Misfits Like Us (Like Us #12) Read Online Krista Ritchie, Becca Ritchie

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: , Series: Becca Ritchie
Series: Like Us Series by Krista Ritchie

Total pages in book: 177
Estimated words: 174544 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 873(@200wpm)___ 698(@250wpm)___ 582(@300wpm)

Is it?

I haven’t wanted to close this monumental chapter on living with my brother, Sulli, and Jane. Now that they’re having kids, I get to be a cool aunt and create memories with their babies too.

“I’m taking classes at Penn,” I remind him.

“Have you been on campus since your fics leaked?” He knows the answer.


“Drop out.”

“Or you could stay,” Donnelly interjects. “Just putting it out there.”

Charlie checks his phone, then the door. Like he needs to go. I’m more surprised he’s not bolting.

“You really think I should move to New York?” I ask Charlie.

“I think you’d be happier there, but what do I know? I’m just your cousin.” He makes it seem like that title holds zero weight, but Charlie has meaning to my life. Even though he’s not editing any of my fics right now, I already miss picking his brain and trying to see how he views the world.

I turn to Donnelly. “What do you think?”

“I think…” He’s watching Charlie, who’s starting to watch us. Uh-oh. I forgot how perceptive Charlie can be. Donnelly continues, “You’d be happiest wherever there’s a Wawa ‘cause it’s the best place on Earth.”

Charlie pockets his phone. “Sounds more like you.”

I say, “Maybe I’m happiest wherever Donnelly is.”

Donnelly does a double-take towards me, his lips parting, but nothing escapes.

My words are supposed to be casual. A throwaway statement! Yet, I sounded defensive and my face has betrayed me. Heat burns my cheeks, especially at the intensity to which Charlie is staring into me, then into Donnelly.

Donnelly combs a casual hand through his hair. He is much better at deception than me, and typically, I think I’m pretty damn good too.

“Because Wawa,” I lie. “It’s all about Wawa.”

“Stamp.” Donnelly waves a limp rock on gesture. He sees that Charlie is onto us, and he’s not so excited about that fact. Neither am I. Charlie can’t know I like Donnelly before my best friends—Charlie’s brothers—find out. It feels wrong.

Charlie splays his suit jacket on the couch. He makes no move to leave.

Not even as Maximoff joins us.

“Daddy!” Ripley bounds for my older brother on unbalanced little legs. My nephew hoists his arms up at his dad.

Moffy lifts his son high against his chest, perching him up so he’s eye-level. “I missed you, little guy.”

“Me tooph, Daddy,” Ripley tries to enunciate slowly.

“You hungry?”

“Nope.” He shakes his head, still bashful at the full room. “I-I ate stwabewwies.” He nestles into the crook of Moffy’s neck.

I’d think it’s super cute, but I’m in an internal panic. Time to go. “Farewell, all earthly dwellers.” I flash a Vulcan salute, about to make a quick exit to my room.

“Wait,” Donnelly catches my wrist, stopping me.

My heart flip-flops, and the warmth of his hand tingles my flesh. His touch still sparks electric currents through my body. It still overwhelms me, and I’m so glad that hasn’t changed with our relationship status.

“I came here to talk to you,” he breathes.

Oh right. I stay put.

He checks the time on his black wristwatch. More in a hurry. “Xander hasn’t really left the house.”

A sad fact. He’s been majorly avoiding Donnelly…and me, to an extent. Since my brother hasn’t needed a bodyguard, Donnelly hasn’t had much of a chance to even speak to him. Give him space seems to be our motto, but I’m not sure how much it’s helping.

Donnelly continues, “He’s planning on working out at home with Thatcher and Banks, so I’m being shifted to Jane’s detail, and Thatch said she’s in wedding planner mode. She’s supposedly checking out a venue for a bride.” Why does he seem nervous? He stuffs his hands in his pockets. “I just wanted to know if you’d like to come with me.”

I blink. “To hang out on Jane’s detail?”

“That’s not strange at all,” Charlie says with pinched brows.

Donnelly ignores him. “I dunno what you’re up to today, but if you’re free, I could use the company.”

He wants to be in my company, unearthly reader. He is seeking me out, even though we’re not supposed to be intimately together.

“I’m free all day.” Excitement bubbles. “Let me just get my wallet and stuff—”

“Are you asking her out on a date?” Charlie asks him accusingly.

“Nah, just a casual friend thing.” He’s still very cool about it.

Charlie inspects him, then Moffy, then me. Back to Moffy. “You really think it’s wise for your sister to go out with him?”

That stings.

Maximoff adjusts Ripley in his arms. “It’s fine, Charlie. Just let them be.”

Just let them be. I never really thought Moffy would be this supportive of me and Donnelly, and I can’t calm my mushrooming smile.

“Fine?” Charlie is wide-eyed. “He’s attached to people who attacked my twin brother, probably because they believed he’s fucking Beckett. What do you think they’ll do to Luna if they see he’d rather fuck her?”

“Jesus Christ, Charlie,” Moffy cringes. “Can you not talk like that around my kid? And me.”


