running Phillips Packaging?” I ask, disbelief in my eyes. “But what do you know about the business?”

At those words, Stone taps me lightly on the nose.

“You know, little girl, you can be so amazing and yet so insulting, all at once,” he remarks dryly. “Sure, you know me as your biology teacher, but what do you think I’ve been doing since I was nine years old? That’s right, I’ve been working at the Phillips factory since I was a kid, child labor laws be damned. My family didn’t hesitate to put me to work. They figured it would help me learn the business early.”

“So it’s really true then,” I gasp. “You’re taking the reins of the family company.”

Stone grins at me then. “Actually, I’m not taking the reins; I’ve already taken the reins.” He winks. “I was named CEO last week, installed as the head of the corporation, and there’s a ton of shit to do.”

“So why are you here now then?” I ask. “If you’re so busy, then why are you here?”

Stone throws up his hands before pulling me closer. My breasts are touching his chest now, my softness pressed up against his hardness.

“I swear, Evie, have you not heard anything I’ve said? I’m in love with you!” He’s suddenly serious again, gripping my chin in his hand so that I look deep into his eyes. “I stayed away because I wanted you to get on your feet and become independent first. And now that I’m back,” he says determinedly, “it’s time to start up again.”

With that, I give in. My heart is pumping and my pulse is racing at a million miles an hour. Because although I haven’t completely internalized Stone’s explanation, I do understand the words “I love you,” “I’ve fallen in love with you,” and “I’m in love with you.” And my lover has said those words repeatedly during our conversation; he’s said them again and again for my benefit, to help explain things and to help resolve outstanding issues.


