My Bully Crush Volume 2 Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 196
Estimated words: 180438 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 902(@200wpm)___ 722(@250wpm)___ 601(@300wpm)


“How did she do it?”

“My guess is either Russo or Track helped her.”

“And none of you thought to stop her?”

“Who can do that other than you?”

“Where is she? Get her in here.”

I looked back at the screen where those three women Mengele had kidnapped were fighting each other. They looked nothing like their former selves because my daughter had kept them on a steady diet of sugar and junk for the last few months.

She came sauntering into the room with that damn dog that was now bigger than she was. “Mengele, what’s your game here?”

“What do you mean, Daddy? What game?”

I turned the screen around so she could see what I was talking about. “This, how did you do it?”

“Oh, that, it’s a live show.”

“I know what it is; I’m asking you how you did it or, more to the point, why?”

“How is irrelevant, why is obvious. Didn’t they always want to do live TV? Well, now their whole lives are a show, only there’s no script.”

“Who signed off on this?”

“Uh, Daddy, guess what?” I took a deep breath and looked around the room at my men, who were all trying not to laugh.

“No, I don’t want to guess. Now answer my question.”

“Fine, I won’t tell you then. Come on, Bunny.”

“Hey, you haven’t answered my question.”

“Not now, Daddy, I’ve got class.” I guess they couldn’t hold their laughter any longer, and I was pretty much getting tired of being the brunt of their jokes.

She went rogue a few months ago after the explosion, and it’s been hell keeping tabs on her because everyone around here seems to be on her side, so they keep her secrets. I’d forgotten all about Ryder and his drama because there’s always some shit that needs handling around here, but she just won’t quit.

My kid holds grudges. For months, I wondered what her plans were for those people before I gave up caring, but never in a million years did I expect this. She’d somehow found a way to livestream those people twenty-four-seven, and from the stats that just came across my desk, the show, if you can call it that, was a hit.

She’d made Ryder’s ex and Mary’s two daughters stars, but I’m sure this is not what they had in mind. Their every move was being broadcasted and from the looks of it, they had no idea this was being done or they would not be acting the way they are.

They’d each gained about fifty pounds or more, but what was worse were the things they revealed, either in arguments with each other or just in conversation. It was obvious to me that they had lost their damn minds. They seemed to live in the bathrobes that looked as if they hadn’t been washed in years, and I’m guessing that’s because they were on that island with no servants to look after them.

Russo, I’m guessing, drops food off for them once a month, along with other necessities, but that was about it. Since there was no entertainment they only had themselves to talk to for a distraction from the mundane.

You’d think that was the worst of it, but no, she’d sent that doctor who she’d driven mad over there, and those women took turns tormenting him. He wasn’t allowed in the house with them and had to remain outside, living in fear because my kid had made him afraid of the outdoors with her shit.

All of this is being broadcast on Billboards throughout the country. “Wait a minute, how is she paying for this?”

“Are you kidding me? She makes a shit ton of money from this. The audience keeps growing, and there’s a war going on between Ad agencies. Sanders is handling that side of things, so if you want to know more, you’ll have to ask him.”

“So, everyone knew about this but me.”

“You didn’t want to know, remember?”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“She got you with the Daddy. Guess what? You told her, just like you did today that you didn’t want to know, so she went ahead and did her thing. You can’t blame her because she did try to tell you.” This fucking kid.

“By the way, I heard from Ryder today; they’re expecting.”

“Whoopdee fucking doo Mancini. What the fuck are we doing about this kid?”

“They’ve invited us to their wedding.”

“Fuck me, Caitie’s wedding.” Why that should make them all laugh is beyond me.


