My Curvy Belle Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 56
Estimated words: 51159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 256(@200wpm)___ 205(@250wpm)___ 171(@300wpm)

“Your old ass needs to settle down. That’s my grandson you’re talking about.” We both cackled with laughter and touched our glasses together as we heard an engine pull into the driveway out front.

“Shh, we better cool it before that boy catches on.”

“Not just him. I get the feeling that when she’s not moping over the divorce my little grand baby is a firecracker.”

“She’ll need to be to put up with Logan, I told you about that boy. He’s just like his daddy and we all know how that goes.”

“Heaven help us if that’s true. It’s what she needs anyway. That high born jackass didn’t do right by her. Maybe what she needs is a good old fashion southern boy to put her to rights.”

“Shh, here they come.” I kept my eyes peeled in the twilight to see the expressions on their faces. That’s all I need to tell me if our little setup had been a success.

I was sure that once these two got together nature would take its course and we wouldn’t have to do much else, but if the need arose I was more than ready and willing to do what was necessary.

From the way the poor girl was blushing and the possessive grip my boy had on her hand I’d say things had gone better than planned.

Charlie was all but jumping in her seat and I had to kick her under the table to get her to calm the hell down. “Hi kids, where you two been?”

I had the widest most innocent smile on my face. One whiff of anything and that damn Logan is mean enough to call the whole thing off. The boy always did like to go his own way.

“Hi grandma, I didn’t know you were here.” He walked up on the porch to kiss my cheek like the good boy that he is, but I noticed he still had ahold of that hand.

I beamed at him as the two of them greeted Charlie and told us about their horseback ride. We played like we were pleasantly pleased but I’d already warned Charlie not to overdo because the boy can smell a rat ten counties over.

“Belle did you eat something today baby? You know this child has been eating like a bird since she got here?” Charlie addressed her statement to me as if we hadn’t already discussed it.

But we got just the reaction we were hoping for. “Now aunt Charlie you know better than to ask that question. I made sure she ate.”

“You’re such a good boy Logan. Thank you for looking out for her. She hasn’t met many people yet and I’m afraid she’s gonna go plum out of her mind hanging around here with me all day.”

“Well you don’t have to worry about that. In fact I’ve offered her a job on the ranch so she should be busy.” I could barely contain myself.

“A job? Really, well isn’t that just about the nicest thing. Lottie you got a good one there. But then again we always knew he had a heart of gold ever since he was little didn’t we?”

“Sure did. Well, did you young folks want to have a drink with us?” I lifted my half empty martini glass in the air, but my boy was way ahead of me.

“No thanks, I think Belle and I are gonna take a walk down by the stream, enjoy the rest of this lovely night.” He’s a fast one alright. Before we could say yea or nay he carted the girl off and disappeared down the path behind the house.

I had to calm Charlie down when she started up. “Let’s wait until we’re sure they’re away from here.” We both stopped and listened to the disappearing footsteps before ripping hell.

We high-fived like the teenagers we once were and snickered behind our hands pleased as punch with ourselves. I filched my cellphone from my pocket to call my Emma with the good news. All in a day’s work.

The three of us already had the chapel the reception hall and our dresses picked out. Not bought and paid for mind you, but we’re way ahead of the game.

Been working tirelessly on this thing for the last few months, and seeing it come to fruition was about the best thing this side of fried chicken with my grandma’s gravy.


I wasn’t ready to leave her. Something else that I find alarming in the extreme. Normally I can’t wait to get rid of company, and that’s usually after I’ve hit it. Inane conversation was never my strong suit.

Not saying women are stupid, just that I never had any real interest in one beyond a fuck before. But as we walked towards the quiet of the stream with the moonlight dancing on the water, I couldn’t think of anything I’d rather be doing at this moment.


