Merciless Protector Read Online Terri E. Laine

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 86240 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 431(@200wpm)___ 345(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

As the assholes took hold of the girls, I willed the team to be here sooner.

“You,” Ruin said, pointing at me.

Men with guns had come into the room as the buyers filed out with every girl in tow except David’s sister.

“I don’t know you,” Ruin said when it was just the three of us besides the goons that still lined the walls.

In my head, I was counting time. The team should be here any second.

“My money is good, right?” I asked, sounding confident, with a hint of ego. Something he’d expect.

“True, but trust is important. You need to prove yourself. You’ll go into the room just outside this one and take her virginity.”

I let out a dark chuckle. “I think I paid enough to do her where and when I want,” I said, my spine made of titanium.

“You’ll fuck her, or I’ll kill you and let my men have a go at her.”

Well fuck.



There was no mistaking the pleading in her eyes. Her fear was palpable, and I wanted to tell her it would be fine. Backup was on the way. Only so far, no one had come.

“What will it be?” Ruin, the sick bastard, asked.

She reached for my hand and took it. Her skin was soft, and she gave my hand a little squeeze.

I couldn’t find the words and bobbed my head.

“She likes you,” Ruin said, and there was a hint of jealousy in his tone. I didn’t take him for the type. To her, he said, “You know where to go, pet.”

She gave him a quick nod and began walking toward the opening to a hall deeper in the compound. It was a short trip as once we made it there, we turned quickly to the right and entered an open doorway a few steps to the left.

I surveyed the room as we walked in. There was only one exit. The one we’d come in. Two security guys had followed us and Ruin into the room. From the inconspicuous glances I dared to make, I noted they carried AK-47s and extra magazines on their belts.

My focus had been on egress and not the looming canopy bed in the center of the room with gauzy fabric that seemed ridiculous, given this auction wasn’t in any way romantic.

Tayla led me to the bed before letting go of my hand and scooting to the middle of the covered mattress.

I tried to convey with my eyes that she didn’t have to do this. Somehow, someway, I would come up with a plan.

The sounds of the AKs cocking caught my attention. I glanced at Ruin, whose left brow rose in question. I turned back to Tayla, who held out a hand to me. Buying time, I crawled slowly onto the bed.

“I don’t have all night,” Ruin finally said, sounding bored.

Tayla's countenance was fraught with apprehension. I didn’t know if it was because of me, Ruin and his men, or both. I loathed the notion that she was frightened because of me. My intentions were just the opposite. As I crept forward, I said, “Get under the covers.” I’d spoken quietly, but the room was devoid of sound. I might as well have yelled.

Though she wasn’t naked, I didn’t want the men seeing her on the bed. The outfit she wore did little to hide her curves. She drew her legs up to her chest and quickly moved to get under the covers. I’d hoped the cavalry would have arrived by now, but nothing. I made the mistake of glancing at my watch.

“See,” Ruin tsked. “I don’t think you’re here for the right reasons. If you think you sent a bat signal or something, you’d be wrong. Once the auction was over, we turned the jammers back on. Any signal you think you sent went nowhere.”

I wanted to snarl out that he was right from pure frustration. But I chose different words when I spoke. “I checked my watch because you are wasting my time. I had plans for this one in the privacy of my dungeon. Instead, you are forcing me to give you a show.”

He sneered with a half grin and lifted a hand in my direction. “Well, get on with it, or my men will.”

The “please” that came as a whisper from Tayla’s lips snapped my head back in her direction. As a tear spilled down her cheek, I wanted to reassure her. But how could I? Yes, our plan included my guys coming in if they didn’t get my signal. However, there was time built into that. We didn’t know how long the process might take before Ruin and anyone else had compromised themselves enough to prosecute. That time was longer than Ruin was giving me.

“Please,” she whispered again. “Better you than them.”

“You’re not convincing me,” Ruin snapped.

I glared at him before moving under the covers and positioning myself over her. I leaned down and pretended to kiss her neck as I whispered, “Trust me,” ever so softly. I wasn’t sure she even heard.


