Moon’s Promise – The Last Riders Read Online Jamie Begley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Crime, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 189
Estimated words: 181808 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 909(@200wpm)___ 727(@250wpm)___ 606(@300wpm)

“I want to leave,” she said with hostility.

“From the way things look, I don’t think that’s going to be an option.”

“Are they going to take me to jail?”

Larissa gave her a gentle smile, despite the girl glaring at her. “I’m guessing not.”

“Is Eryn okay?”

“They’re working on her right now.”

“Then she’ll be okay. Doctors can fix anything,” she said assuredly.

She hated to disillusion the girl, but she had a terrible feeling it would be a wasted effort.

“Is Eryn your mom?” Larissa asked her curiously.

“No, she’s my aunt.”

She pressed her lips together and didn’t respond. Larissa didn’t want to press her, since her legs were shaking under her thin pants.

“Larissa,” Priscilla called, walking in from the entrance with Crazy Bitch and Ginny. They rushed toward her.

“Are you all right?”

“I’m fine.”

“You’re bleeding.”

“It’s just a nick.”

Priss started to reach for her sweater.

“We’ll take care of it later.” Larissa nodded her head to the young girl, who was watching Ginny as if memorized. “Priscilla, Crazy Bitch, Ginny, this is Eryn’s niece …”

Put on the spot, the girl looked shyly toward Ginny. “My name is Lennon.”

“It’s very nice to meet you, Lennon.” Ginny smiled at her, holding her hand out.

“I’ve seen you on TV.” Awestruck, the girl’s tough veneer disappeared into a gushing teen.

The women all sat down. Ginny sat next Lennon, soothing her when Knox approached to talk to her.

“Ah … to be that young again,” Priss observed.

Larissa rolled her eyes. “It’s not been that long.” Turning toward Crazy Bitch, she became more somber. “I’m sorry.”

“I guess I’ll let you off the hook this time since you got all shot up and shit.”

“I appreciate your understanding.” She grinned.

Knox finished talking to Lennon, then went to talk to Viper and Moon, who were standing just a couple of feet away.

“I’m going to have to call Child Services,” Knox told Viper. “They’ll have to find a placement for all three of them. Going to be hard to find someone for all three, especially with two being so young.”

Moon looked at his watch then at Viper. “You got this? I need to hit the road unless you’ve changed your mind about me leaving?”

“No, you can go. We’ve got this. Thanks for your help.”

Eavesdropping despite telling herself to stop, Larissa tuned out what Priscilla was saying. She watched Viper fist-bump Moon and Shade ignore the same gesture when Moon moved his hand in his direction.

“You talked to Wizard since Viper told him you’re moving back to Ohio?” Shade asked Moon.

“Not yet. I thought I’d wait to get his reaction when I get there.”

“He’s not happy,” Shade informed him chillingly.

“I’m not either.”

Moon is leaving Treepoint? Her hand unconsciously went to her belly. Should I tell him?

Licking her dry lips, she stood undecidedly for a second then made up her mind. She couldn’t, in good conscience, keep the information from him.

She took a step toward them and prepared herself to face the most humiliating experience in her life.

“I’m sure it won’t be long before Viper lets you come back,” Knox joked, breaking the tension between the two men, hitting Moon on the back good-naturedly.

Larissa changed her mind and took a step back. There was no need to rush. She had eight months to let Moon find out he was going to be a father.


When she stepped back next to her sister, Crazy Bitch caught her eyes.

“You hear what they’re saying, too?”

There was no way she could deny it since Crazy Bitch had seen her. She racked her brain to come up with a viable excuse. Crazy Bitch sent her pulse racing.

“It bothering you as bad as me?”

“Uh …” Had Crazy Bitch figured out what had happened upstairs at The Last Riders’ the night of the party? She didn’t think one of her sisters would have snitched. Had Winter found out? Was Crazy Bitch telling her she should confess to Moon it was her?

“I feel terrible about it.”

“Good … then you’ll put a good word in for me with Knox?” Crazy Bitch gave her a please smile.


“Tell him I’ll take care of the kids. All three of them.”

It took a minute for Larissa to wrap around her mind what Crazy Bitch wanted her to do. She had been so focused on Moon, it took her a second to comprehend Crazy Bitch must have been listening to the conservation between Knox discussing Eryn’s children with The Last Rider’s. When it finally clicked what she was referring too, she laughed nervously.

“Of course … I’d be happy to.”

Priscilla gave her a strange look at the way she was acting. “Are you sure you’re all right? You haven’t lost too much blood?” Priscilla then muttered under her breath, “I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

Crazy Bitch gave her a threatening glare. “What you got against me taking care of a few kids? You don’t think I can handle changing a few dirty diapers?” Crazy Bitch snapped her fingers in front of Priscilla’s stunned face. “I could take care of fifteens kids and run circles around you while I’m at it.”


