More Than Desire You – More Than Words Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 98112 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 491(@200wpm)___ 392(@250wpm)___ 327(@300wpm)

Riley stands at the edge of the crowd, watching with another furious glare.

“Can we stop at the bathroom?” she whispers.

“It can’t wait?”

“I’m a mess.”

Her makeup or her panties? I destroyed her lipstick, for sure. But the thought of her being that wet makes me happy.

“There’s a bathroom in the lobby.” Hopefully, the gawkers don’t follow us.

As we approach the door to the club, I swerve through the open entrance that leads deeper into the hotel. It’s a well-lit, open-air space with traditional lines and Pacific-inspired influences. Thankfully, the ladies’ room is a handful of steps away.

I set Corinne on her feet. Not going to lie, I’m a little proud of myself when her legs wobble.

Steadying her with a hand at her elbow, I study her face. How is it possible that her makeup is smudged and her dress askew and she looks even more beautiful to me?

I’ve got it bad.

“You okay?”

She nods. “Thanks.”

“For what?”

“Everything. You put yourself out there for me when you didn’t have to.”

I shrug. “Making out with you wasn’t exactly a hardship.”

A little smile tugs at her mouth. “And I know it got you a little closer to your revenge, but you could have made me walk out of there and face all those strangers who just saw one of the most intimate moments of my life. I appreciate that you didn’t. You protected me. I’m beginning to think you’re a much nicer guy than you let on.”

“Don’t be fooled,” I quip since I never learned to take compliments well.

“You keep saying that. I’m not sure I believe you anymore,” she tosses over her shoulder as she disappears into the restroom.

Seconds later, heels click behind me. They aren’t a woman’s stilettos, but a man’s loafers bearing down on me with fire and wrath. Before I even turn around, I know who’s coming.

“Why the fuck are you here?” I say to Riley, blocking the path between him and Corinne. I need to get him the fuck out of here before she emerges.

I’m not sure I want to see how she’ll react to knowing the man she once loved watched her orgasm for me.

“Everything I heard suggested you’re a son of a bitch, but my sources understated your egotism. What you did to her in there—”

“Made her shudder with pleasure?” I raise a brow. “Something you never did.”

He bristles. “She’s a lady.”

Does this moron think I don’t know that? “She’s also a woman.”

He glares at me with thunderous dark eyes. “And you treated her like a whore.”

My fists clench. I lunge in his face. “If you ever say anything like that about her again, I will destroy you.”

“Hit me. I dare you.”

I send him a nasty smile. “And give you the satisfaction? No. I have other ways.”

“You don’t intimidate me.”

He’s lying. If he’s done his homework at all, he’s aware I know people and I have resources. And if I can prove my suspicions, he has no leg to stand on with Corinne. “Why are you sniffing around my fiancée? You let her go. She’s mine. Get lost.”

“It’s none of your business.”

He wants her back. “She is my business.”

“We’ll see about that.” He slants me one last glare, then pivots away, disappearing into the club again.

Midnight has come and gone. In the passenger’s seat, Corinne clutches her purse but thankfully refrains from digging inside to find her phone and scan social media.

The quiet is a temporary reprieve. I have to fucking tell her that Riley was at the club and that he saw everything. She deserves honesty. She’ll find out eventually, anyway. But my gut is in knots. Would she have been so rattled during their lunch if she felt nothing for him? And she’s too forgiving to insist they could never merely be friends without good reason. Whatever she says will probably prove she’s not over her ex and it’s going to suck.

You think it’s better not to know so you can delude yourself?

“You’re quiet,” she observes.


About when to tell her. How to tell her. The car isn’t the place. If she needs comfort, I’m busy holding the wheel.

But it’s an excuse. I’m not ready to open my mouth so she can break my heart.

“Same. I should look on the bright side. Not only will my brother know I’m serious about leading my own life, it will probably mean even more new orders. I don’t know how I’ll fulfill them all, but…”

“You will. You’re smart, resourceful, and dedicated. My family will keep pitching in as they can. You’ve got all the space you need here to work and—”

“It’s fantastic. I appreciate the help more than you know. This setup is way better than my studio apartment back in LA…but I can’t impose indefinitely.”

Is she hinting that she wants to leave? Already? Despite our insane sexual chemistry? No, I didn’t think Corinne would fall wildly in love in a handful of days. I’m the only one crazy enough to do that. Still, I thought she’d be content to stay until she pries her inheritance from Parker. But after seeing the five-foot-ten blast from her past, is she looking to bolt?


