Monsters We Crave (Maelstrom #1) Read Online Natalie Bennett

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Maelstrom Series by Natalie Bennett

Total pages in book: 30
Estimated words: 26760 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 134(@200wpm)___ 107(@250wpm)___ 89(@300wpm)

As Aidoneus drove through Antheia, I could feel the weight of the city's gaze upon us. In the rearview mirror, the formidable fleet of Enforcer vehicles maintained a tight formation, their intimidating presence undeniable. Jae-Hee trailed in his own car, the tinted windows obscuring any glimpse of the man inside. The plaza, which always buzzed with activity, now seemed to stand still. Vendors paused mid-transaction, pedestrians froze in place, and even the ever-present hum of chatter seemed to fade to a murmur.

We traveled away from the heart of the sector, and all too soon the looming gates of Elysium were in sight. Their intricate design and solid build reflected the elite status of what was beyond them. Strangely, the road leading to the gates, typically teeming with guards, was noticeably barren today. Only a few of the usual sentinels stood by.

From the circular towers above, I could see figures monitoring our approach, their silhouettes dark against the bright sky. There was no delay as we neared; the gates began to swing open, the guards granting us unhindered access. Thoughts swirled in my mind, each more confusing and terrifying than the last. My pulse quickened, a deep-seated apprehension squeezing my heart.

Without thinking, the name that had been haunting the fringes of my consciousness tumbled out. “Is this about Ezra? Is that why you’re doing this?”

For a moment, the only response was Aidoneus slamming on the brakes, the car screeching to a deafening halt.

Jae-Hee, caught off guard, swerved behind us with a wild laugh, cursing loudly as he narrowly avoided a collision. His voice echoed as he accelerated past. One of the Enforcer SUVs, also taken by surprise, swayed precariously, its wheels skirting the edge of the road. Turning slowly, Aidoneus fixed me with a penetrating stare.

“Korinna,” he began, his voice dripping with warning, “I've never been one ruled by jealousy, but mentioning that boy isn't the way to endear yourself to me.”

“We aren't exactly on endearing terms to begin with,” I retorted, refusing to be intimidated.

He responded with a slight grin, filled with arrogance and a hint of dark amusement. Placing the car back into gear, he cruised effortlessly through the gates that had opened for us, as if he hadn’t nearly caused a pile-up moments before. “We do have a relationship, you know.”

I decided the best strategy was to stay silent, not giving him the satisfaction of a response. Unsurprisingly, Aidoneus was undeterred.

“There was that time I shot a man in the head and then had him skinned and hung in the center of what’s now the plaza for daring to touch you,” he continued, reminiscing as if discussing a fond memory. “His pelt became a rug in my stables.”

I vividly recalled that man and seeing his flesh peel away from him. I’d been grateful for Aidoneus’ intervention and still to date didn’t feel remorseful about his end. Still, the image of a man’s skin used as a rug was sickening, and the fact that he spoke of it so nonchalantly only amplified my unease.

“Some might say you’re insane.”

“Insane? Or simply dedicated to protecting what’s mine?”

“I wasn’t yours then.”

His eyes seemed to darken. “You’ve always been mine, Korinna. You just didn’t know it yet.”

“But that was so long ago.”

“Absence only sharpens the desire,” he replied, his voice smooth and commanding. “Time hasn’t changed a thing. Just last night, we shared a coffee date.”

Listening to him, a creeping suspicion settled over me. It wasn’t just the content of his words, but the carefree manner in which he spoke. I couldn’t tell if Aidoneus was unhinged or simply reveled in the power of his own unpredictability. Either way, it was becoming clear that navigating this relationship, or whatever he wanted to call it, would require an abundance of mental fortitude.

As the vehicle transitioned from the main road into the meticulously planned streets of Sector 1, Elysium in all its opulence greeted me. Tree-lined boulevards spread out in every direction. The people, dressed in the latest high-end fashion, barely glanced at the stream of Enforcer vehicles or the luxury car I was in, indicating how common such sights must have been. The world inside these gates felt vastly different from my own. It was a bubble of privilege and prosperity.

Aidoneus made a turn down a particularly grand avenue that was a good distance away from the hustle and bustle of his sector’s heart. A mile or so in, Jae-Hee's vehicle turned off and passed through a pair of gates with the head of an Amarok centered between them, the emblem of his family. The private drive led to a house that was as much an art piece as it was a residence.

Aidoneus had driven past it without a glance. I reminded myself that he’d grown up with the other heirs and had probably been to their homes plenty of times. After another minute or two on the opposite side of the road, a different set of wrought iron gates was visible. There was an imposing gryphon in their center, the emblem of the Orpheus family. Another few minutes revealed the gates that led to the Vesper family estate, their emblem a raven.


