Moments of Mayhem (The Hunters #3) Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Hunters Series by T.L. Smith

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 62497 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 312(@200wpm)___ 250(@250wpm)___ 208(@300wpm)

“Show me you don’t mean it,” I repeat.

“This is ridiculous,” she says, but I can hear the waver in her voice.

“Stand.” She does so on my command. “Now, kiss me.”


“See—” I start, but before I can get another word out, her lips slam onto mine, and her mouth, which is sweet from whatever she ate earlier, invades all my senses. My hands find her hips, and I pull her closer to me. She groans into my mouth and does a terrible job of showing me she doesn’t want me when she starts grinding on me.

My hand slides down her thigh to the hem of her dress, and I lift it, ever so slowly, until I have it bunched at her waist. With my other hand, I slap her ass, then grip it hard.

She pushes her hips even tighter against mine, and then she starts grinding. One of her legs lifts to wrap around my thigh, and I let it. I let her fuck me through our clothes because, clearly, that’s what her body needs right now.

And there is no denying that’s exactly what I want as well.

And I want her.

“See, you want it,” I say into her mouth as she moans again. I feel her start to pull away, but I grip her ass and thrust against her so she can feel me—all of me.

I want her as much as she needs me right now.

“Keep grinding, baby. Take it.”

She moans. Mayve’s hips move again, and her lips press against mine. I break free when I feel her start to slow down, which means she’s almost to that point of tipping over the edge. I lean down and kiss her neck before I suck. Her head lolls back, and her rhythm picks up again. She is fucking me through our clothing, and somehow, it’s the hottest thing ever.

And my cock is so fucking hard right now from it. Bursting at the seams.

A beautiful moan escapes her lips as she goes slack, and I pull back ever so slightly, our bodies still touching.

“Kiss me,” I demand. She gives me a quizzical look. “I didn’t mean on my lips.” I smirk, and her hands are on my belt before my next breath. She manages to get it unbuckled, pops the button on my trousers, then painfully slowly lowers my zipper. My cock springs free, and she licks her lips before falling to her knees. She places soft kisses on the tip and looks up at me for approval.

“Now tongue,” I order, holding back. Because all I want to do is bend her over the desk and fuck her. Hard! Harder than she has ever been fucked in her life.

Instead, I take what she is willing to give.

Her tongue darts out and licks my slit, taking all my pre-cum with her. Before she can swallow me whole, it only takes her a few pumps before I come in her mouth. She already had me going, and I was holding off until I got those pink lips wrapped around me. And what incredible lips they are.

She stands, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “I don’t want your money,” she says.

“I don’t want a divorce,” I tell her.

“Kenzo.” She says my name like she can’t deal with me anymore.

“Yes?” I smile at her, tucking my cock back in and doing my trousers up. “Don’t sign the papers. We can fuck like dogs every day. What a perfect marriage that will make.”

“Do you only want me to fuck me?”

I laugh, throwing my head back. Then I drop to my knees in front of her, and she raises a questioning brow at me.

I reach up her dress for her panties and pull them down her legs. She lifts each foot, making the removal easier. And when I have her panties in my hand, I stand and slide them into my pocket.

“If I only wanted to fuck, I could pay for that.” Her eyes are on my pocket, where her panties are stashed. “Do you need me to buy you new panties?” I ask.

“I need a new dress too,” she whispers.

I give her a mock salute, then walk out.



“Mayve.” I raise my gaze to Emma as she saunters into my office. She eyes my desk silently, looks at me and says, “You need something, one second.” She steps out, and I wonder what she’s talking about. Emma comes back in with her handbag and steps up next to me. I don’t stand because it’s probably best I don’t. “Here, just apply some there.” She points to my neck and hands me a compact.

“What for?” When I look in the compact’s mirror, I see it. A hickey.

That asshole.

How dare he give me a hickey, especially when he knows I’m at work. I thank Emma and take her foundation, quickly applying it to my neck.


