My Boyfriend’s Brother – Forbidden Fun Series Read Online Cassandra Dee

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 27
Estimated words: 24565 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 123(@200wpm)___ 98(@250wpm)___ 82(@300wpm)

Whatever understanding was on Patrick’s face dissolves in an instant. “You what?” he hisses, his mouth twisting into a snarl. “You and Frisco…? Frisco, what the fuck?”

“I know you’re angry,” I say, putting my hands up, “and I get it. If I were you, I would feel the same-”

But Patrick isn’t hearing it.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” he bellows, practically shaking with anger. “Here I was thinking the revenge porn was the worst of it, and now you’re telling me you fucked my brother? Who does that?”

He takes an angry step forward, but Frisco moves in between us protectively.

“Hey, slow down, tiger,” he growls in a low voice. “Libby came here to explain herself, and to come clean about everything. This hasn’t been easy for her, and she understands that she hurt you.” He raises an eyebrow. “But you need to calm the fuck down.”

Patrick looks at his brother with disgust.

“Do you hear yourself? Calm the fuck down? You’ve been fucking my girlfriend this whole time, knowing what she did to me? What the fucking hell is wrong with you?”

Frisco starts to seethe, but manages to comport himself with admirable calm.

“The passion between us was unexpected, yes, but it was also undeniable. Besides, you were broken up already, so it’s not like I destroyed your relationship with Libby.”

Patrick looks between us with disbelief.

“We were broken all of two seconds! You just couldn’t wait to jump her bones, huh? Who’s more depraved now? Me, or you two fuckers?”

I want to cry, and my lower lip trembles, but Frisco intercedes once more.

“I took Libby to Club Om, Patrick. Neither she nor I think you’re a freak because of your habits. That’s over and done with.”

Patrick looks utterly flabbergasted, and his mouth opens and closes a few times with shock. “You what?” he asks incredulously. “Why though? Are you joking?”

“He’s not,” I manage to stammer. “We went there last Saturday night, and I saw what it was like. That’s another reason I wanted to apologize. I shouldn’t have judged you for your kinks the way I did, and I shouldn’t have called Raina a latex whore. If I could go back and handle things differently, I would do it in a heartbeat.”

Patrick snorts. “Right. Hindsight is always 20-20, huh? That’s so convenient for you, but what about everyone in our Bible study? In our church for that matter? I haven’t been able to show my face since!”

“Listen, Patrick,” Frisco intercedes again, “I hear what you’re saying, and I get it. Your reputation, so to say, has been ruined among the Bible-thumping crowd, but the good part is that that congregation is made of good people. They’re not going to hold it against you long-term. Jesus walks for us all, and they will welcome you back into the fold, have no doubt.”

Patrick stares daggers at his older brother.

“Oh yeah? But when, may I ask? In this lifetime or the next?”

Frisco raises one big hand.

“I don’t know,” is his concession. “But it will happen, mark my words.”

Patrick snorts, his expression disdainful.

“Okay, I get it,” he says flatly. “The two of you wanted to clear your consciences by coming over here. Good for you. Fine. Consider it done.”

He makes to slam the door in our faces, but quick as lightning, Frisco reaches one big hand out and stops him.

“No, we’re not just here to clear our consciences. Libby made a mistake. A big one, I think we can all recognize that, and she is sorry about it. But the issue’s grown,” he adds, fixing me with a look. “Libby and I are expecting a child now, and we’re in love, and we want you to be a part of our lives, Patrick, despite everything that’s happened.”

My ex and I both stare at the billionaire, sure that he’s joking. Expecting a child? What is he talking about?

“I’m sorry?” I ask, raising my eyebrows. “Frisco, what are you saying? I don’t even know that I’m pregnant!”

The handsome man turns to me, and his expression is both loving and dead serious. Slowly he lowers his hand to my rounded tummy, and I can feel the possession coming off him in waves.

“You’ve been feeling queasy lately, right?” he asks in a low tone. “I saw the way you were picking at your food at the bistro. Every time we’ve eaten together, the smells have put you off, isn’t that so?” My mouth drops open, but no sound comes out. He has a point. “When was the last time you got your period, Libby?” my boyfriend asks.

My heart skips a beat as I cast back over the past few months. It’s all been such a blur, like a tidal wave of sex and romance that has swept me completely off my feet.

“Oh my god,” I breathe. “It’s been two months, I think. And I have been having weird food cravings. Not to mention the nausea…” I stare at Frisco in disbelief that I never took note of something so obvious. The next thing I realize, tears are stinging my eyes as I glance down at my stomach before covering his hand gently with mine. I’ll need to take a test to be sure, but it makes so much sense. It feels right.


