Mountain Man Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 42
Estimated words: 38490 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

I was about to get up to rectify that little mistake when something stopped me in my tracks. I wasn’t sure what it was at first but I automatically went into fight mode as all my senses went on high alert. I know that feeling all too well. It’s even sharper now after I’d left the service. Now, that I no longer need it.

Then I heard the scream and from some inborn instinct started running in that direction before my brain could fully process. All my training kicked in as my mind put shit into perspective. Middle of the night to early morning, edge of the woods, a woman’s wild screams. None of that shit is good.

Usually I mind my own with the solemn hope that everyone else would do the same, not this time. I never could bear to leave a damsel in distress. So I ran flat out through the woods in the direction of her screams that were growing louder, more desperate.

I knew it was a she. If it wasn’t that was one weak fuck male. Better not be or I’ll cap his ass myself. I almost faltered when my heart started beating out of rhythm. I knew it wasn’t because I was running. I can do this shit all day everyday with strength left over.

No, my every instinct, the thing that has led me my whole life and never let me down, except that one time, was telling me that there was something waiting for me beyond those woods.

I almost stopped in my tracks again because the feeling was so strong, the strongest I’ve ever felt it. But I kept moving, compelled by some inner drive. I have to get to her. I can’t let this happen again. Not again…the fuck!

I shook my head not quite understanding the wayward thought. It’s been a while since I felt anything that can be perceived as remotely human and now wasn’t the time for that shit to change. I shoved that fuckery aside and sped up when another scream rang out in the night air.

That shit went through me and touched something inside that I’d thought long dead. I felt a chill run down my spine on the heels of it and everything in me told me to move; so I did, picking up speed.

I made it to the edge of the woods onto the little dirt road that runs between the back of my place in the mountains and the nearest town. The wild beating of my heart blocked out everything else until my vision cleared and I was able to see.

The sight before me took some time to process but I was already in motion, gun drawn and ice cold facemask in place. “Get…the fuck…away from her.” I’d taken in the scene at a glance before my prey even knew I was there.

It took everything in me not to pull the trigger before I knew the whole story. But I was pretty sure I’d gauged the shit right. In front of me was what appeared to be a very young girl being tackled to the ground by two husky guys in their early twenties.

They looked up to see my six-four two hundred pounds of solid muscle with a nine pointed at their heads. One moved away and scuttled back on his palms and heels while proclaiming his innocence.

The other one looked like he wanted to prove a point so I shot off a round to let him know I didn’t have all night. The fact that it took a chunk out of his ear might’ve had something to do with the way he jumped up like his ass was on fire and moved the fuck away from her.

The thing on the ground rolled over and crawled on its hands and knees towards me. I kept my eyes trained on the two would be rapists or whatever the fuck they were attempting to be. “Give me the quick version.”

She’d made it to her feet and was cowering next to me in sheer terror. She looked up at me like I was speaking a foreign language. My worst fucking nightmare!

A spoilt little rich girl with a daddy complex! I picked all of that up from the expensive necklace and the skin that looked like she visited the spa at least once a week. Like I need this shit.

“What the fuck were they after princess?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never seen them before. They….” She started to shake along with her voice but I already had my phone to my ear.



Phone service is for shit out here, but lucky for me, my time in the military has taught me how to live off the grid. My SAT phone got me what I wanted and within fifteen minutes a sheriff’s car pulled up, lights blaring, wheels squealing.


