Meet Your Match (Kings of the Ice #1) Read Online Kandi Steiner

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Kings of the Ice Series by Kandi Steiner

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 104081 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 520(@200wpm)___ 416(@250wpm)___ 347(@300wpm)

The last bit of my good sense hanging on was screaming as loud as it could for me to remember what I’d just been feeling in the car ride home, to remind myself who I was playing with here. But the screams were like the buzz of a fly — annoying, and then something I could ignore altogether because my heart was humming so much louder.

Vince read right through me, something shifting in him, too.

I didn’t mean to do it, but I didn’t have a choice.

It was a green light.

His forehead met mine on a sigh, one hand sliding to palm my throat, while the other ran the length of my body and hooked my hip.

“I thought I could be patient,” he said, his breath warm on my lips. “I thought I could wait it out, wait you out, but I can’t.”

He pulled back, but held me close to him as his fingers splayed over my neck. He lifted that hand until his thumb could run the length of my bottom lip, and I just stood there and let him touch me, trying not to black out from the rush of adrenaline surging through me.

The elevator dinged, the doors opening, my last chance to escape.

I let them close.

Vince’s eyes smoldered when I didn’t smart mouth him, when I didn’t shove him away, when I didn’t bolt for that elevator. His breath was as shallow as mine, and I focused on that hollow point in his throat as he unhooked my hip.

In the next breath, that hand was up and under my dress, cupping me as I gasped and let my head fall back against the wall.

“Look at me,” he husked.

It took all my effort to do what he said, to look into his eyes as he rubbed his palm up and then down, slowly firing me to life like only he could. I wanted to fight it, and I didn’t even know why. I wanted to clamp my knees together and walk away and tell him to go fuck himself.

But my body was a traitor, and I felt myself spread for him — thighs opening, beckoning for more.

The corner of his mouth twitched, the small smile of victory.

“There’s my girl,” he said, toying with the seam of my panties. My eyelids fluttered, but I kept my focus on him, on where his eyes were dancing more and more as I let him in. “There’s my fucking girl.”

When he teased me with just the tip of one finger brushing through my wetness, I sighed, his name rolling off my tongue without permission.


“What is it, pet? What do you want to say?”

I rolled my lips together, fighting against the full body tremor that racked through me when he palmed me again, harder this time, rubbing me with the friction needed to start the fire I wasn’t sure ever stopped burning from the first night he touched me.

I whimpered, melting into him, and he took my weight greedily.

“Say it,” he whispered in my ear, his fingers toying with me under my dress, tuning me like an instrument only he could play.


The word leaked out of me like air from a dying balloon, and the smile on Vince’s lips curled up even more.

“Please what.”

“Touch me,” I moaned, wrapping my arms around his neck as I mounted him. “Take me.”

He captured that plea with a passionate, demanding kiss, one that stole my breath and what was left of my resolve all at once. His tongue met mine, his hands holding my ass as I writhed against him, desperate for that friction he’d given me with his hand.

The rubber band snapped.

I was off the wall before I could register it, Vince still kissing me hard as he swiped my bag from the floor and carried both it and me down the hall.

“I told you so,” he grumbled against my lips.

“Excuse me?”

He bit my lip, sucking it between his teeth on a grin. “That the next time I touched you, you’d be begging me to.”

I didn’t have time to scoff or pin him with a remark of my own before he set me on my feet in front of my door, digging through my bag until he found the ring of keys I’d thrown in there.

“Unlock that door,” he said, dangling them between us before he dropped them into my hand. “And then get on your fucking knees.”

Say Please


She was such a good fucking girl.

As soon as the door was unlocked, Maven shoved through it, pulling me in with her. I slung her bag into the corner of the foyer, following where she led me into her living room.

Then, she released my hand, and dropped to her knees just like I’d asked.

It was my first time in her place, one that looked so much like mine, and then again, nothing like it. Hers was smaller, bland, filled with furniture and artwork that was no reflection of who she was. I made a mental note to ask her to take me home — to her real home — as soon as possible.


