My Dark Prince (Dark Prince Road #3) Read Online L.J. Shen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Dark Prince Road Series by L.J. Shen

Total pages in book: 171
Estimated words: 164705 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 824(@200wpm)___ 659(@250wpm)___ 549(@300wpm)

Zach Sun: Hope not. I’d hate to block my best friend’s wife.

Romeo Costa: Watch your mouth, Sun.

Zach Sun: You mean fingers.

Romeo Costa: Every fiber of your body should be afraid of me when you disrespect my wife.

Frankie Townsend: find me someone who loves me like romeo likes killing people who offend dal.

Dallas Costa: So, when are we meeting your accidental fiancée, Ollie?

Ollie vB: Never.

Dallas Costa: Tonight? Perfect. We’ll bring wine.

Frankie Townsend: wait. WHAT? ollie has a fiancee?

Ollie vB: I need to clear it first with Doctor Cohen that it’s okay to introduce her to random fucks she’s never met in her life. I’m not taking any chances with her recovery.

Farrow Ballantine-Sun: I hadn’t realized she meant so much to you.

Zach Sun: Knowing him, he wants her gone ASAP so he can continue using his house as a brothel.

Dallas Costa: I want an answer tonight. As I said, I don’t trust you with an unassuming woman who suffers from amnesia.

Ollie vB: First of all, she is not unassuming. She assumes a lot of things.

Dallas Costa: Like what?

Ollie vB: Like she is about to become my wife.

Ollie vB: Second, I just got off the phone with Doctor Cohen, and apparently, we’re all clear. The only thing he said is that we definitely should not tell her things that did not happen happened. So, don’t fuck with her, okay?

Frankie Townsend: wait. r we talking about my boss. the woman you put in a coma?

Romeo Costa: Not planning to. You will, though.

Farrow Ballantine-Sun: I will literally crochet you into a new coat for her with my sword if you take advantage of this poor woman.

Zach Sun: Now that is an idea I can stand behind.

Frankie Townsend: briar, right?

Ollie vB: I mean it. Don’t tell her things that aren’t true. About the world. About her life. I’m trying to be as truthful as I can be with her.

Romeo Costa: Impossible. If that were the case, she’d be running for the hills. Zach, do you see a woman on the hills in front of your house?

Zach Sun: Let me check.

Frankie Townsend: y is no one answering me rn

Ollie vB: The amount of hate I have for all of you right now …

Zach Sun: Nope. No woman on a hill.

Ollie vB: She already started remembering some things. I don’t think it will take her a long time to catch up.

Dallas Costa: How am I supposed to teach her things about herself when she doesn’t even have social media? I literally did a ton of leg work and nothing.

Frankie Townsend: it’s true. i even spoke to people who work on set with her. she has no FB, no IG, no Snapchat, no TT. is she even real?

Ollie vB: She is real, and she is magnificent.

Ollie vB: Also, what is Frankie doing here? She doesn’t even live here.

Frankie Townsend: …

Frankie Townsend: my dad kind of threw me out of the house after he got the bill for that fire incident at your hotel. thanks a lot, ollie.

Ollie vB: That’ll teach you responsibility.

Frankie Townsend: sorry to disappoint, but if dropping out of college three times didn’t, i doubt you can, sir.

Zach Sun: I never thought I’d see the day when Ollie doesn’t let Frankie walk all over him.

Frankie Townsend: that asshole didn’t even try to sleep with me when he had the chance.

Romeo Costa: The plot thickens.

Ollie vB: Sorry, that’s just me. I’ll tuck it back in, though.

Farrow Ballantine-Sun: @OllievB, what happened? You were so adamant you wanted to hook up with Frankie.

Zach Sun: He was never invested. His entire bravado is a sham. I called it years ago.

Ollie vB: You don’t like it when I chase underage skirt. You don’t like it when I DON’T chase underage skirt. There’s just no pleasing you people.

Dallas Costa: We are coming tomorrow evening for dinner, Sir Sins-a-Lot.

Ollie vB: Behave.

Dallas Costa: And I’m bringing Luca.

Zach Sun: We have other plans.

Farrow Ballantine-Sun: No, we don’t.

Ollie vB: Woof woof.

Zach Sun: Don’t be so smug, Oliver. I have a feeling you’re next.

Chapter Nineteen


Not a single memory returned by the time the hospital discharged me.

I’d spent ridiculous hours sleeping, chasing another dream from the past. One that would fill in the gaps from now and fifteen years ago. None came. On the bright side, the hospital had moved me into the executive suite for my last few nights, and I woke up every morning to the sight of Oliver sprawled across the spare bed, his glossy hair twinkling in the fresh sunlight.

I flicked open the overhead mirror in Oliver’s Ferrari, running my tongue over my teeth. “I’m super excited to go back home.”

He hadn’t touched me at all since I’d come to, save for a handful of awkward fatherly hugs. I didn’t remember much about my life, but I did remember us as teenagers.

Back then, you couldn’t remove us from one another with a five-blade machete. We were always one breath away from humping each other’s leg in public and used to kiss until our mouths were dry and stinky.


