More Than I Could – Coming Home Read Online Adriana Locke

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Funny, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 94903 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 475(@200wpm)___ 380(@250wpm)___ 316(@300wpm)

Not bad. You almost can’t tell I cried off and on all night.

Just to be sure, I add another layer of mascara.

I shove my stuff back in my makeup bag and carry it to my room. I toss it in my open suitcase that holds most of my things. Preemptively, I gathered my belongings at five o’clock. It kept me from pacing the floor.

This morning brought clarity I wasn’t expecting. Of course, it might’ve had something to do with Calista’s shouty texts, but I won’t admit that to her.

“If Chase wants to be a dick, he can be a dick.” I slip on my sneakers. “But I’m here until Maggie gets back. Then I’ll go.”

I slide my phone into my pocket as I leave my room.

“Morning,” Kennedy says, coming out of her room too.

I stop in front of her. “Hey. Good morning. How do you feel today?”

“Okay.” She smiles. “Dad apologized last night and let me explain things. We had a long talk that’s not so normal for us. But it was good.”

How lovely for you. “I’m happy he did that.”

“Me too.” She jams a thumb toward the bathroom. “I’m gonna wash my face and stuff. Gram is coming by to get me in a little bit. She needs me to help her get their stuff put away.”

She’s back. I lift my chin, steeling myself to the possibility of going home today.

“I’m gonna grab a coffee,” I say.

She nods and moves on down the hall.

I take the steps at a quick pace and round the corner to the kitchen. My feet falter when I spot Chase at the sink, but I keep going. Remember who I am … not a woman who just fell in love with you, and you tried to break her heart.

He glances at me over his shoulder but returns to the dishes. I consider saying good morning, but he didn’t bother, so I don’t either.

“Do you want to stay here, or do you want to go home?”

That remains to be seen.

“Good morning,” Maggie sings as she comes in the door. Her cheeks are rosy. “How are you kids?”

“Hey, Mama,” Chase says, kissing her cheek.

“Hi, Chase.” She air kisses him back. “How are you, Megan? Did you have a good time with Kennedy?” She walks to the hallway and shouts, “Ken, I’m here!”

“I had a great time,” I say, popping a coffee pod into the machine and shoving a mug under it. I press the magic button. “Kennedy was a lot of fun.”

Maggie looks at Chase out of the corner of her eye, then switches her attention back to me.

“How was your trip?” I ask as cheerfully as I can. “Do you want a coffee?”

“Oh no, honey. Lonnie got me up at four this morning to make it the rest of the way. I’ve had more coffee than my bladder can handle in one day.”

I smile at her. “Kate is good? Did you have a nice time?”

“We did. Oof,” she says, wrapping her arms around Kennedy as she practically dives into her grandmother. “There she is. Hi, sweetheart.” She squeezes her tight. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too, Gram. Where’s Pap?”

“He’s at home waiting on you.”

Kennedy beams. Seeing her smile like that warms my heart. She’s going to be just fine.

“What are you doing today?” Maggie asks. The question is a generality, but she’s looking at Chase.

He side-eyes me. “I’m heading over to Luke’s to help with his fence for a little while.”

Maggie looks surprised. “Oh. Okay. What about you, Megan?”

Come up with something. Don’t look lame.

I slide my phone out of my pocket. “I’m having brunch this morning.”

Me: Hey, Gavin.

Gavin: What’s up?

Me: Busy?

Gavin: Why?

Me: Pick me up in 20.

Gavin: Why?

Me: You’re taking me for brunch.

“Who are you having lunch with?” Maggie asks.

I smile. “Gavin.”

Chase flinches, but he doesn’t say a word. Fucker.

Maggie laughs. “Tell that boy to come by the house today, all right? Kate sent a few things home with me for him.”


Gavin: I am?

Me: You are.

Gavin: Does Chase know this?

Me: He does now.

Gavin: Are you trying to get me killed?

Me: I’ll protect you.

Gavin: You’re paying.

Me: Fine.

Gavin: Give me ten.

Me: Hustle.

Gavin: You’re bossy for someone desperate for a brunch date.

Me: I’m really not in the mood for your mouth.

Gavin: Take it or leave it.

Me: Take it. Hurry.

I put my phone in my pocket again.

“Well, we’ll see you guys later,” Maggie says, tapping Kennedy’s back to head to the door. “Have fun today.” She practically skips to the door. “I love all of my kids doing things with each other. It just blesses this mama’s heart.”

I laugh and turn back to my coffee. Chase’s gaze stops me.

“Yes?” I ask, taking the creamer out of the fridge.

“I didn’t know you were going out with Gavin today.”

“Well, you haven’t talked to me, so how would you know?”


