Mouth Read Online Free Book Jordan Silver (The Spitfire #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Spitfire Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 17
Estimated words: 15768 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 79(@200wpm)___ 63(@250wpm)___ 53(@300wpm)

"Are you always this difficult?" I followed her over to the wall of windows with a view over the city skyline

"Only when I'm being played."

"No one's playing you, this is one of my buildings, I never said where your new place was gonna be, why can't it be here, don't you think you deserve to be in a place like this?"

I thought I saw a softening of her lips.

"When I've earned it yes, until then sayonara." She headed for the door.

"Get back here you infuriating woman."


Way too much attitude in this one.

"Listen, there's no catch okay, it's just that you're a young girl alone in the city. I have two sisters, if either one of them was in your position I would want someone to look out for them. Sure I could put you somewhere else, but this is the best I could come up with, it's secure, in the best neighborhood in our fine city and it's close to the club you'll be working at."

Quick thinking there Flanagan that sisters angle was fucking inspired, plus total bullshit, those two crazy broads could take down a motherfucker with sheer bitchiness alone.

Just let her buy this shit so I can get her moved in as soon as possible.

What about after you've fucked her and grown tired of her as you inevitably always do?

I'll cross that fucking bridge when I get to it. She can be moved out as easily as she's moved in.

I've never put a woman up in one of my places before, this was new territory for me, besides I wasn't exactly setting her up, she would be paying rent, pittance though it was.

"You sure that's all there is to it? There’s no secret passage leading from your lair to me, no midnight visits in the dark. I sleep with my nine homes, just saying."

"Have a lot of experience with midnight visits do you?"

"Not really no, but since it looks like my caliber of acquaintance is about to change for the worse a girl can never be too careful."

Did she just...?

"Did you just insult me again?"

"Who, lil ole me nevah."

I needed this shit? What the fuck, my life wasn't fucked enough with fucking turf wars and takeover attempts; I had to add this shit to the mix? Fuck.

"You want the place or not?"

"Of course I want it, but I want a contract in writing that states my nookie is not for sale Repeat, Arianna Rossi's nookie is not up for grabs."

I held the bridge of my nose between my fingers where I felt the headache starting.

"You're fucking insane you know that?"

"You want my apartment over the pub?"

"I could always drop your ass in the river; I'm thinking that might be doing a lot of people a favor. In fact I should take out an ad in the paper see if a mother-fucker would pay me to take you out."

"You're horny aren't you?"

"What the fuck?"

"It's the only explanation for your crankiness, either that or not enough bran in your breakfast cereal, come on then time's a wasting, let's go look at my new place of employment Don Vito."

This chick watched way too much TV. I was constantly having to glare at the two stooges who seemed to think everything out of her mouth was funny, the fucks.

Chapter 5

What am I doing; seriously, I'm going to take her to my club where I spend most of my time.

Out of all my businesses this one was my favorite hangout, now she'll be living down the hall from me, right fucking next door, and she'll be here in my face, there'll be no fucking escape. It's official, I've lost my fucking mind.

"Let's go."

I took her elbow and was surprised when she didn't pull away right away.

My club is called Spice, it has three levels with bar ,lounge and night club, each floor had textured walls in differing shades of blue from aqua to midnight blue, there were liquid floors on all three levels, the space had the capacity for three thousand and was usually full on the weekends with lines around the block. Mouth was sure to do good here if she didn't get herself killed; there are some pretty rough customers who liked to hang out in my place.

My head manager was waiting for us when we arrived since I'd called ahead and had her meet us here.

The place wouldn't be opened for business for a few hours yet, but there were staff members milling about getting things situated, I ran a tight mother-fucking ship and they knew not to fuck around.

"Teresa Ricci, Arianna Rossi, she'll be working the floor starting tomorrow night, get Jess to show her the ropes, show her around, explain shit. She has experience so it should just be a matter of learning the menus and how we do things around here."


