My Best Friend’s Wish (Work Husband #2) Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Work Husband Series by Blue Saffire

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 97371 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 325(@300wpm)

“A, I watched you torture yourself over being unhappy in the operating room. Do I think you could have looked at other options before entering the kitchen? Yeah, but I also think what you did was wise. You relied on that weird shit your brain does and girl, you’re badass in the kitchen.

“Honestly, I think that would have been the case with Dario or not. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself and enjoy what you’re accomplishing as a chef. Car, if only you knew how they lick my ass at work because they know I’m related to you, and they all want reservations to your restaurant.

“B, you run that place like a tight ship. You’ll be fine. You’re a brilliant woman. You have Thompson blood, eh. We don’t fail. You will keep that place going and probably earn some damn award or something while doing so.

“C, your pastries are to die for, but so are your salmon, steak, and those pasta dishes you make. Again, take some of that pressure to be perfect off yourself.”

“And this baby? How could I be so stupid to get pregnant? I don’t even know how it happened. We’ve used condoms every time.”

“Boo, that man is so fine, I’m sure his swimmers said fuck this condom, we’re coming through, she needs to carry our fine-ass babies.”

I cover my face with my hands. “Where the hell do you come up with this shit?”

She laughs and falls back onto the bed. I shove her thigh and laugh with her. I feel a little better.

“So what’s the problem again? Because none of that’s working for me.”

I bite my lip. I can’t tell her I have concerns about his family’s business dealings. Or that I think I’m having the baby of a mobster.

“I have your gift downstairs. It’s a Birkin.”

“So why are we still in here? Say less, Oopies, run me my gift.”

We get up and start to head out of the room. Toni stops and turns to me. She folds her arms over her chest.

“Call him and say sorry. He’s your best friend. The earrings were a nice gift.”

“I know.”

I think back to his words in his note. This is just the beginning of me spoiling you for the rest of our lives. Trust me. Wait for me.


I’m still confused as fuck about what happened this morning. I’m trying to put on a happy face for Bella and the rest of my family. I feel like such an ass for reading Carleen’s diary. I brought this all on myself.

If I had never read it, I would have kept my feelings to myself, and I’d be off to Italy without all this on my head. Now, I don’t even know where we stand, and because she’s still my best friend, I’m not going to press her.

This is so unlike Carleen. She’s never been like this. Our morning had been going great. Great sex, we talked a bit about me leaving, everything was fine.

“What’s on your mind?” Gio asks as he finds me in Dante’s theater room by myself.

I came in here to take a break from all the false smiling I’ve been doing. I should have known someone would find me. I run a hand through my hair.

“I fucked up,” I admit.

“How so?”

“I read Carleen’s diary. She had some things written in there about me. I acted on the feelings I’ve had for her, but the timing is so fucked up and I feel like I’m losing her and our friendship.”

Gio grunts and moves into the room to take a seat beside me. I look to my older brother and feel like a little kid all over again. After Ma, Gio spent most of his time in Italy with Nonno, but whenever he was around, he was the best big brother one could ask for.

Nonno made us all closer. He closed the gap between us. Age, distance, you name it. Nonno made sure none of that mattered. We’re brothers and we do what we have to for each other. Which is why guilt sets in for not telling him about Carleen sooner.

“You know what I love about you?”

“What’s that?”

“Your curiosity. When we were younger, that shit used to get on my fucking nerves. I couldn’t do anything without you asking questions or trying to figure shit out.”

I snort a laugh. “Yeah, I bet.”

“Now as a man, I respect it. It’s taught me something. If you don’t ask questions, you don’t have understanding. You read her diary and learned something you didn’t fully understand. I’ve known for years that Carleen is in love with you.

“There is nothing you can do to ruin the way she loves you, short of cheating on her. Have you cheated?”

“Fuck outta here. I’d never cheat on her. I…” I take a pause. “I’d give everything up for her. This indictment is the only reason I’m leaving. If the feds didn’t have a hard-on for me, I wouldn’t be going. All I want is her, Gio. Nothing else in this life matters. Only her.”


