Mischief and Mates (Blue Ridge Magic #4) Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Blue Ridge Magic Series by M.A. Innes

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 77127 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 386(@200wpm)___ 309(@250wpm)___ 257(@300wpm)

When he was holding my hands and helping me not slip, he made a surprise face. “He turned himself into a dragon? He can magically make himself into a sparkly black dragon?”

Nodding, I kissed Daddy’s cheek when I was all safe. “Yes. Lorne likes sparklies.”

Daddy laughed. “Yes, I’d figured that out.”

“Lorne fancy.” Daddy wrapped me up tight with my big, big towel and snuggled me close. “Hoard is sparklies.”

“Hmm.” Daddy kissed my head. “That crazy little dragon’s hoard is sparkly things?”

“Yes.” Snuggle. Snuggle. Kiss. Kiss. Hug. Hug. “Sparklies and shinies and glittery.”

Daddy giggled like he’d been naughty. “I have a story about glitter to tell you sometime, baby boy, but you have to promise not to tell on Daddy.”


Putting my nose on his nose, I didn’t even giggle. “Daddy naughty?”

“Oh, Daddy was very naughty.” Daddy liked being naughty ’cause he had a big, big smile. “I have lots of naughty Daddy stories to tell you all about. But remember. No tattling.”

“Private.” I had private with Daddy. “I good boy.”




Daddy hugged me tight. “Yes, you’re a very good boy, but you’re also a very hungry boy. Come on. Let’s find jammies.”


“Soup.” Smell soup. “Soup date, Daddy.”

Big smile. Big hugs. Big cheek kiss. “Yes, we’re having a soup date.”

Daddy liked dates.

“Soup date. Daddy date. Little date. Pajama date.” Oh. “Daddy jammies?”

Daddy blinked. “You’re right. If I’m in my pajamas too, it can be a pajama date. That’s a wonderful idea.”

Daddy liked matching dates too.

“But first, my cutie needs pajamas and then I’ll get my jammies out of the trailer.” Daddy looked like he could see the trailer through the house. “I might even have ice cream cone jammies.”

“Erin?” Hmm. “Jeff?”

Daddy grinned. “Daddy.”

He was so silly.

He bought ice cream jammies.

“Come on, baby boy. Our soup is almost done.” Daddy smelled big. “Yummy. I can’t wait.”

“Soup.” Found Daddy’s hand. “Hurry.”

“Alright.” Daddy followed faster and faster. “Why do you like soup?”

“Cute, Daddy.” Faster-faster to the clothes. “Little veggies. Little potatoes. Little beans. Little noodles. Cute.”

“Huh.” Daddy made a thinky face as he found my jammies in the closet. “You’re right. It’s all very cute stuff that goes into soup.”


“We’ll have to pick out our favorite little things to put in soup and come up with our own recipes.” Daddy laughed at my surprised face. “Silly boy, it’s not hard.”


“Hands up.” He gave me a happy face as he put my cool jammie shirt on. “We just need to pick things, like if the liquid is chicken or tomato. Then we pick other things. It’s like making a plant list.”

Shirt on.

Daddy reached in the basket.

He found my undies.

He’d looked at everything?

“Big plants and little plants, Daddy?” Gotta have them all to make a pretty yard.

“Yes.” Daddy kissed my cheek and crouched down low. “Hands on my shoulders and step into your undies.”

Careful. Careful.

“Good boy. And yes, like little plants and big plants. We’d pick the perfect veggies and then the starch and then meat and we’d build a perfect soup.” Daddy tucked me in my undies as he stood up and kissed my cheek again. “My mother had a chart for casseroles. It had squares, and to make dinner, you had to pick one thing from each square. I bet we could do that with soup and come up with a thousand combinations.”

He was so smart…and so silly.

“Millions?” Daddy laughed and scrunched his face up as he helped me step into my jammie pants. “Millions and millions?”

“Probably not, but maybe. We can see.” Daddy was proud of himself for making me all clean. “All set. You look so cute.”


“Kenzie said so.”

Daddy’s smile got bigger and bigger. “He did? He’s a very smart friend.”

Nodding, I took Daddy’s hand. “Yes, Kenzie sneaky too.”

Daddy shook but the giggles stayed stuck inside. “I can see that.”

Daddy smart.

“Turn?” Reaching out, I pulled his shirt ’cause I was smart too. “Jammies.”

“Yes.” Daddy kissed my forehead. “Let’s check on the soup and then I’ll get comfy too.”

“Yummy time.” Swinging Daddy’s hand, he was the leader and faster-fastered us to the kitchen. “Mmmm.”

“Oh yes.” Daddy walked me to the table. “You sit for me, baby boy. Let me stir the soup.”

Careful. Careful.

“Good boy.” Daddy was the cooker. “Yummy.”

“I think it’s going to be yummy too.” Daddy was fast and stirred and tasted and sprinkled and made happy sounds. “Yes, this just needed a little more onion powder and some things like that. I’m going to turn it down very low and then it’s all done.”


“Jammies?” Daddy had to get comfy too. “Jammie date.”

“Yes, jammie dates need jammies.” Walking over, Daddy went lower and lower and kissed my cheek. “Do you want to come with me or do you want to watch cartoons for a minute?”



“Daddy.” Cheek kisses and sitting tall. “Helper.”

Daddy squished his lips together. “You’re my helper, huh? Thank you.”

“Welcome.” More kisses. Kenzie said kisses were cute. “Good helper.”


