Moon’s Promise – The Last Riders Read Online Jamie Begley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Crime, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 189
Estimated words: 181808 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 909(@200wpm)___ 727(@250wpm)___ 606(@300wpm)

Larissa made a conscious effort not to gape like Lana was, biting her bottom lip to keep her jaw closed. “You’re joking?”

Priscilla kept shaking her head. “I wish I were. I kid you not, Moon was having sex on a couch with a woman, and another naked woman was watching them. I think it was a threesome.”

She would have laughed at Priscilla’s scandalous tone, but the sick feeling in her stomach told her it was no laughing matter.

“And let me tell you something else … neither of you stood a chance with Moon. The woman looked like she was a pin-up model. She even had staples in her and everything.”

Lana frowned. “You mean, like medical stitches?”

“No, like they went through her nipples, and one was dangling from her bellybutton.”

“You mean piercings?”

“Whatever.” She nodded. “The women were gorgeous. I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but neither of you would stand a chance of getting that man’s attention. Not with those centerfolds as competition.”

Larissa was tempted to throw her book at Priscilla.

“Moon would have been lucky to have gotten Lana.”

Her older sister sent her a shaky smile.

“Then why did you steal him away from her?” Priscilla asked.

The book went flying. “I did not steal that jerk away from Lana! I didn’t know who he was!”

Priscilla caught the book and set it down safely on the coffee table. “Whatever. I was just saying neither one of you should be feeling bad. He’s obviously a hound dog, and since neither of you are into threesomes …” Priscilla raised a curious brow.

Larissa narrowed her eyes on her baby sister, who was getting on her last nerve.

“What do you think?” Lana snapped.

“I don’t know … I wouldn’t have a one-night stand, either …”

Larissa reached for her crutches.

“Behave, Priss,” Lana reprimanded their sister.

Priscilla got off the couch to sit on the couch next to her. “I’m sorry. I think I’m still shellshocked. I hate to admit it, but wow, if that dude was on a calendar, I would buy it.”

“Are you going to throw it in my face for the rest of my life that I accidentally had sex with Moon?”

“Probably,” Priss admitted.

At least Priss was honest.

“How did Moon act when he saw you?”

Priss made herself comfortable, putting an arm around a pillow. “He was angry but watched his language more than I would have. He told Killyama to leave and give them five minutes, then we could come back in.”

“What happened after that?”

Priss picked up the crutch she had dropped and placed it within reach. “I was so embarrassed I told Killyama that it might be better for Train and her to make an appointment to come into the office.”

“What for? Train is obviously resistant. That’s why he must have missed the appointment. Train probably told her no, and she made the appointment, anyway.”

“Exactly, Killyama doesn’t accept no. So, I’m giving you the opportunity of being the one to break the news to her, not me.”

Larissa and Lana shared a troubled gaze.

“We can’t pass taking Killyama on as a client,” Lana told Priss.

“We’re going to need every dime we can to fight to get the Certificate Of Need for the birth center we’ve dreamed of opening. That’s why there aren’t any freestanding birth centers in Kentucky—people run out of money fighting to get them in the courts. Thanks to my stealing ex-fiancé, we’re down several thousand dollars.”

“Thankfully, he only had access to your personal accounts, not the account with our savings for the birth center. We’ll get the money back from him somehow,” she promised.

Lana shook her head. “I deserve to lose it. I should have never given him access to my account. I thought because he put me on his that …” Lana made a painfilled face. “Anyway … stupid me wasn’t smart enough to check out how much he actually had in his account. If I had, I would have found out sooner it had been closed due to insufficient funds.”

Larissa gave Lana a fiery glance. “You call yourself stupid again where that lying thief is concerned, I’m going to make Priss get up and bop you!”

Lana gave her trembling smile. “I won’t.”

“So, what we going to do about Killyama if she calls?” Priss asked with an unhappy expression.

“You know, now that I think about it”—Lana gave her a cheerful smile—“we can give her a pass. I’ve never known a better candidate for a hospital birth. We’ll refer her to Dr. Price.”


Would he just hurry the heck up!

Larissa stared at the obnoxious man holding the line up, preventing her and the others from moving forward.

The jack-hole at the back, who was holding the door open until the line moved, wasn’t helping either. Cold air was blowing inside, making the whole experience of getting her Kentucky license painful, as if going to the DMV wasn’t painful enough.


