Mr. Spencer Read online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 155
Estimated words: 156029 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 780(@200wpm)___ 624(@250wpm)___ 520(@300wpm)

“That’s it, angel, ride my cock.”

Hearing him say that does something to my insides, and I shudder as I am flooded with wetness.

“Fuck, yeah,” he growls. “You like me talking dirty to you, baby. Do you?”

I continue to wiggle down to get him in.

“You open up that creamy cunt, angel, and let me in. I’m going to give you what you need.” He bites my bottom lip and I jump. He grabs my hips and pulls me down on him with force. “I’m going to blow your fucking mind with this cock of mine.”

Goose bumps scatter my skin, and he grabs a handful of my hair, guiding my head back so his mouth can ravage mine. The kiss is out of control.

This is so different than the other times—so much better.

We keep struggling, trying to find a way for my body to accept all of him.

“Open!” he commands, pulling my hips down hard. As if my body understands who’s in control, it opens, and he slides all the way in.

Our mouths drop open together, and we stay silent, just staring at each other.

Thump, thump, thump goes my heart.

He’s so deep inside of me, so big, and so perfect.

“Did you miss me today, angel?” he whispers.

I nod, overwhelmed by the feeling of him. “Yes.”

“Does my girl need to be fucked hard when she’s missed me?”

I nod, I can’t even talk. This feeling is incredible. “Yes,” I whisper. “So hard.”

He lifts my hips and slams me back down at once, forcing me to cry out.

Oh shit…

Why did I say that for?

Spencer starts pumping me, hard. His hands are gripping and moving me with such force that the air is knocked out of my lungs.

But he wouldn’t be able to tell, because he’s totally lost all control.

His mouth is hanging open and his lips are roaming from my jaw to my nipples to my lips.

“Legs up.” He bites my nipple, paralysing me further.

I lift my legs, and he slams me back down again.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he growls as he works.

I shudder, the feeling of him taking over me.

“Spencer,” I pant. I grip his arms for balance, the muscles there bulging as he lifts me.

Fuck, this is too hard… but too good.

I lurch forward and scream out as he slams me harder. The sound of our skin slapping echoes around my apartment, and Spencer tips his head back and groans as he comes deep inside of me. I feel his dick jerk as it empties out.

My heart is hammering in my chest and I’m struggling to catch my breath.

Honestly, this euphoric feeling he gives me with an orgasm is the best thing I’ve ever experienced.

He lifts me off him carefully, positioning me so I’m sitting upright, and he pushes my legs open.

Huh? What’s he doing?

He drops between my legs, and I hold my breath, watching him as his tongue swipes through my swollen, hot flesh.

“I want your orgasm on my tongue,” he whispers darkly.

Holy fuck.

I put my hand on the back of his head and I watch him lick me up and down. His eyes are closed and it’s like he’s worshipping me. For ten minutes, he sucks and licks at me like I’m his last supper.

This can’t be happening. This is too good.

He shuffles forward and I can see that he’s still hard.

“I need you again, angel.”

I nod, my arousal tearing through my veins.

He picks me up and rolls me over so that I’m on my knees on the couch. I hear him opening another condom packet. His hand runs up and down my back and behind, and then he grabs a handful of my hair and pulls me back, easing himself in.

“Jesus Christ, Charlotte. You’re blowing my fucking mind here, baby.”

I smile, half in relief, half with fear.

And when he starts, I can only hold on as he takes what he needs from my body.

Which is everything.

This time, he lets go, and he’s loud, moaning and groaning as much as he wants. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever heard. His body is wet with perspiration.

“So. Fucking. Tight.” He grunts again and again.

I close my eyes and try to deal with him. This is hard. God, so hard.

His grip on my hair becomes painful and I cry out.

“Come now!” he yells.

“Ah!” I cry. He’s an animal.

“Clench for me, angel. Clench and you’ll come. Trust me.”

I do as I’m told, and sure enough, it spirals, and I begin to convulse. He holds himself still, so deep inside of me, and he cries out. I feel his cock shudder before he falls forward.

We both pant in time with each other. We’re wet with perspiration, and I find myself smiling into the cushion on the sofa.

“Holy shit,” I whisper.

He chuckles as his lips kiss the side of my face tenderly. “You will wear that nightdress every night from now on.”


