Moon’s Promise – The Last Riders Read Online Jamie Begley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Crime, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 189
Estimated words: 181808 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 909(@200wpm)___ 727(@250wpm)___ 606(@300wpm)

He was about to go upstairs when his growling stomach made him change trajectory, and he headed into the kitchen to grab a protein bar to tide him over instead.

Nickel was behind the counter, talking on his cell phone as he placed dishes in the dishwasher.

“I can take care of that for you. No problem. I’ll see you when you get back.”

Choosing a peanut bar, Moon opened it as he watched Nickel. “What’s up?”

“Nothing much,” Nickel answered. “How about you?”

“Going to take a nap. Someone needing help?” he asked, taking a bite of the bar as he moved to the fridge to get a soda.

“Train needs someone to pick up a part for him before the auto store closes. He’s in charge of the factory today and can’t leave. He said Killyama was supposed to pick it up when she came back from Jamestown, but she called and told him she wouldn’t be back before the store closed.”

“What’s she doing in Jamestown? I thought Train told her he didn’t want her making the drive without him?”

Nickel laughed. “When has Killyama ever listened to anything Train said?”

Moon chewed on the bar reflexively. Jamestown was a short distance from Treepoint, but it was a twenty-minute drive before she would be near any emergency aid if she went into labor.

“She went by herself?”

“No, Beth’s with her. They’re both having lunch and spending the day with Sex Piston.”

“You’re going to get the part?”


“If you can’t, let me know. I can.”

“Will do.”

Moon left the kitchen with Nickel doing the dishes. Rather than going upstairs as he had intended, he went outside to get on his bike. A ride to Jamestown was probably going to be a waste of time, but it was worth a shot. There were only three cities somewhat close to Treepoint—Jamestown, Rockcastle, and Wattford. Mistberg was between Treepoint and Rockcastle, but it was practically non-existent with many of the residents either dying out or moving away from the dreary town.

When he had returned from seeing Larissa’s mother, he had scouted out each of the small towns and found no trace of Larissa being there. In each of the towns, he had put out feelers for a new woman moving there, and he was using his connections to let him know if Larissa was sighted.

When he reached Jamestown, Moon took out his cell phone to call Stud, one of his connections, to ask where Killyama was having lunch but then decided against it. He didn’t want to humiliate himself more than he already had. Jamestown was only slightly larger than Treepoint, so the restaurant options were limited. There was a barbeque spot, a steakhouse, a burger joint, and a family restaurant.

Picking the restaurant he was closest to, he rode toward the family restaurant, finding it busy, but didn’t see any familiar faces. Next, he rode to the burger place, which only had a handful of customers, who gave him curious glances.

“Can I help you?” a pimply-faced teenage boy asked.

“No, I’m good.”

He retreated to his bike and tied a bandana around his head when the wind kicked up, blowing his hair against his face. Fucking hell, just go back to Treepoint and ask for Shade’s help, Moon castigated himself. Stubbornly, he started his bike.

Train himself had said how upset Killyama had been when Larissa moved away, yet he hadn’t heard about Priscilla coming to Train’s house to take her sister’s place. Had she decided to give in to Train’s wishes to have the baby in the hospital?

Moon didn’t think so.

He kicked up his kickstand then rode to the barbeque spot. The parking lot was crowded as fuck with the line coming out the door. Moon parked his bike and ignored the dirty looks he got from the crowd outside who were waiting. Sticking his head between two people in line, he was finally able to see where the customers were sitting.

His eyes traveled down the line of women sitting at a long middle table. He recognized every single one of them, including the one he had been searching for over the last several months.

He started to slip through the gap between customers only to find his T-shirt grabbed from the front and bumped out of line.

“Get your ass to the back of the line.” Angry gray eyes dueled with his.

“I’m not here for the food. I’m just trying to get past.”

“You don’t have ‘excuse me’ in your fucking vocabulary?”

Moon wanted to pound the fucker into Neverland but decided he had more important shit to deal with.

“Excuse me, may I get past?”

The man, who was eye level with him, took a step back, allowing him space to walk through.

Giving the stranger a curt nod, Moon walked toward the table.

Larissa’s eyes widened when she spotted him. Killyama and Sex Piston, who were sitting on opposite sides of Larissa, scooted their chairs closer to her.


